End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Yet that is a lie in itself.

You’re just being paranoid.

Nope it’s not.

Not at all. Just observant. See I don’t comment to you at all. I just respond after you comment to me because I know you’re unable to comprehend anything I say.

Which means every conversation we have had in the last few weeks is initiated by you.

Yeah, it really does seem that way doesn’t it? The highlighted part at least

One of the first things I noticed when the “Community Council” forum first launched was the high percentage of CC members identifying themselves as high-end raiders/CE chasers. Seems like 40-50% of them mentioned being Mythic raiders in the introductions thread

Seemed odd at first, but then I quickly remembered that ion is a high-end Mythic raider himself, had a big “ah ha!” moment right there :laughing:

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Rubbish. You traded casual insults about me with the lock some time back.

Sounds like you’re just reaching now.

If you didn’t spout such misinformed views then attempted to strip down anyone that disagreed with you then you’d draw less attention to yourself.

That’s still not me responding to you.

Not at all. The reach is ne commenting something to someone else is me commenting to you.

Notice that even though you do the same thing I don’t get my feelings hurt and comment to you.

My information isn’t misinformed no matter how out of touch you are. You are so out of touch you think I care if I draw attention to myself.

You can’t rule yourself out on technicalities, that you yourself decide is justified.

Deluded. Willful trolling.

That didn’t stop you from commenting about me.

That seems to imply a grudge.

I’ll start writing up a tally of how many individual posters you attempt shutting down.

Actually I can. I’m purposefully not seeking you out in any threads and I don’t respond to you unless you respond to me because I already know the conversation won’t go anywhere.

You following me and responding over and over is you trolling because your feelings got hurt.

I’m allowed to mention you in conversation with someone else just like you are about me if you so choose. The only one getting upset over it is you.

Not even close.

Go for it. You’ll look just as ridiculous doing that as when you kept linking that one other persons opinion over and over again.

I mean if it makes you mad for exposing you as a troll then say so.

I stopped taking your post serious when you address others as “elitist”.
No wonder some posts go unnoticed.

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You have to be delusional to think any of what I said states I get mad for you trying to expose me as a troll.

You don’t have to like my opinions but having a different opinion doesn’t make me a troll.

Well I’m a casual player myself, and my ilvl is plenty high enough to do all the solo stuff, including old raids or any other type of solo farming. What incentive would hardcore players have if there was solo content that was on par with their gear? As someone who has never had an issue getting anything done with the gear available to solo players in 14 years of playing, I find it hard to understand why solo players need to be as geared as hardcore players if they’re not doing anything remotely on the same level of difficulty as the sweaties. This just feels like a long winded “I want what they have” post, cause we absolutely are fine out there in ZM and world boss gear.


Well they have been telling us for 18 years or so (longer if you go back to raiding before WoW) that they raid for the challenge and comraderies of the people.

It isn’t until you ask for equivalent gear that they expose themselves and say but I do harder content so I need rewards you cant get.


It’s either a jealous issue or they are so bad at the game they think gear is the reason they struggle playing the game.

If you want the same gear then do the same content.

This isn’t a super hard concept.

Why should extroverts be carried to gear that introverts will never see?

Why discriminate against personality types?

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Lol, I hope you’re not serious. How many games don’t have better rewards for harder content? They’re all discriminating against introverts like me? And if an extrovert can be carried to gear, so can an introvert. Solo farm, buy a carry. See, hardcore players need the higher gear to progress to more difficult stuff, such as progressing from Mythic +5 to mythic +10. What does a solo player, which I am, need mythic level raid gear for? We don’t, they do, simple concept.


I am not serious -but I have seen extroverts (especially females) get carried easily. My ex milked a bunch oh thirsty dudes for years and she couldnt play…

Sure but why make introverts have to pay. Not fair!

Nah, as Snozh said above, harder content is all about know the fights and gear is just a reward for doing it properly.

This is why this thread exists. Since there is little or no progression for a solo player once they hit cap, gear is that progression. I like it because world scaling destroyed my ability to go back and destroy world content like from last patch.

Like I said, get rid of world scaling and make a type of gear that is full strength in the content you get it from, but worthless everywhere else. Make raid gear only function in raids, PvP gear only in PvP world gear only in world gear…

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Well that sounds all fine and dandy, but then you couldn’t get the gear to do dungeons, raids, or pvp without doing them first, which you couldn’t do cause none of you other gear would work. And the game is not just fight specific. You can’t go into the new raid on mythic in 132 gear, you’d get smoked, so the ilvl absolutely has importance. And I’m not saying an introvert should have to buy carries, I’m saying if an extrovert can, so can an introvert, they both have that option.
I agree the game needs more end game content for solo players, but if they do that, we already know the rewards for group content will go up to make up for it. That’s just games in general. For the most part, harder stuff gives better stuff, it isn’t even close to just a WOW thing. S do introverts get punished in games, yes, but not intentionally. Games are built for what the masses enjoy, and for a while that’s been multiplayer stuff. And it’s especially hard to build an MMO for a solo player when the whole object of them is to have a social aspect.

Because that’s how the games designed. Want the best gear then either gear up and earn it like everyone else or make money and buy a carry.

You’re not entitled to bis gear because you pay a sub.

As usual you’re taking my quote out of context.

Gear does matter. You’re not going to kill a Sepulcher boss with a bunch of fresh 60s just by doing mechanics. There are dps and healing checks. The only time you need to just focus on mechanics is when you overgear the content.