End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

This is still my favorite post from a few years ago on classic game forum lol. Funny but nails it in some ways. Blizzard of old is but a decrepit shadow of its former self. Their story arc sucks badly in their games, the newer the worse it is. If someone would have told me 5-10 years ago that Blizzard game(s) would get refunds, I would have laughed it off.
I’ll trust them again once we have (again) LAN in their games, when Diablo 4 will work offline and when their games won’t have microtransaction (hint: NEVER).
Just get used to it, Warcraft III is dead, Blizzard along with it. Bobby the CEO and the greedy suits running the corporation are soulless mercenaries of the shareholders. There is NOTHING good we can hope for from them. I won’t touch Diablo 4, Overwatch, WoW or Call of Duty with a ten feet pole. The only game I’ll still pay for is Starcraft. But whatever, the new Age of Empires and Command and Conquer definitely gained my trust.
Thanks, Blizzard, may the Lord have mercy on your rotten corpse.


This part is actually easy to determine. It’s what’s called marketing research, which every responsible company uses to determine what their paying customers are willing to pay for, and what they would turn their backs forever over.

He says a lot of things. They don’t always turn into actions. And even when they do, often the end product is very different from what players were asking for.

I see they are hiring some sort of world content designer. I think they’re probably going to make hard content for raiders on their day off, and for a few highly skilled solo players who will participate.

Or maybe that world content will require organized raids, and its presence will make other nearby content unplayable.

Once a month or two some raider’s alt posing as a casual posts this in an obvious trolling thread, and all the gullible wannabe raider forum posters grab it and run with it.

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Solo players already get normal raid gear. So if your advocating for better gear rewards at all you’re asking for heroic or mythic gear.

You’re smarter than that and it’s a very common request.

100% false.

We can get 252 Normal raid armor, but weapons and trinkets are still 239/242/246 LFR.

We don’t even get a full lower Normal set.

Give us all slots at upper Normal 259, then what you say about the next step up being Heroic would be true.

Now you just made a factually incorrect statement.

We don’t get Normal raid gear from solo play.

Normal raid gear is 252/259 with tier slots dropping as tier or being convertible to tier. ZM armor is capped at 252 with no tier dropping and no conversion to tier. Sandworn relic armor is convertible but 246 LFR. Weapons and trinkets are capped at 239/246 LFR depending on spec.

9.2 is the worst patch for solo players in history in terms of item level numbers relative to max available that patch. But you seem unable to process this as you are refusing to look at the numbers.

which is it?

Let us also not forget the timewalking bonus weeks, where you do 5 queued dungeons and get an item from the raid loot table on normal.

The rares drop weapons so feel free to try again.

You’re literally getting group content gear for no effort needed. Be thankful you get what you get and it’s not raid or die anymore.

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You and I both know the answer to that.

252 is Normal raid item level.

But 252 ZM gear is not actual raiding gear because it is impossible to convert to tier. We have to downgrade to 246 upper LFR for tier bonuses. Additionally, no ZM gear drops at upper Normal 259 like some slots of actual raid gear.

You act like if you prove me wrong in some semantic war (even though we both know the facts), everything I claim becomes magically invalidated and all the nerfs to solo gameplay rewards become justified.

Rares drop weapons at 236/239/242 item level, but the weapons are not Cypher gear and can upgrade no further than that.

How is that Normal raid level, when you know very well that Normal is 252/259?


you have access to 259 gear “solo” in ZM.

and the timewalking weekly.

They go higher than that, but you’re grasp of numbers hasn’t been proven to be the best this thread.

you mean being solo-friendly and having tons of features and content for solo players? you’re right!

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You must be new to the game. The game has always been raid or die till recently. SL is the most solo friendly expansion to date.

Yes, the Dune rares drop 246 weapons.

But 246 is LFR.
Normal raid is 252/259.

You and Snozh keep claiming that open world players can get Normal raiding gear, but that is clearly not the case.


Normal SotFO raid drops a full set of 252/259 item level gear. Head, shoulder, chest, hand, and feet slots can drop as tier pieces or be converted to tier pieces.

Zereth Mortis Cypher gear scales to 252 item level in all armor and jewelry slots, but cannot be converted to tier pieces. Sandworn relic armor can be converted to tier pieces but is only 246 item level. Weapons and trinkets up to 246 item level are obtainable from Zereth Mortis rares and treasures.

Open world players cannot obtain Normal raiding gear in patch 9.2.


i’ve been playing since alpha with 679 days /played, almost exclusively solo. and everyone i know that’s still playing the game plays the same way: solo, level alts, collect stuff, gear up via open world, no raiding, no pvp. it’s really quite remarkable how completely incapable you are of even being able to imagine someone else’s experience and perspective outside your own. you’re the poster child for egocentrism.


You clearly cant read. Nothing I said talked about the way you play the game. Up untill WoD the only way to get gear was raid or die.

The fact you are unable to comprehend that is either you being obtuse or not having a clue how the game works.

If it’s vampire survivors it’s $3.

This is a game where you can choose your own friends and play with them exclusively while avoiding all contact with the majority of the playerbase, then proclaim that only players that play like you have ever played the game.


It should work, but I don’t know, something tells me that they are not in the forums and only because they added the Community council… ps…

The Community Council sucks.

reason that the Marketing system is not all viable, and I think it is not enough beyond the future of the company through this game.

Imagine how desperate you must be to constantly lie about what people say.

Community Council members are fine as individuals. But since assuming their positions, they naturally hold back from saying certain things and tend to focus on random suggestions that no one can quite disagree with.

The CC should not exist, though. It is just an excuse for Blizzard to keep ignoring the actual general community.

I wouldn’t be surprised if WoW devs do little or no marketing research. They keep making unpopular decisions about flying and other matters, and the only advice they are willing to take is from hardcore raiders.


It’s what’s fostered your crappy opinion.

Not everyone is Snozh.

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Indeed it is.

My opinion isn’t based on lies no matter how hard you wish it was.

I see you’re still obsessed with following me into different threads and responding to me.