End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Actually it does. Do you know what solo means? It means they don’t do any group content.

I also don’t demand anything. I tell people to play the game the way it’s been designed since launch instead of asking the game to cater to them.

And again I don’t care if people play solo. If that’s how they enjoy the game go for it. It doesn’t mean your entitled to higher ilvl gear just because.

Lmao, they sure will have the player base they deserve, but in their ivory development tower they have blocked out the noise of people who have a different view on the game they are destroying.

If you think about torgast is the solo dungeons. They can be done solo or in a group. They just dont give you anything besides crafting reagents for a legendary which you have to sink in a bunch of gold to utilize. Those currencies can be repurposed for epic gear crafting in season 4 imo. The layers determine item lvl reagents that drop.

and just because your playstyle is different to mine doesn’t mean you deserve better gear than me, i just want a different way to obtain gear and enjoy my experience or should I not expect to enjoy myself because you have fixed idea on what an MMORPG player should and should not be?

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Actually common MMORPG games says that harder content rewards better gear.

So yes since I am doing the hardest content in the game I earn better gear than you do.

Then maybe WoW isn’t for you.

Torghast could have been so much more, i just go there to try and get some of the encounter achievements, other than that there is little point especially since Zereth Mortis.

You are wasting your time trying to argue with this guy.

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Me too just collected the mounts and the transmogs.

They could have made it feel more rewarding imo. I find doing them fun, but like all the power I have to get via pugging some other game mode that really sucks to pug on certain classes and specs.

You are welcome to try and get the same level of gear that I have on my main (278 bags, 275 equipped). It will require you to do difficult content, but nothing is stopping you from at least trying except yourself.

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Blizzard end this war!


does that mean they have to start it 1st?

They already have started it a long time ago. It is why the game is dying.

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the 3 expansions where you could get the most amount of power as a solo player are Legion, BFA, and SL.

So, that doesn’t mean anything. Do you think band-aids solve critical wounds?

This is a thread that was started when OP made the factually incorrect statment that getting normal raid gear from solo play was

I don’t care about every statement on this thread. I actually want the war to end and this game actually attract some players to it. So, until all players have a gear progression system this won’t ever improve.

Should just bring back the Warlords style, where everyone is miserable and we are all equals. :heart_eyes:


you’re not wrong. I tend to forget about it because it failed so miserably early on. Maybe the patch will bring some life to it.

Eh, warlords was fine for raiders, as all 3 of the raids were pretty good. They just had some really bad content pacing (2 months for highmaul, 4.5 for BRF, 13 for HFC)

So far we have not seen.

Personally I hope they look into something like diablo or some solo dungeon crawler games for torgast next season in the summer…

Having reasons to go inside and kill bosses/rares at higher difficulties would be cool.

Upgradeable gear is nice in stuff like mythic plus, I dont see why thry cant do that for solo content that scales in difficulty.

And maybe the torgast vendor can be like the broker on argus giving decent item lvl random reward from the expansion. Would make torgast something transmog hunters could do.

Especially if we can collect pieces from the raids on the various difficulties.

Personally I think the SoD raid transmogs should have been for torgast. And its armor sets.

I wouldnt mind running torgast if I could get transmog for all the raid tiers in shadowlands and maybe even past pvp seasons too.