End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

lol. welfare gear in those expacs never amounted to much.

Crazy this thread is still going on, there is no war on solo players… yall just don’t wanna do content and are upset you don’t get the gear from said content.

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It made me happy gearing up all my alts. MoP Valor was the best.

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and since badges are in play, then that’s what mythic plus is for. And, it’s not solo.

MOP had an expansion long quest chain that HEAVILY discouraged alts.

M+ is not queue-able and spammable like how Heroic dungeons were at the end of Wrath and during MoP. This is a big barrier to entry for some players.

They did hotfix some changes to make certain steps quicker, such as making quest items drop in raids not originally intended, but yes it still took months.

However, I had a lot of fun going through each chapter and raid on a few different alts. MoP 5.2 (Throne of Thunder) was probably my favorite patch of all time.

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and yet when automated queue systems are in place, people complain if it actually requires them to do anything (LFR) for example.

Just take out the gameplay, and have Blizzard mail everyone gear. Permanent PTR realm let’s go.

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Why is it exactly you guys keep saying that solo/casual players have never had any interaction with other human beings and refuse to suck up to you as you think they should be required to?

Casuals want to play with their friends. There is no content in the game for them to play with their friends. It isn’t their fault that people like you try to require them to attempt to play with those who, like you, despise them and push the idea that they are socially inept and have never had friends.

Putting together a winning esports team is nothing like having real friends.

I have never seen so many complaints as I have in this expansion from lazy self-declared elites who think their position on some ladder entitles them to get every rare mount in the game on their first attempt.


There is plenty of content for them to do with their friends. They just don’t want to do the existing content… and wanna complain about it. Not wanting to do the content and not having content are two different things.

Sounds like what they want.

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this is gonna light the world on fire, but i feel like you’re correct in this statement.


Sounds like strawman. The loot rate people want has very little to do with what kind of content people want. Mythic+ and progression raid is great if you like it. Some don’t like it. There’s more reason to not like it than you want a different rate of loot or type of loot or way of getting loot. It’s not related. The loot is arbitrary.

Group content in WoW is so contentious because it is where everyone is pushed whether they want to be there or not. It makes the general mood of the game and community very bad. WoW doesn’t need to be this way. The reason to do a loot system that serves more parts of the community is to be able to continue having a community. WoW is in a death spiral from not fixing basic problems for 18 years. The thing you replied to and your reply were the same crap Susan was spamming on here 15 years ago. It’s nothing to do with reality. Play how you like to play, why do you want to be dragged down by people who don’t want to play with you?


but we can’t go back in time and progress backwards.

And I think that we absolutely cannot go back in time and do the “simple” fights anymore, or the “simple” content.

I’m not saying it’s right or wrong, or more fun or less fun, but at this point we have no choice but to engage in that content.

Torghast called, and people hated it.

That’s kinda the issue then isn’t it.

Asking for more content and rewards, when you haven’t really explored the content and rewards that do exist.

Which is a common theme in everyone of these “Solo player” threads.

Yes there is.

Torghast, Mythic+, Arenas, leveling.

Well look at that, no Mad World Feat of Strength.

This is my shocked face (no it’s not).

That’s not even close to true. All 3 endgame pillars can be done by casuals and their friends.

No one says everyone has to like or even engage in M+ and raiding.

We’re telling you that this is the most successful MMO in history, and that the best rewards have always come from the hardest content, and in an MMO; that means group content.

I’d like to see your source that WoW is in a death spiral when all estimates show WoW housing more players than any other MMO on the market.

Then I’d like to point out to you that the moment Blizzard began implementation of systems that allowed people to bypass traditional MMO gameplay (CRZ, LFG, LFR) is the moment subs started to decline.

WoW doesn’t need to be made with the idea of solo players in mind. It’s an MMO, so you can be reasonably expected to engage in group content at a fairly frequent pace because this is an MMO; and if you don’t like that sort of thing you are playing the wrong game.

