End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Yet they didn’t buff the resulting power of corruption or legion legendries. They just increased the availability of the power. Someone who already had the power didn’t notice a change when the legendary vendor or the corruption vendor was added, except maybe it’s easier to play alts/offspecs.

Item lvl being more available to solo players/ alts is an issue how?

Me trying to pug a mythic dumgeon on an alt for an hour or two is not very satisfying trying to get into a random pug.

I would rather spend that time actually doing something ingame like a torgast run or two.

That rogue has 262 item lvl and around 1700 rating and honestly if I could farm for the gear in torgast it would be better then afk spamming group requests in the group finder while watching a show/youtube until someone accepts you into there group.

Some classes are faster to get into groups. Its not really the case for all specs.

Sometimes I just quit and play overwatch for a few matches. The dependance on group content is really annoying tbh for endgame.

Ilvl is the one source of power that is almost always character specific.

Well, if you limit yourself to the least efficient way possible of gearing up via M+…

Doing a 15 a week on most characters, is probably the closest thing to doing 5 man masks run in BFA, except its premade group content which means other people can dictate your progress, and non meta specs have higher decline rates. Like my ret paladin no invites as ret but I bought the tank legendary snd start tanking and he gets an easier time now getting into groups.

Solo gameplay bypasses boring queue times and you get to play the specs you want.

Solo gameplay has no option to compete with group content really. Its hardly a choice if you want gear rn.

That’s not unique to paladin. Prot warriors will have an easier time getting into groups than a fury warrior, even though fury has a stronger community perception than prot does.

That’s because M+ is 1 tank per 3 DPS, and at the pug 15 level, there’s about 10-30 DPS per tank

If you and some other players didn’t care, you wouldn’t protest so strongly at the thought of “bad” or “lazy” players getting better rewards from content they enjoy, especially when those rewards are still inferior to your rewards or come much later.

Elitist players come up with every possible reason for why other players shouldn’t experience progression from their content, even when none of it has any effect on the elitist players themselves. Elitist players do seem to care, because their main motivation is to have as high an iLvl as possible compared to others.

If not, then be happy with players getting better gear from Zereth Mortis or Torghast or wherever, because I was happy about raid boss drop rates getting buffed partway through 9.0 even though I don’t raid, and still think the drop rates need to be increased further.


Yes I did the same for my prot warrior, but I dont care so much because I want the rogue transmog more for my dranei rogue next expansion.

Either way there isnt really much choice to progress in solo content.

That rogue also got bracers 4-5 times in the vault and like boots 3 times. Wish it was luckier for doing a dungeon a week, still no weapon upgrades either…

That’s also part of it, your rogue is alliance. -

The thing is, It hasn’t always come much later.

As a player, the complaint is that we will be forced to participate in the brain off grinding that is world content for gear, if the rewards are too good.

As a designer, the objection is that if you allow players to out-gear the raid before stepping in by just mindless world grinding, it devalues the time that the raiders have spent getting that gear.

I also want to point out that trivial content giving high ilvl gear is what lead to the original creation of raider io in legion. players could no longer use ilvl as a way to progression, since you could in theory do a world quest and get a heroic or mythic quality item, or (more commonly), spam +5s and end up with gear at a quality of +10s.

My rogue is horde.

My alliance rogue aint dranei yet nor leveled this expansion.

Considering Ion himself said that they only fixed the leveling experience because had to before that they said they wouldn’t because their focus should be on whatever expac they’re working on, and the leveling experience is done in like 12 -15 hours… leveling is more of a bump in the road.

May I suggest SWTOR or FF14. both are designed to be solo for thru most of the game and have tons of actual content that aren’t the 3 pillars. I play both as while as WoW. Even ff14’s dungeons have been reworked to play with npc’s recently. I believe SWTOR has had this for awhile.

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Actually no they havent:
Drops Polished Granite Tomahawk (first magic weapon in the game)
Grenix Mucktail :: Bestiary :: EverQuest :: ZAM (allakhazam.com)

Drops shiny brass shield
orc trainer :: Bestiary :: EverQuest :: ZAM (allakhazam.com)

Neither requires a group (like Crush or D’vinn do), just enough level to take them down and a good roll on the loot table (or in Grenniz’s case lucky enough for him to spawn).

SO no, the Classic MMORPGs didn’t hide all good drops behind group content.

So your defense when talking about end game is to bring up a level 10 and a level 20 mob, in a game where the original level cap was 50.

No my defense was in direct relation to the comment I quoted.

Can you show me where in his EXAACT statement:

Says endgame only?

Just like no wow quests require a group when you can out level them. The Legion world bosses are easy to solo nowadays, since we out level them.

But no current content? Just 2 expansions ago?

Level 10 and level 50 were same expansion.

And yes, leveling content is content as I stated above. When you cut 90% of the time required to level (which is solo content and can give good gear) and just make everyone go into group content, you are cutting solo content.

Are either of those BiS at level cap?

If you think leveling gear matters you are clueless. This has to be one of the biggest reaches I have ever seen.

Many of the 9.0 group world elites are also easy in this season’s gear.

Where in your comment did you specify BiS at cap? Cant move the goal posts when you are not specific.

It doesnt matter in your WoW where you blink and you are at cap. If you actually play REAL MMORPGS where it takes weeks or months to level, you realize those two items can last you 20 levels or so, so about the same time before you get your upgrade in the next patch in WoW

This entire thread started about end game, max level content. Any discussion of leveling gear is not relevant to the premise of this thread

Doesnt say it in the title

Leveling gear IS solo gear. And FYI, if Blizzard did expansions instead of patches, like say EQ does, it would be just as relevant. That leveling gear will be replaced just as soon as your BiS raid gear would be.

All gear gets replaced and is only temporary. ITs why it doesnt matter and never has. Its why people who have raided for more than a year or two dont take it as seriously as this thread does.

Once you replace that BiS a few times, you realize it wasnt worth the effort