End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

I’ve obviously been doing the content as I was able to run and get 3 of 4 pieces for my set bonus as soon as I was made aware. Just because Im not aware of every system in place doesn’t mean Im not doing things. This expansion had more systems than it did casual friendly content lol


It is time to end the war on solo gameplay!


I honestly don’t know why these people have such an issue with us wanting a path outside these mythic runs


Horrific Visions in 8.3 was a nice way to get upgrades playing solo. A 5 mask run rewarded a 470 piece. I think that was not too far from what you could get at its highest and it was challenging content at the time. I don’t see why future WoW patches/expansions couldn’t incorporate something equivalent to that.


No one suggested a solution. All these is … solo “stuff” that can’t take too long, or be too hard.

Solutions have been offered, they just get drowned out/buried.

A lot of that is people have this idea that any one who wants good gear from solo content must want it fast and easy. While there are players that do want that, treating all solo players like that is what they want would be akin to saying elitists/raiders just want as big a gap between them and those that don’t do their content eve if it kills the game.


I cant speak for anybody else but when I think solo content I think non instanced stuff out in the world I can just jump in and engage with whether its just me or the other 15 people doing the same such as world bosses for example. They could add more stuff like that, or they could add solo scenarios, or a number of other options Im not smart enough to think of. The point is a lot of people dont enjoy instanced content with other people. Being told “you’re playing wrong” “you arent good enough” or things like that is very grating and we just want to have fun.


world content can’t provide superior rewards if someone comes along, it’ll just be cake. Like world bosses zerged down.

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Thats the thing, nobody has even asked for mythic equivalent gear, the most Ive seen was someone asking for normal difficulty level gear but oh lord you’d think we were asking for the skies to rain down treasure upon us. And yeah world quests can drop that but I think people want more engagement than the cycling world quests. We really do want to work for things, we just want to do it on our own outside of an instanced group.


Well that’s basically what everyone got in 9.0-9.2 and plenty of people complained that it wasn’t high enough, took too long, etc.

I think the normal ilevel for open world is a pretty generous point, (probably should be LFR level given the difficulty) but if they added additional levels via some more challenging stuff, that seems reasonable IMO.

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But again, that’s kinda the point : you aren’t even aware of the content and rewards available, yet you ask for more, without exploring.

You have one, you didn’t even know about it until I pointed it out.

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Adding a set bonus to gear I already had is not some engaging solo content I have yet to run. Bottom line everyone has different reasons and experiences but obviously there are more than a few people that want more options for non instanced content outside of cycling world quests and I dont understand why thats such an issue for people like you that enjoy running your mythics. Nobody is asking for the removal of anything so I dont get why it bothers you that people want more.


Big gear upgrades? No. But wanting players to get no gear upgrades whatever means you expect them to continue to pay to develop your pet content while you fully intend that they will never be able to get the gear needed to move up into content of higher difficulty.

If you think wanting to dramatically reduce the number of paying customers is a strategy for making a videogame more successful, you have failed at understanding how entertainment works.


You don’t have 4 piece yet, so obviously there’s still some left to do.

You also had 0 cypher gear equipped, yet using Cypher gear, you can do DPS higher than even Mythic raiders can against Zereth Mortis Rares. Maybe farm some of that gear too ?

You don’t have the Mad World Feat of Strength. Why not ? That was solo content that wasn’t just World quests ? How many masks did you manage in Visions solo ?

You don’t have your Mawsworn Charger from Flawless Master 12. 12 isn’t that high of a floor on Torghast. That’s solo content that’s not WQs. Neither do you have the Corridor Creeper mount from 18 floor Torghast or your Colossal Ebonclaw from Jailer’s Gauntlet. Again, both solo content.

Like at some point, there’s so much solo content you don’t do, do you not ask yourself why Blizzard doesn’t put in more ?


You write as though you are a collector who thinks that everybody who isn’t willing to collect all the things is doing life wrong.

I hate videogame tribalism.


So you’re not willing to collect, WQs aren’t good enough, neither are Rares. You don’t want to explore. You don’t want to farm Sandworm Relics. No single player instances like Visions or Torghast. Loremaster isn’t even finished.

Yet you want more content. What more content ? It’s literally all there.

All of these are solo content yes, but they are not addressing people’s request for a non instanced progression path which is what most people have been asking for.


Look man, I’m a filthy casual who does their fair share of solo content, but I mean, why do you even need gear upgrades if all you do is solo? Gearing is for overcoming the actual difficult content. Run some M+, host your own keys if your a DPS, have some group fun. Nothing saying you have to be hardcore about it. This post seems overly dramatic and nerd-rage-y.

Im not here to say “you know what? Im never going to run group content, gimme stuff.” Obviously there are a lot of people out there who would like a more solo progression path and Im here to back them up because it would be nice to have more options.


You don’t know me. You don’t know how I play. That means this statement is nothing but a lie.

This one is also a lie, though there is precious little to “explore” in recent expansions.

I leveled up my first 4 characters to 60 2 weeks ago with the free offer. THEY ARE NOT LETTING ME GO TO ZERETH MORTIS YET. Yet I already have Sinrunner Blanchy and Endmire Flyer. Stop making up lies to make yourself feel superior.

Collecting is for people who like to collect, just as pet battles are for people who like pet battling. The fact that you think everybody should do content they’re not interested in doing to make you feel like you can control them is just you unintentionally showing everybody the real you - a control freak who can never impose your will on enough people, who lives to be toxic.

I can collect things without feeling that everybody else is doing life wrong. You might want to try that sometime.

Oh, look, I have almost twice as many pets as you. You don’t have Endmire Flyer. What’s wrong with you?