End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

If they have to explicitly state something so obvious for you to figure it out, you are either being intentionally obtuse, or It would be a wonder if you could pass the reading comprehension part of the standardized testing required to graduate high school in my state.

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Have you ever heard the comment 'you have lost the fight when you have to attack the presenter?"

Ill take that as s win because you cant refute my argument. Have a great day!

Ok, you can have the counterpoint on a technicality. Doesn’t change that it’s not relevant to the topic at hand.

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It’s actually implied. I just assumed people like yourself were smart enough to understand that in a thread where we are discussing endgame progression you would understand talking about item rewards from leveling didn’t matter. I won’t make that mistake and will simplify it so you can understand.

I have played since BC. Again there is zero relevance of leveling gear in a discussion about end game. Keep reaching.

Big ask on the forums.

I happen to agree with the basis of the Original Poster. In fact I would say the best solution would be to create Solo Only servers
that way the the people who like things as is; get what they like. But folks like me who have been quietly limping along since month one way back in December of 2004 have always enjoyed being as soloable as possible. I myself have devoted alot of my time to the crafting and landscape quests but I’ve been forced to take long breaks over the years to wait for the next expansion because the dungeon and raid content truly makes me ill. I don’t like it. I’ve tried. Repeatedly. It just isn’t for me.
make a few servers where everything. And I mean everything is soloable at level for all players. That means dungeons. And raids too. Either scale em down or make a companion system so I can finally see what is like to have these events and items. To unlock these storybeats on my own time, at my own skill level without having the drama and nonsense of other players. My sub is money too and just as valid. I’d argue I’ve paid more for far longer than almost 95% of the player base.
Just make solo servers. I’d even pay a fee to move toons there
and thus monetize the game and the overall system even further.
Thank you for reading.

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You don’t have a relevant argument. The fact that you’re fighting so hard on a technicality means you didn’t have an argument to begin with.

I try giving people the benefit of doubt but now I just have to assume everyone eats glue.

Would that actually generate enough interest to be worth both the developer time required, and the artificial divide in the player base? When 2 servers have that different sets of rules, it makes no sense for them to be able to play together.

Believe they are experimenting with that in wow. The final scenario in exiles reach isle, or whatever that place is called. Where you group with a few npc’s to fight that dragon at the end. And in Legion, you could have a follower companion go out with you on dailies, etc. Although what’s his name, and that stupid green bird mount he used would take up the screen when flying, and you couldn’t see where you were going was annoying :rofl:

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If they add, this more power to people, but content is suffering enough as is. I hope it doesn’t take away from actual content.

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That’s what I don’t think most of the players asking for bots realize. If bots to run content for you were added, it would eat a lot of dev time, and likely mean there would be less content than there would be without that system.

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Very true.

However, a solo player isnt going to care if they only get 2 raid tiers instead of 3 because as its stands now they get 0 they want to do. So why not ask for it?

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Because solo players are the smallest minority in the game and in all honesty we should be removing the anti social aspects of the game bot adding more.

Would much rather group up with ai, than most of the people that play this game nowadays lol. Especially that one guy who keeps posting in here throwing around forum buzzwords. He seems to be one of those that freaks out, and nerd rages in voice chat over raid wipes etc.

There’s a trade off in FF14 with AI, while you can instant queue (works great for dps), the dungeons normally take longer. But Hey, it works and I see it helping people tank or heal who would normally shy away from it. It has it’s positives for sure.


Here’s a compromise. Add FF14’s soloable dungeon ability to WoW. This way it only partly takes dev resources away from content as they would also still be working on dungeons in general so both sides of this argument benefit.

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I will be stepping away from the game before Dragonflight hits based on the content (lack of) and removal of player flight mounts and the needless revamp of crafting, new recipes and the work order scheme could be put in place with out totally redoing all crafting skills , which is a large waste of time that could be better spent on actual content.

And while I’m at it Zereth Mortis is an awful borefest outside of the initial quest line where I myself fly in circles picking up chests for useless in game currency and looking for fights with the larger rare bosses in the zone, its a badly designed and implemented excuse to round out the shadowlands experience and Dragonflight just looks like more of the same for me as a player.

And I agree just because I dont raid or pvp often there is no reason that i should expect less from the game than people who do, both of which only cater to a percentage of the playerbase.

and its people like you who demand that your voice means more than others, just because solo players do many things solo it doesn’t mean they aren’t guild members, don’t help out with the guild run or help other players out, just because they don’t conform tyo your worldview doesn’t mean they should receive less consideration than core raiders and pvp players.

This is a MMORPG that supports many different play styles some better than others, take for example end game raiding, few players will ever get into those sort of instances by your logic we should remove large end game raids because they are inherantly anti social only allowing a select few to experience and gain from them.


A much larger % of the playerbase. You definitely cater to the much larger %. if the data did not support this, then solo players would already be being catered to.

And the crafting system definitely needed to be revamped. FF14 showed everyone just how interesting and valuable crafting was to a game.