End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

So flirt your way or give you gold to pay your sub?

So thats why you have the stance you do. You need the gold to pay your sub

I think “more than devs are willing to care about” is more accurate.

But to be fair, wow is an MMO - so it would make sense that they don’t care.

You keep changing the definition of normal raid gear to suit your agenda. You are also forgetting the world boss, who drops 259 in ZM.

I’m happily married so flirting will get you no where.

Nope. I haven’t sold any carry’s since heroic sod clears.

I buy a token every few weeks to pay for raid consumables.

0 for 3 want to try again?


how did this thread not just end right there?

Also the mage tower is more single player content than some entire single player games.

I’m not sure what you’re trying to say. The forums should play no role in marketing research to determine future planning.

Properly done this would require bringing in an outside company that specializes in constructing meaningful surveys. Blizzard would provide contact information for a large number of random subscribers, who would receive phone calls from the marketing research company asking them questions about how and why they play the game, the content they like and why they like it, and how they would feel about certain changes to the game.

Data obtained would be tabulated and broken down to reveal a lot.

But first they have to care about what customers think. And up until now it has been clear they don’t.

you clearly don’t even read what you write. you’ve repeatedly stated that this game isn’t for solo players, when it definitely is. not only because people enjoy playing it solo, but because Blizzard has intended it to be a complete and satisfying gaming experience for solo players from the start.

having said that, yes, solo player power progression cap relative to a grouped player power cap has varied over the years. but i don’t think most solo players care how they compare to each other (ie. i don’t care that pvp/raiders have an ilvl +30 over mine), i just want the sense of power progression through solo content to be as rewarding and satisfying as other content. and by that measure, these last two expansions have definitely been heading in the wrong direction. leveling, which is a primary component of solo play, had ZERO sense of progression in SL. old raids got harder. QoL items were taken away. etc etc.

in conclusion! the solo power progression experience has gotten better, expansion after expansion, until it peaked in Legion, and now that it’s falling, solo players are understandably worried about where the game is heading.


not even gonna read OP but loved the post and 100% already know i agree. i play this game 90% solo and hate how much content is gated behind groups. especially when the game still doesnt have a good system for finding group for lots of content outside of players spamming chat channels for hours.

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I think Torghast would have been perfect it just dropped gear. I hope they do something like it again, but actually put gear in it. Let it be a solo path to high item level, a challenging path, and one that doesn’t give the same items as raids/mythic+/pvp.


Not even what I said so please read what I said again.

I have no problem with solo players. My issue is when solo players demand bis gear or even heroic level gear for doing simple brainless content.

The irony considering SL is the most solo friendly expansion to date.

Stating them as fact does.

Im a total casual who dabbles in M+ the endgame system is fine IMO. If you truely are a SOLO ONLY player why do you need higher ilvl gear that compares to raiders or M+ players? To do your dailys? To do legacy content? No and no.

My opinions are based on facts

Well that’s rich coming from you.

for some reason, i dont know why i thought it was going to happen that we would have a way of doing current dungeons solo, wasent that talked about?

No definitions have been changed.

252 is lower Normal item level. But getting 252 in 12 out of 16 slots through open world gearing does not mean that you are raid geared and Normal SotFO is trivialized.

Normal raid gear from SotFO is 252 or 259 in all slots with every tier slot being free tier or at least convertible.

To get the tier bonus through open world content, you are at most going to be 252 in 8 slots and 246 in the other 8 slots.

So ZM gearing will get you halfway between higher LFR 246 and lower Normal 252.

You keep exaggerating ZM gearing to justify your agenda that solo, casual, and open world players are already getting too much and so shouldn’t be given any more.

to do battlegrounds and world pvp solo against people who have 20-40+ ilvl on you.

I am not aware of any mention of that by devs recently.

In MoP, we got the scenarios feature where teams of 3 (even all DPS) could queue for content together for Valor and/or gear rewards. Moving forward, these could have been made to be scalable for solo players, but after MoP we got the WoD expansion where Ion’s team decided to scrap WoW’s every last system or feature except raids.

In SL, we got Torghast, which was dungeon-like content that could be scaled for solo players, but devs refused to add gear drops to it, and devs have already announced that there will be nothing like Torghast in the Dragonflight expansion.

So unfortunately, it seems as though the current dev team is obsessed with the idea of forcing players to group up, and they even mentioned that open world progression in Dragonflight will require grouping up in “dangerous areas”.

You’d only need 4 246 slots for the bonus, could do a high crafted in another, 2 291 legendaries, and potentially some 259 off the WB mixed in. Now you’ll be able to get weapons too, so over 252 from world should be possible.

Edit, definitely possible, I’m at 250 still wearing a s1 trinket and without maxed cyphers.

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Yes, the weapons were a nice surprise, considering that no patch notes or development notes mentioned them until today.