End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Which is why you don’t want any changes that don’t suit you or Snozh.


We want changes that (at minimum) don’t negatively impact us. What you might think of as a positive change, can negatively impact other players in a way that you don’t understand, because they play the game on an entirely different level than you do.

Then you should have no issue giving solo players a leg up.

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Are you running 2s right now to valor cap your characters to 272 ilvl rn?

What we don’t want is world gear buffed to the point where it becomes mandatory early in the season. I think the current system is fine as a player. As a designer, It feels weird that telling pocopoc to open a chest for you can give the the same quality items as killing normal anduin.

I actually don’t think there are any upgrades for my main at 272 from M+, and I’m already floating 2k valor.

I would like valor to scale up in key level so you get more at a 15 than a 2, but when there was a cap you overcapped for the week in 4 dungeons if you were getting score upgrades.

So why would it matter for world content players to even get 272 right now or next season? You already past the valor cap. Next season the ilvl cap goes above 300…

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Why would they randomly buff the gear in the middle of a season?

They can hotfix something like more cypher levels, or letting valor be used on world content gear, or anything really.

If sandworn gear was upgradeable with valor for example that would add a progression path for some players. If cyphers upgraded sandworn gear to up to 272 or more next season would that be an issue when you will get vault loot for like 300 ilvl or more?


That doesn’t answer the question. When was the last time they buffed ilvl rewards after the content had been released?

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I dont remember much situations. But that doesnt really matter.

Like in BFA they made corruption gear cleansable. And that opened up a progression path for solo players to get gear from Visions through raw item lvl by cleansing corruption gear.

They can do another hotfix like using cosmic flux to upgrade all world content gear for example.


was in at launch of patch. It was the vendor that was added later.

I Think it was some time after. Because they listened to players feedback and changed stuff. They eventually added a corruption vendor too.

The final patches of bfa was best for solo players.

BFA visions 5 mask runs gave heroic raid loot for timed clears. You could buy the corruptions to make 5 mask runs more consistant.

Corruptions meant you can do world content and get a good piece for soloing which was good.

The bonuses carried over to old content too. Unlike the Zereth Mortis gear only buffs in Shadowlands content, nothing to help you solo old raids/dungeons. In fact when Shadowlands launched you downgraded in your solo progression.

All the gear I get from doing mythics rn absolutely helps solo content. In shadowlands though torgast could feel more rewarding too with some hotfixes oike dropping some loot upgradeable with valor or another curremcy like cosmic flux.

Could probably add some full transmog sets in torgast besides just cloaks weapons and shoulders.

Maybe some full sets actually with item lvl progression and usable with creation catalyst?

Well, it’s in the patch notes, so I’m going to say you could cleanse from launch.

“You can choose to cleanse your items of Corruption through Titanic Purification, which will cost you some Corrupted Mementos—however, doing so will cause your item to lose the positive equip effect as well.”

I don’t think it really matters if it was at launch or not. Because you had to progress your cloak to a decent rank before you unlocked 5 mask runs.

There was progression and it was satisfying solo dungeons basically.

Shadowlands has torgast but you don’t really get much of anything there that can help you solo things in older content. Only one time cosmetics for hoarding phantasma. Not even full transmog sets, and a ton of currencies with nothing really worthwhile to spend them on.

Torgast could have been used to craft epic gear for example like legendaries.

But it is sadly underutilized.

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There have been a lot of complaints in recent years about timegating, but perhaps these complaints were coming from competitive players who don’t like to be slowed down from consuming content or powering up their toons.

The highest upgrade levels for world content or expansion feature gear could theoretically held off for a few weeks, for example, while the competitive season for the three pillars is still hot.

If you are truly a solo or casual player, you can be bringing toons through campaigns or questlines, or busy earning currencies in preparation for future gear upgrades, for the first few weeks of any given patch without feeling rushed to maximize your progress ASAP.

Note: Indirectly timegating gear upgrades by frontloading huge currency, rep, or renown requirements is not the way to go, as this punishes alts and new players. Nor should the maximum upgrades be timegated for months on end.

Dear solo, casual, and open world players:

Theoretical question, but would you be OK with some degree of timegating on gear upgrades, if this allowed you to reach higher gear levels eventually without hardcore players getting too disgruntled? (Because we know that hardcore players getting disgruntled leads to our gear rewards getting scrapped.)

The timegating should never be as bad as 9.1 Korthia (insane currency/rep grind and months worth of renown upgrades to wait for), but I suspect that the 9.2 Cypher System gear upgrades were kept painfully low because you could reach the max relatively early in the patch.



When Blizzard announced the weekly caps on renown, for the most part the raid crowd was all in favor. We wanted blizzard to change the game in a way that made it so we didn’t feel obligated to grind 24-7 for power. Most of the complaints I see about time gating are from self described casual players who want to “be able to do the story at their own pace with no forced stopping points”.

Or 3rd option, do you just not care?

Honestly I think they can easily add broker vendors in torgast for season 4. Have the torgast end bosses drop like reagents to trade for armor pieces and be able to upgrade gear from stuff thart droops in Torgast.

The higher difficulty floors dropping rarer reagents.

The gear exchanged could be random shadowlands loot like the ethereal trader in legion. Would be awesome for transmog collecting as a soloer. And getting competitive loot for solo game modes would be cool.

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The entire M+ Valor upgrade system was added during the middle of a season!

WoW devs do whatever they want, whenever they want, when it comes to preferential treatment through their systems.

The gear already obtained should not be buffed, but future gear could be spawned at a higher item level, or an upgrade option could be added for currency such as Cosmic Flux.

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Reworking a reward system is a different thing than just buffing the rewards. In this case, it had that as the end result.

Blizz reworked corruptions and Legion legendaries by adding a vendor in the endpatch… that stuff already happens… and has happened a bunch in the past.