End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Which doesn’t make them inherently right.

As a (virtually) full time open world player now (I’ll do normal and heroic dungeons and LFR very occasionally once Dragonflight is out) I would have no issue with timegating slightly better gear than could be otherwise achieved in open world play.

In fact, timegating better gear would work out perfectly for me, as I could do those (hopefully not too long) activities that get me a little closer to the next gear upgrade, and spend the rest of my time doing what I now prefer, soloing old xpac content on my main and my alts.


The fair solution I see here - from years - is this: You have a choice to faster gearing by raiding, M+ etc with others or you may choose to gather the gear solo, but it will take a fair amount of time to do it. In addition solo effort would required some resources or other condition, but all achievable by solo play.

I really don’t understand what is preventing Blizz for copy-paste some already tested solutions, f. ex. from Elder Scrolls Online.
The difficulty and gear you get, scales with your level. That mean every Xpack’s gear there is viable. Different gear bonuses and balance? Well Zenimax could achieve it, so it’s worth to see how can they do it.
Missing TBC sets? You’re at max lvl? Here you are!


It’s clear why they don’t do it. Because WoW isn’t ESO. WoW has always had the identity of “endgame raiding and dungeons and PVP” and that’s it. The philosophy is simple: If you want the best gear, you have to do raiding or M+ OR rated PVP now for the few who do. WoW is not Skyrim, they have made it that clear. You are not going to run into a dungeon solo and get materials to craft dragonbone armor pieces. This is the magic of WoW and it should stay that way…that its a team-oriented game.

In another view, if there was such a method - us raiders and M+ would be forced to constantly grind to keep getting better gear through this method as well after we hit the weekly valor cap which would NOT be fun.

But here’s the question no solo player can answer me with a good answer…why do you solo players want the best gear in the game? What supposedly hard content are you doing that you require this? Is it because you just want to que into pvp with the max ilvl gear that you solo farmed? Because solo players don’t touch M+ or raids…so why do you need this gear we get? Do you want to be the same high ilvl as others just to feel like your not behind?

I’m very curious about the above…not being sarcastic or anything…trying to understand why solo players need said gear.

Look, if there’s other solo players arguing for BiS from open world solo questing then they’re being stupid. Most of us ( I hope) solo players aren’t asking for that - we’d just like to see a little more gear progression on offer that’s all.

No-one ought to expect BiS from solo play.


Like sandworm relic gear or cypher gear?

Because they have been handpicked to represent this niche.

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My main is using a green weapon and shield right now - so frankly I don’t much care about gear, but when Dragonflight comes out, I do plan on playing it (SL was boring as all get out), and so I hope there’s some way to slowly obtain better gear - certainly not BiS, as a former raider myself, I’d never expect solo content to even equal raid gear (unless it’s obtained over time and much slower than raiders can get it).


If it’s based on facts they are right.

If I tell you my opinion is 2+2=4 then that is my opinion based on facts.

Except there’s this to consider

Ahh yes. One non informed poster relating the opinion of another non informed poster.

The fact you even think this proves anything is actually hilarious.

It captures your methodology of trolling perfectly.

You have linked that post in enough irrelevant situations, it probably qualifies as spamming. It could also be against the rules of being a call out post, but not enough people have flagged them for one of the few, likely overworked mods to look at it.

I will refer you to this post if you have any questions about what I’ve said:

Pretty sure the passive aggressive conversations shared between the three of us could also be considered a bannable offence if we’re getting down to the nitty gritty.

Yet I’m not trolling. You calling me trolling because you can’t refute points doesn’t make me a troll.

Not really. I haven’t said anything that’s bannable.

That’d be up to the moderators if they did a serious in-depth investigation into players post histories.

I feel pretty good about saying that you don’t want that to happen.

I could say the same for you.

It’s just not in me to hit that far below the belt.

Destroying both of us to make sure I don’t win isn’t any way to fight.

It’s just another way of giving up.

Can we get a scoreboard for this stickied at the top of GD? Most bannable posts? Maybe get an achievement for having the most in a year without an actual ban.


Cancelled my sub a bit ago after playing FF14.

This game is just not good. It’s not modern, doesn’t have a community, it’s just a lobby space for M+ and Raiding with the leveling process sped up so fast it’s nuts.

Buddy of mine asked I play with him. I got a 60 Warrior and then he said we just do M+ and Raiding. I’m sorry but that’s not fun to me.

WoW needs new Devs in leadership who came up playing MMORPGs from 2010 onward. Having these devs so loyal to the old EQ model is nutty to me.