End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

It only took 3 posts on these forums before Snozh got first place in my Ignore List. I think you might find that easier, I certainly did.


I’m gonna be honest with you. iLvL 252 is amazing to do WC stuff on its own. It literally makes you feel like a god by itself, coupled with Blizz giving you free gear boxes when TW dungeon quest week, or Mythic dungeon quest week, or whatnot. Then on top of that we get 2 ilvl 290 legendaries to pair it with. With that said, there is literally no reason you need an ilvl higher than 252 to do WC other than “it sounds nice.” Having an ilvl 276 or 280 or what not is not gonna bring drastic gameplay changes to your world content. It does and is, however, necessary to boost Mythic gameplay, which is why it even exists in the first place.

Well, that’s why the Council Community was created, you can’t say that the forums can’t play a role in the performance and creation of video games, that’s ridiculous.

It is what, as the Concil Comunity was also created, a mere ignorance to the absolute community in the forums that wants the game to shine more.

And returning to the subject of Marketing Research, it really does the right thing but in the sense of an audience that THEY IMAGINE THEMSELVES, to an audience that is not the objective of their game, something that fails or denigrates a community that will never be the objective to another community that they will never consume their products, so those professional details that are experienced in the company are useless.

So you can’t ignore the forum, which also ignores you and you play in a game that will never be objective to your style of play unless you take meaningless politics in entertainment just because of your stupid tendency and ego of yours.

that what I would have said, is the real reason because those stupid oranges feel proud while Blizzard ignores the rest of the community that really has better ideas for the devs in the experience and development of the game as well as giving it a better narrative to the lore of the game, well just some help.

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The Community Council members are great as individual players. Perhaps WoW could periodically send them private surveys asking them what they think about certain features of the game, to get feedback?

But there are at least 3 major issues with the Community Council:

Members were cherry-picked by Blizzard. Players were prioritized that don’t seem to rock the boat with their public comments and content and are more than likely to accept whatever WoW devs decide. Hardcore raiders were also prioritized in a higher proportion than the actual WoW playerbase.

The Community Council has its own forum which non-members cannot participate in other than give likes. This leads to a situation where game devs can look only to the CC forum for consensus and feedback, and ignore any other forums entirely.

Because of the status of being a Community Council member (which is quite obvious due to the gold font), members generally feel like they can’t be too negative or critical of the game, so you are less likely to hear their true opinions. I, for example, would never have started a post like this if I were a CC member, but would have merely suggested some minor improvements that no one could really disagree with.

WoW is not a democracy, and it might not even be good for the game to just do whatever players tell you to do. But when you have hundreds or thousands of players on your general forums protesting how covenant, flying, or any other features are handled, you need to consider the fact that maybe game design decisions are causing players to leave.

Get feedback from CC members in a format that allows them to privately express their views. But also look to the general forums, actual players metrics, and survey responses from players who unsub.


That if I call to have a good observation.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the future of WoW and its expansion will only be seen in the future that results from DragonFlight.

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Bellular and other content creators have been praising every last thing that devs say about Dragonflight, but so far the only good decision I have seen is the return to a talent tree.

If devs have really learned their lesson, they need to apply that to 9.2.5 and SL Season 4 and not wait for DF to make the game better.

By keeping the 3 pillars and Great Vault, devs are making Dragonflight look like a watered down version of Shadowlands, kind of like how BfA was a watered down version of Legion. (We need Dragonflight to feel like going from WoD to Legion, not like going from Legion to BfA.)


but i love the game and not too keen on people lol

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The people are usually fine…. until forced to do challenging premade group content together for any semblance of power progression, and then the toxicity comes out because stakes are high and some people get frustrated.


They should start a war on removing systems t hat remove social interaction and increase group content. End solo gameplay in wow imo.

Retail has been trash ever since they implemented stupid systems like LFR and LFG the game doesnt even feel like a MMORPG now. You could replace every player in a dungeon or a LFR with a bot and you wouldnt even know that is how dead the social aspect of this MMORPG is.

If they implemented LFR\LFG in classic the same thing would happen to classic.

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3 MONTHS LATER. /thread :nerd_face:

That war already started with the launch of Shadowlands. And the main casualty is WoW’s subscriber numbers.

The largest demographic of players will simply have no endgame in Wrath without an automated Dungeon Finder.

For a couple of months, casual and solo players will enjoy leveling up and progressing through quests and the talent system. But pretty soon, Wrath will be comparatively vacant because it won’t have the single feature that allowed WoW to reach its historical subscriber peak.


Good thing this won’t be happening since you are wrong.


Full out disagree. Retail has had no community since the end of WOTLK. LFR\LFD and all the rest was a mistake. Wow has been dying since WOTLK literally no growth above WOTLK numbers and all of your casual stuff is the cause of it. I hope they throw the casuals out they can go play a single player game since they want to turn wow into one.

This is very sad. The Storm Sigil nerf is severe.

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I pug many mythic keystones compared to past seasons on all the classes. I have no desire to talk with pugs when we are busy doing a dungeon that is timed.

I have largely not used auromatic grouping. I dont agree with this.

You can maybe talk more in classic with the more waiting for group members to fly to the dungeon snd not be bothered by doing it in x anount of time.

If anything I would chat more in lfr or lfg groups. As there is almost no pressure in those scenarios

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Yes, the game started losing its population for the first time after Wrath, but Cata cheapening the leveling experience and overtuning Heroic dungeons was the cause of it. Solo players soon found themselves at max level without an enjoyable endgame. Guilds starting falling apart, and casual players didn’t have anyone to raid with.

You contradict yourself. You admit that the game losing players is bad, but want to see all the casuals go.

Game devs already tried what you are suggesting when Ion had his first expansion at the helm with WoD. When all the casual content was thrown out and the only PvE progression left was raiding, the game didn’t magically develop a community and regrow; it suffered such a player exodus that Blizzard had to stop publishing MAUs for WoW specifically.

An MMO can never be a single player game, even if it offers solo-friendly progression options.

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Why do you guys keep repeating that lie that solo players want the best gear in the game? Do you see everything as black and white, “the best gear in the game” vs “gear that you really deserve which isn’t even adequate for doing your content”? And nothing in between, nothing whatever that scales to difficulty?

That’s what people are asking for, the ability to earn gear upgrades that feel meaningful, even if you would spit on those as beneath you.

In BfA and Legion casuals and solo players were able to get upgrades from doing their content.


That’s how strawman arguments work. There is no logical way to argue against the idea that solo players should have some semblance of gear progression even if it takes longer or has a lower ceiling than any of the three pillars.

So the elitists have to create these fake arguments that are easy to dispute such as “solo players want the best gear for doing nothing” or “solo players don’t need gear to do the Mary Poppins world quest”, when no one would ever argue that gear rewards from easier content should be equal to gear rewards from difficult content, and when solo players do things other than the Mary Poppins world quest that do require better gear.

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Without doing the content… why should you get the gear? You gotta do the content to get the content level gear. You can’t gimp yourself outta content then say you want serious gear progression… that screams, “give me stuff without the effort of getting that gear”

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