End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

You can already do what you said you wish you could do? So I dont understand your post in general.

Careful with this one.

Just likes to troll sometimes.

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Then we won’t need to wonder why the game is losing interest.

Fools like you are all that’s keeping it afloat.

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Gear accessibility got too high, which lead to gear apathy.

Back when this game was at it’s peak sub count, the best gear you could get outside of organized raiding or arenas was the equivalent of todays 233s, from the ICC heroics via LFD. You could technically get some 252 equivalents, and 4set, but it took about 5 months to assemble the 4 piece set without doing the raid.

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You could argue that most of the leveling experience is a solo experience. At the endgame it sort of falls flat. It was one of the reasons I made a whole bunch of alts. Because leveling is one of Wow’s best solo experiences, at endgame ilvl wise it’s not really there. You are forced into premade content to get anything decent. In BFA this wasn’t the case. Doing 5 mask runs gave good rewards for soloers. The majority of my past expansions I have spent leveling alts. Enough to know how most classes play.

The endgame really pushes you to do group content rn, even for the best solo gear to do stuff like torgast 16s and gauntlet modes at higher levels, yet it doesn’t feel rewarding in comparison to stuff like Heroic visions, that stuff gave you progress toward your legendary and other slots basically at heroic raid level. With gear getting powerful corruption effects. It would be like getting a 265-268 effect with some buffs. If torgast gave that with torgast buffs that would be as good as Visions loot for 5 masking plus more chances if you do the lower ranks in a week.

Right now though you can get 278 gear from doing a mythic 15 a week. But queueing up for them can be a bad experience, like today spent an hour trying to get into a group with my rogue and I just quit and did something else for the day.

I think it was more the over-reaction to min/maxers complaining about getting armor/gear that didn’t have their perfect secondary stats, which resulted in Blizzard sledge hammering the amount of gear you could actually get early on in Shadowlands.

I’ll just stop. I have no means to know if the dude’s for real or not, but even if he is, I have nothing to gain from that conversation


The less loot in shadowlands was intended to offset the reduced amount of RNG in loot.

In legion/BFA, you had titanforging and later corruption, which meant that the base item wasn’t often very good. You were less doing the content for base items (outside of a few OP trinkets), and were more doing it for the chance of random upgrades.

For an item to be good for a fire mage in ny’alotha, first it has to drop, then it has to roll to corrupt, then it has to roll the right corruption (masterful), then it has to roll the right tier (3).

In SL, for a good item to be worth using in SL, it has to drop. That’s it.

When your bis raid item drops in SL, you know you’re done with that slot for the rest of the tier. in Legion/early BFA, you could later get that same item randomly 10 ilvls higher for killing the same boss

Seems like catering to that kind of min/max mentality is what put SLs on ice.

Yes because everyone thats quitting is a solo player.


You do enjoy your reaches.

If you think they were catering to the min/maxers in early SL, you just weren’t paying attention.

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Pretty sure the Covenant locks was catering to min/max playstyle.

I don’t even need to roast you with how bad that self burn was.

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I could think of few players who would say Covenant locks was a good idea.

Sinking more effort into high end players isn’t going to fix this game.


And this is why everyone knows you really have zero clue what you are talking about.

The raiding player base > the solo playerbase.

No one else could’ve liked the Covenant locks, other than for that reason.

You can’t marginalize the player base just to suit your perverse views.


The min/max players were the most vocal against covenant locks. It was the RP players who wanted that BS.


I don’t think it would’ve stopped them anyway.

If it the system had stuck, they’d be praising Blizz for keeping the normies down.

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now you’re full on making stuff up to suit your narrative.


we were complaining about covenant locks because the optimal play for a mage in the 1st part of SoD was to have 3 geared, max level mages, since all 3 specs wanted a different covenant at the time, and you would want to play different specs on different bosses.

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