End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Ok, so it has to be non-instanced on top of being solo and offer progression to gear unlike Tier set and special gear that grants you more DPS than Mythic raiders. But it can’t be WQs, not actual questing either.

Of course we don’t. You come in here vaguely asking to “stop the war on solo players” with the OP and crew. A war that doesn’t exist.

So little to explore that you don’t have a single Exploration achievement even done for Shadowlands besides fly around the zones to unlock the map. You have no real exploration achievements done for BfA either. No treasures, no rare kills, no nothing.

2 weeks is way more than enough time to even get into ZM. Maybe instead of leveling 4 toons, you should have partaken in the content with the 1st ?

Like you come in here, demanding more content, you haven’t even played Shadowlands. You haven’t even tried Dragonflight.


Who the hell asked for gear that does more dps than Mythic raiders? People are just wanting more progression outside of dungeons and raids. Nobody anywhere has asked for anything near mythic level for it.


No one, yet that’s what Cypher gear is.

Cypher gear is progression. You never answered me what you did with Visions in BfA ? That was a solo progression path, up to 470 ilvl gear when Mythic Raids dropped 475.

But it’s there and been there. Did you partake in it ? If not, why not ?

What is it you actually want to do and what ilvl do you think it should give ?

I didnt play in BfA so I didnt do anything then. But this isnt about me in particular, again Im just adding my voice to what other people are asking for. Obviously if I want something I’ll go get it even if I have to suffer through a group to get it.


You are joking, right? cypher gear caps out at normal raid ilvl at the most, no way that is doing more DPS then mythic raiders, unless mythic raiding is full of those that do the bare minimum and get by just because they are in a “mythic” guild.

Hmm, maybe that is the issue, there are baddies in mythic raids that are afraid of getting replaced if there is a progression path outside of mythic raiding. I am not saying mythic raiding is easy, it likely is not, but at the same time solo/world content does not have to be easy for those that want a challenge.


It’s not the ilvl, it’s the effects.

In Zereth Mortis, that gear absolutely destroys.

The guy doing 60k single target on the world boss ? Cypher gear.

The baddies are people who don’t read tooltips on gear to figure out that ilvl isn’t always king.

Like Benthic gear in EP. Remember that ? Maybe next time think before you call more informed people “baddies”.

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Of course I can. It was solo content. Actually, it wasn’t achievable at all with a group, since it required a solo 5 mask run.

Corruption is one of the most beloved systems to ever come out of WoW. People have fond memories of how broken it was, which made it super fun.

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Sounds like sour grapes to me. It was solo content you could engage with at your own pace.

i miss Visions. they were so much fun


Oh, I remember, but I also remember the complaints about how Benthic gear was BiS for EP. I was on the train that said the effects of Benthic gear should not be active in raid.

Alright, but are those effects active in raid like they were with Benthic in EP I don’t think so, so what is wrong with people wanting to have the best gear for the content they do? or to have a progression path for said gear so it keeps getting easier and easier, and maybe opens up the door to harder content (not group content per se) for them?

I did not call more informed people baddies, I called the ones that make the connection “better solo/world gear for solo/world content=/=better gear for raiding/M+/etc”

Also, there is a little idea that the one doing 60k single target on a world boss is one that is doing all that they can, if mythic raiders did their full rotation and everything, they might be doing 120k or more. So who is the baddie here? the solo/world content player that is using their class to their maximum potential and making the most of the gear they do get or the mythic raider that shrugs it off due to it not being a raid and comes in lower DPS because they are, more or less, AFKing the fight?

To put it one way:
People may be asking to do more DPS then mythic raiders in world/solo content but they are not asking to do such in group content
the ones I am calling baddies would be the ones that are like: “you just want to do more DPS then mythic raiders” without a qualifier of the content being done.

If someone’s ego is so fragile that someone doing more DPS then them, in content they don’t really focus on, hurts them, then maybe they need to step back.

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Yeah and they didn’t repeat the mistake with Cypher gear. It works in ZM though. Just not in Sepulcher.

But boy does it work in ZM.

Alright, good to have you on board.

Of course you did.

Cypher gear is better in ZM than Mythic raid gear, that’s a fact.

A fact you’ll have to live with.

If people want to play solo in a multiplayer game, let them.

They’ll find plenty of things to do by themselves, because they just don’t have the social skills to interact with others.

If I was playing by myself I’d be picking herbs, crafting things, doing pet battles and achievements. Relaxing, fun things.

If they want to have no interaction with others then gear score is irrelevant. You can down legacy bosses practically naked if you wanted to.

The OP is a deluded individual who wants to compare themselves with people that actually play the intended content of the game, but do none of the cooperation, tolerance, politeness, sacrifice, strategy, scheduling, and other social necessities for grouping with others.

I agree with other posters. The OP should appreciate what they’ve been given, or play a different game.

P.S. I hope Blizzard ignores posts like this, because if they make WoW a solo player game it’ll be ruined completely. The people you meet and hang with are what makes this game fun.

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people like the OP would be content if they removed all the content from the game except solo, so they could be top (in nothing that’s even competitive.)

People don’t “deserve” gear

I don’t even deserve gear.


and, at most, people are just asking for that and a way to make it even better for ZM, like why can’t they do 120k single target against the world boss?

It also does not help that, aside from ones like you, most fall back on the ilvl argument, hence my comment on the baddies, but why should it matter if players that only do ZM get gear that is just as good, or better, for ZM if they don’t take that gear elsewhere or anyplace they will be up against group content players in group content?

To put it bluntly:
ZM runners: we want gear that ameks ZM easier for us, we don’t care about raiding or such
others: you want the gear, do the content
ZMR: we do the content that should reward the gear we are after, gear that is made for the content e do just progressing farther

Keep in mind, I am one that has been promoting things like bonuses that are only active in certain content, even if it is just higher ilvl for that content.

People like you misconstrue arguments because actually reading and comprehending is too hard.


It’s already massively better for ZM. What you want is in the game.

People like you misconstrue arguments because actually reading and comprehending is too hard.

There’s tons of stuff to do in the game but because they aren’t the pinnacle, they aren’t good enough for the OP. Somehow they must be blessed with greater than normal raid gear for simply logging in.

At least, the M+ vs Raid debate is more interesting since there’s rating to compete for. But solo? lol.

Bring in competitive visions/torghast or something.

The folks who make these threads never do that kind of content. Even though it’s exactly what they ask for.

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yea, most don’t actually want to play the game. Just want more gear for… heroics? The OP did say how past expacs were better because of badges lol.

The folks who make these threads could very well be the ones that would do such if they were put in but who says loudmouths that don’t derail the conversation with the “too hard” or “too long” complaints?

Just as a note: I have the mad world FoS for visions, I’d love harder solo content to do, either a s a way to push myself or as a way to supplement the gear I get from M+ and raids.

The OP could very well be one that woudl do such, but there is too much of a tendency to lump all solo players into one massive group when, just loke group players, there is a range of what they want.

For those interested, do a search in this topic for posts with my name and you might see the OP in a different light.