End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Would you be willing to support a hard ban on all carries to preserve the integrity of that difficulty-reward relationship?


I definitely would. Of course, I want to see the token removed also. Likely never happen though.

Hence why I said I cant comment on that.

Theres no proof of either, however pruning is more believable than solo players not getting gear because they never have had strong gear given to them

What slots are you not able to get from ZM?

Its a .5 patch, its not supposed too.

Actually no its not. MMORPGs have always rewarded gear based on the content difficulty. You do easy content means you dont get best rewards. Its not a hard concept.

And zero evidence thats is the reason why.

Raiders have been having roster issues since 9.0 meaning raiders are quitting the game too.

Probably has to do with loot drops from bosses being reduced as well as MPlus being a better source to gear up especially early patch.

Raiding is the primary endgame and direction of the game. It is always going to come first.

No they arent, this is a flat out lie.

Source for your numbers? because achievements disagree with you.

“because I said so” -OP

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Boosting doesnt affect me at all. Even so they are still doing the content whether they get carried or not.

That was a question challenging the justification that harder content deserves better rewards. Which should be true, but when people invalidate it with boosting, the logic falls thru.

At this point, if they don’t ban boosting, there is no justification for access to better gear to be limited when it has nothing to do with earning it anymore. So I have to concede their point.

HOWEVER, I still do not think they should divert limited dev resources to building up solo content. The pay off there is just not there for their small population. And most of their efforts with things like torghast have been busted. They had 1 success with mage tower and it was a win and done, no need to repeat design unfortunately.

But it doesnt. They are still doing the content, they just are buying the carry instead of doing the progression. Boosting will never go anywhere even if it was banned.

See above. You still have to do the content whether you pay to be carried or you progress it. Its still more effort than killing 20 dredgers in xyz

Buying a carry doesnt give you advantage. You could get titles. You could get gear but you wont get the max ilevel gear unless you spend more than $400. And if you spend $400, to me you are a loser. With all the high gear you get, you would still not be able to stand at your own feet doing high level content becoz you would lack experience. You would bring wipe to a group you join.

If you buy KSM around $400, you would get some ilevel 262 gear and only 2x ilevel 278 from Vault. Your total ilevel would just be around ilevel 265s which is not enough for you to be desirable on current M+15s and Heroic Raids. Desirable people at M+15s right now are at ilevel 275s. Good luck with your money.

putting yourself on follow between deaths at each boss is a lot of effort. Well, if I ever bought a boost, that’s how it would go down. If I’m paying, they doing all the work while I netflix.

So I totally disagree with “they’re still doing the content” part of what you said. You’re being carried. You’re really not doing anything.

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Problem is though players aren’t going to stick around for the long grinds required just to get over the hurdles in raiding.

It’s boring and frankly unrewarding in the long haul since your average joe can pick up something like Elden Ring and get more enjoyment out of it since it’s been better designed to complement the player that likes to explore. To do open world content.

Clinging to the laurels of the past just isn’t going to cut it anymore for WoW. The prestige in raiding has long since been sold out by boosters.

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You are entitled to your opinion, we will just have to agree to disagree.

However Blizz will never give BiS gear for solo content.

Thats their personal problem then.

So then they can go do that.

Boosting has been in game since Vanilla.

I see you fail to grasp the issue.

That boosting exists is symptomatic of another issue.

I grasp your perceived issue and entitlement clearly. I simply dont care about them.

Then get good.

The more I live, the more impressed I get at how some people are worried about other people living their own lives in their own way. Like, can’t I enjoy an mmorpg just cause it’s a game that have a story that gets constant updates? Or maybe I just like to walk around killing mobs in open world, who cares? I certainly don’t pay to play with people, I just pay to play. Damn, people are crazy annoying

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So go find a game that aligns with what you want. WoW and MMORPGs arent what you want.

You don’t own anything I play and don’t pay for anything I do. You know absolutely nothing about what I want

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Never claimed too, however you are the one wanting the game to cater to you even though this is how its been mostly since launch.

You’re putting words in my mouth, I never asked for anything like what you said

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You can do this just fine

Yeah, the words are yours, I never asked for what you said I did, and never said I couldn’t do what I want to. I don’t know if you bothered to check, but I’m not the OP