End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

I’d be all for that tbh… The chromie time leveling through expansions you pick also is bad because on the 2nd zone you’re already 45+ lvl and haven’t seen much the expac had to offer.

We need levels slown down or a way to lock yourself into an expac you like to play, forever. It’d bring life to older areas with people and communities locking alts to those areas and doing content within them.

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Not exactly. I actually like fast leveling for alts. But the alts will need solo gear progression at max level for me to keep playing.

If you are not an instanced group content player, meaningful character progression is important whether it happens at max level or not.


This is really all that needs to be said. Everyone talks about the declining subs, but WOW didn’t start losing subs until around CATA, which is when the game started getting made easy for the solo only players. Raids had to get made into different levels because players said the one raid was “too hard.” Then LFR had to be created because organizing was “too hard” (in reality they just wanted a quae that wouldn’t check their gear and experience) Leveling was made easier because players said it was “too hard.” So now leveling is a snooze fest that can be done within a few days. Soloers complained about best gear being locked behind raids so now you can get normal raid level gear just by doing WQ. And yet it still isn’t enough which is why I think Blizzard should stop catering to these players who need to stick to single player games.


You say this, and are arguing that the existing systems don’t exist, yet you are still posting on the forums. Which is only possible with an active subscription.

That makes no sense since only group players were getting gear to make it easier.

I hear this constant complaint about raiders feeling the need to do mythic plus. Well the same goes for soloers and group content.

Why group content is the only thing worth getting decent gear is a mystery to me.

I hear fans of mythic plus dont want to be forced to raid. But then somehow people think its invalid if solo players dont want to be forced into group content for any decent progression like we had before.

Also group content gets constsnt nerfs. And it doesn’t get rid of the rewards. The nerfs make it easier to do the encounters thus get loot.


Cata endgame was hard mode compared to Wrath, because elitists had complained about how easy content was and how easy it was to gear up.

LFR had to be created because raiding participation rates dropped to dismally low levels during Cata, and it was getting harder to justify developing them as WoW’s main content. Devs have openly admitted this.

If Normal organized raiding was so easy, participation rates would have been higher and we never would have needed LFR.

Or is it possible that leveling was made faster just to funnel more players into endgame content, which is cheaper to develop considering time played vs. asset cost?

That is not possible in live WoW 9.2.7 today, and might not be possible in DF without crafting.

The existence of solo-friendly (yet inferior) progression options in no way prevents group players from doing the content that they enjoy.


Because in the current state of the game, group content is the only thing difficult enough to warrant giving decent gear.

I am not against the concept of there being solo content that awards good gear. I am against the concept of content giving gear beyond the effort required to get it, or completely replacing skill with time (which world gear does compared to normal raid or M+5s)

Which was quickly rectified by the next expansion because god forbid you have to actually use your brain in a raid.

Devs have openly admitted to regretting putting it in the game.

B.S Normal raids are easy, they just don’t come with a que because god forbid players are checked to be sure they can actually pull their weight in a raid.

If it was for time played metrics it would have made more sense to keep the open world difficult since back then it took a lot longer to level.

Yeah, god forbid you have to actually raid in order to get raid gear. Blizzard is so mean.

You had that this whole expansion. Yet still you complain. This is what I was talking about.

You may not like dragonblight then with the new crafting system.

Time definetly has a factor in gearing there.

Normal raids are flex raids. Thats friends and family tailored difficulty.

Why you think solo content cant surpass that?

Arguably pve gear is easier to get then pvp gear for example.

You can say pve gear is more skillful in some way yet it gets less ilvl.

Not really buying those arguements.

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You’re not getting the point. It’s not that difficult solo content can’t exist, it’s that it currently doesn’t.

If blizzard wants to add new difficult solo content, and make that give gear, good. more power too them.

but none of the gear rewarding solo content in the game is currently difficult.

And if it did, the same people complaining would just say “It’s tailored for the 1%”

Um mage tower? Torgast when undergeared? Horrific visions? Brawlers guild? Path of Ascension.


That’s why it doesn’t. Hence when I mentioned the possibility of it being added, a specifically asked them to not nerf it.

doesn’t drop gear, cosmetic only. If they wanted to add gear to the mage tower on a weekly lockout, that would be cool.

If you have to specify “when undergeared”, is it really hard?

Were fine in BFA S4, but also not current.

has never given gear, and is not currently available.

Do you even play your character in that? and is it actually hard or just buggy?

ok lets not act like torghast is hard if ur 250 ilvl lmao let’s not be silly

Im not trying to down anyone but if your just killing world mobs and doing WQ and in general quests in the open world, achives and etc… why do you need high ilvls ? High ilvl are for progression

Also, the “historically low” part of the OP is objectively false.

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This is just my opinion but people do infact care about gear progression even if it’s not “needed”

this has nothing to do w/ me but yea i think that i can see why someone wants to prog their character


You play with 3 different gimmicky vehicles against 10 different bosses in different difficulty modes. The most difficult mode has a timer—your favorite feature!

It’s both buggy and hard. Some of the bugs actually help you, but it’s still hard.

Only an estimated 1-2% of the playerbase has attained the “Disciple of Humility”‘ achievement. I would like to see you try that without exploits. (Oh wait, you will just say it was too easy, just like you do everything else.)

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Its very easy if you have mythic plus gear. But its not an option if you play just solo. Like everytime I do mythic plus it gets easier because I get more gear. Almost like a ilvl progression would help nerf the content over time :thinking:

None of my toons even have that unlocked, as kyrian has never been bis (or even good) for the class/spec combo on a toon I cared about while I was playing it.

It could also be that something that is difficult for you is easy for me.