End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

The game stopped being fun when they removed the need to have social interaction to pay the game. Also, when they added the missions that you send your troops off to complete for hours is 110% boring. The fun of the game keeps getting removed they are selling it out and selling it out and shortly there will be nothing left. literally nothing.

Yet I am still a WoW player because I love warcraft. Why does the quality of our game have to be so abhorrent? Look at Elden Ring!

I have no problem with ppl who enjoy mythic+/raids and get the nice shiny gear from it.
But for some reason these same ppl think that everyone else does not need or deserve the same quality gear. Why? everyone pays blizzard money to play this game everyone should regardless of playstyle have a chance to get the nice shiny stuff if they need it or not everyone loves rewards.

WoW use to be the king of mmos what happend? ppl left… was it the hardcore mythic+/raiders that left? No.

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Because thats how MMos work. You want the best gear in the game then you have to do the hardest content in the game.

This isnt a Blizz thing, its a common MMO practice.

LOL thats so delusional I spit my drink out.

The incentive exists regardless of your intolerance to any difficulty in the game.

For the first time in the history of WoW, you can get tier sets without ever stepping into raid. You don’t even have to do m+ to get them.

No not every mmo works like that.

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So go play them then.

How about you close your big mouth? I play what i want. You think you have the right to talk like that to someone? You have alot to learn little child.



Thats fine.


You’re the one trying to change a games design since launch and a common MMO design.

You will learn respect one day.


Nothing I said was disrespectful. You were the one who went full Karen.

That’s right and that’s what Snozhs like is terrified of.

Having his efforts turned over to the unwashed masses.


What solo progression did WoD have for 6.0 and 6.1, besides the insane Apexis objective grind that very few players even bothered with? (Before WoD, MoP had a solo-friendly Valor system, and after WoD, Legion introduced gearing through world quests and emissaries.)

If WoD was not losing so many subs, then why did Blizzard stop publishing WoW-specific MAU metrics and abandon the entire expansion soon after it launched?

What meaningful solo progression does SL 9.2 currently have?

If SL is not losing so many subs, then why did Blizzard suddenly decide to loosen the faction divide, and why did Blizzard lose millions of MAUs last quarter despite launching 9.2?

It is delusional to think that the availability of meaningful solo content has nothing to do with WoW’s player numbers.

I cant comment on the solo progression in WoD because I didnt play untill the end.

People quit because of the pruning.

ZM. You are delusional if you think solos deserve higher than normal raid gear.

People arent enjoying the game, that doesnt mean its because of solo content. Raiding has been hit super hard too.

Its delusional to think all of them are solo players.

No, stop wasting dev time to for a hugely minority of players trying to turn the game into something it was never designed for.

May I suggest FF14 which has seen a massive revamp in it’s gameplay to allow for solo play through most of the game while still being an MMO. In regards to WoW, it’s been the 3 pillars since tbc with a few unique exceptions like the mage tower. Those pillars are what the majority of players are interested in and dev time needs to support them first. And those dev resources have been shelling out crap the last 2 expacs as is so anything to take away from them is only gonna make everything worse.

It’s delusional to think that solo players don’t deserve higher than normal raid gear.


Blah, blah, blah, stopped reading there - yet another forum goer who thinks they know what the “huge majority” or “huge minority” of WoW players do or don’t do…

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I mean, it’s an educated guess sure, but the logical one as this is how they design the game and marketed it. They don’t try and sell the solo experience. If there was real interest in the solo segment, they would invest in it but they don’t. Why? Because there’s not enough interest there. Just common sense.

Its not though. MMORPGs award gear based on difficulty. If you do easy content you dont get bis rewards.


Then you also can’t in good faith comment about the issue of WoD’s stark absence of solo progression until 6.2 Tanaan Jungle. Players who were happily raiding in 6.0 or 6.1 had no idea what the game was like for a solo or casual player.

I agree that the pruning was bad, but how can we judge that the pruning was the cause of the mass exodus, when most specs were again repruned to make way for Legion’s artifact weapons, and some specs have never fully recovered? We would need to see sub numbers go up and down along with unprunings and prunings to find a correlation.

ZM is not even a complete progression system, at it leaves out 3-4 gear slots.

Then Season 4 may offer absolutely no progression for solo players.

By the way, what players deserve or don’t deserve is a subjective matter of opinion. Being “delusional” means that someone is refusing to accept objective reality, not that they disagree with someone else about who deserves what.

And while we are on the topic of reality, the game had more subs when solo players could get higher than Normal, by the way.

How have WoW’s raids been “hit super hard”?

WoW has consistently been releasing well designed raids, even at the expense of other content.

WoW devs are jumping through hoops each patch to make raiders feel better rewarded, even at the expense of other content.

I never said that all of any group of people was solo players. All we can know for sure is that less than half of WoW’s subscribed players do Normal+ raiding, M+, or rated PvP on a serious level. A lot of those players are solo.