End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

bro it doesn’t matter people still wanna prog their character - like that’s the thing

regardless if they “need” the gear it doesn’t matter because they want to prog their character

we complain about class fantasy on the forums, we see it all day. but the one time that we can actually get immersed in the content we’re being told it’s not “prog” according to who? you?

im literally better than every single one of you and i still would love to be able to prog alts regardless of if u think it’s “prog” or not. people want to push their characters and feel powerful.


Here’s the thing: At 252, with ZM gear bonuses, 4set, and double legendary, I feel incredibly powerful in the open world.

Well i mean i can say i want mythic raid gear even tho i cant have it … dosent give me the right to say hey listen why dont you guys give me mythic raid gear from doing quests

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yes but that’s not the point bro

like this is 100% subjective when it comes to gearing.

people want to feel stronger as they progress, whether that’s with m+ or open world content.


And they can. It’s just that different content has different power caps, which OP is fine with. (See:

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Yeah no for sure. I’m sorry if I came off a bit strong - but realistically most people just want to feel their character getting stronger, whether that’s with m+ or open world / torghast like there’s a million things here.

People that play casually want to feel progression in one way or another - regardless if they actually “need” the gear

i could sit on the forums and argue all day about why u dont need 280 gear for zm / open world farming. but who am i to say that


Well, If you actually need 280 ilvl to quest in ZM, you have bigger gameplay issues TBH.

(for context: I was able to do chapter 4 of the campaign with no poccopoc, soulbinds, conduits, legendaries, or tier at 145 ilvl)

I agree - but imagine someone who just plays the game for 2 hours a day.

They log in, do some xmog runs - and that feels like prog to THEM. That’s progression that you cannot take away. Why are we judging what their form of prog is?


Path of ascension is like one of the least completed achievements of all covenants. Its solo play but vehicle. It is difficult though. Not that many people had completed it last time I checked.

Last time I checked the parameters scaled with item level too.


I swear like some of u know what im talking about when it comes to feeling like u are progging ur character just by doing xmog runs / mount runs / zm farming.

Like it’s the same thing as me progging in a huge key - they wouldn’t think that what I’m doing is fun but u know what?

I’m having fun with what I do. And I would never want to take away someone’s “fun” from wow even if it’s just open world farming.


That is exactly what would happen. Too many times I’ve seen players on these forums whine up a storm when a new patch gets released because they can’t mow everything down like Rambo. No, what they really want is high level gear for easy content.

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i just want more people to enjoy the game

azeroth is a big world with a lot of fun available - why would i ever put down someone’s content of choice because it’s not what i deem as “acceptable”


I have broken down the numbers before for people that want facts instead of putting on some Magneto helmet that blocks out any information that doesn’t support their narrative.

Note: Non-raiding gearing sources were higher in iLvl by comparison back when there was only one, two, or three raid difficulties as opposed to today’s four.

I never said that it was difficult for me in particular, just too difficult for the general playerbase.

I have no doubt that you could finish the Disciple achievement if you put your mind to it. But if you called it easy afterwards, that would be pure hubris.

This is exactly it. No one would play an MMO without expecting to feel some sort of progress.

Elitists also enjoy power progression and expect gear rewards, but they think the laws of the universe don’t apply to lesser beings and lesser content.

I have only ever seen a couple of players suggest the idea of getting max-level gear from solo content, and even then they conceded that it should naturally take much longer than group content.

Yes. But in Season 4 and DF Beta, solo and open world players have no lane at all. The Storm Sigil gear only covers 11/16 slots and the currency requirement and iLvl comes off as a sick joke.

Devs have said that they are divorcing the open world from player power, and you can see that policy reflected in the game.


Open world content has always had an endpoint since the very beginning of this game. You quest in the open world until you are strong enough to handle more difficult content whether it is raids, pvp or now m+. Open world has never been an open ended system where you can gain higher gear level forever or on par with the top content.


I’m a living elitist. That’s me. I admit it - I live up to it. I always will. I’m better than everyone on the forums besides maybe sentenza.

I still will NEVER tell someone how to have fun in wow.


If people want solo play, play Diablo 3? It’s also by the same company.

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Or wait until Diablo 4, which looks pretty cool and is just around the corner.

D3 isn’t doing it for me. Diablo 4 might.

D3 is fleeting, bored too easily, rather do m+, yet theoretical infinite power progression (for foreseeable future.)

I’m the definition of someone who is an elitist - but i care about xmog. I care about open world content. I want people who play the game for two hours a day to have fun.

I want people to feel the good feeling that i get when i push a 24. i want that feeling for u. there’s just nothing in the game right now that gives that.


mage tower if it weren’t downscaled would be fun solo, but eh, pass on tinkering with gear to maybe get it.