Right, because solo players have absolutely no interest in challenging game modes. The moment they discovered they could fail in Torghast, the wailing and gnashing of teeth were cacophonous on the GD.

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I don’t think you read what OP said then…

It is about gear and called it “gear-gating” because the top notch gear isn’t “accessible to solo-players” there is no lack of content to do, unless you’ve done everything already. OP clearly hasn’t done any of the content. If he doesn’t like the content, who’s fault is that? Blizzard to a degree but it’s also on him and other players that don’t like it. You don’t have to like all the content in the game… but if you want the gear, you gotta do the content. I personally do not believe they should change that… and I have done almost nothing since Nathria AOTC, a few mythic+'s and some arena… mostly just BGs and AFKing in town while playing something else.

I also swear y’all don’t know what a strawman is.

If WoW used to be so good for solo players, well, they re-released the WoW of old with Classic.

Go play that and tell us how solo player friendly it was.

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Wrong, some of the wailing and gnashing of teeth was due to you elitists complaining that Torghast would be required for more then just your legendaries. A lot of you seem to want to push solo/casual players into your content yet the moment you are “required” to do content that is more for solo or casual players you complain abotu it and help, with the aid of the bad solo/casual players that can’t stand a challenge, get it nerfed for those that dabble in all content or want the challenge. Maybe there would not be as much of an issue if Blizzard took a look at both the extreme sides and was like “ok, both of these groups are unhappy, maybe we found the right compormise for the bulk of our player base”

Here is another thing, few, if any, who are arguing in good faith, are arguing for the best gear to come from non group content.

Correct me if I am wrong, but the best gear is mythic raid, right? so answer me this:
If people are willing solo content to be capped at normal raid, are they wanting the best gear?
If people are willing to have solo gear be capped at heroic, are they wanting the best gear?

If people are arguing for mythic level gear from solo play, I’d likely tell them to do the content that awards such. However, a lot of what I have seen is capping it at heroic at the highest, maybe taking a whole patch to get that high, as well as ideas like awarding gear for those pushing solo instanced content, like say Torghast, with gear that allows them to push farther or do better in it. One example of the latter would be gear that has either a higher item level in Torghast or bonus effects (maybe baked in anima powers) that are only active in Torghast

Mythic level gear should only be obtainable by group content, be it raid, M+ or PvP, anything below that should be achievable by those who have the time and/or skill to do challenging content that may or may not require a group

Gear might not have been the best outside of raiding or PvP but for solo play, well:
you could level almost all the way soloing
there were events like the opening of AQ that solo players could take part in by gathering materials to hand int
there were the PvP objectives in the world that you could be solo doing but also wind up in a mass of people even if you were the only member in your party

The thing is classic WoW was solo friendly if only for the idea that there was content to do that provided either a challenge, a reward that might or might not be gear or just the feeling that they were part of the world.

I think some solo players would be happy with that last one, maybe a reward for participating, but give them a chance to feel like they are a part of the world of warcraft, even if it is just something like contributing to a war effort (war of shifting sands/scourge event) or being able to make what might be a difference to the situation.

Maybe it is time to disconnect the content from rewards for the solo player argument, not that the rewards should not matter, but as long as loot/rewards are the focus, instead of saying engaging and feeling like a part of the world, the argument will always devolve into people thinking that solo players just want “the best gear from trivial content”.

While gear is part of the issue, it is not the only part, and maybe some of the arguments would become less of an issue if the content was fun even if the rewards are, well, trash. Kinda like solo players want to have fun and be rewarded, but maybe it is time to see if they will take fun over gear, since the gear arguments always run into the same issues.

Bottom line for the argument should be: have fun to get rewarded, don’t require rewards to have fun.


Torghast was rather pointless as higher progressions required higher gear levels, which you DIDN’T get from farming Torghast beyond crafting materials for legendaries. It was basically just fluff filler.