End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

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Current normal gear isn’t poor gear and it’s better than solo players got in previous expansions.

That’s your opinion. It already happened which is why ZM ilvl was nerfed from Korthia.

People are literally asking for equal already.

So we agree solo gear at 252 is too high and they should get sub LFR level gear.

Uh considering the catalyst is a thing you can get full tier set without stepping in the raid.

1: You aren’t a solo player.
2: My lack of feelings on the subject is from solo players not factoring in forcing mythic players to farm solo content more than they already have too which is why I don’t care about solo players at all.

Go buy some more boosts.

Well, right now, I’m doing Vanilla content, so I’m not even trying to get better gear (I found SL to be the least interesting expansion ever), but yes, I do accept your point, the gear progression will be washed out by the content progression (if it’s done right anyway).

Still, everyone does want a sense of progression, and so long as gear available to soloists like myself remains behind gear available to raiders/mythic runners (I completely agree that group activities should remain the source of the best gear in the game) then I hope in Dragonflight at least, to have a reasonable pathway to gear progression for my playstyle.

Till then, I’ll keep running around in my green weapon and shield, since it clearly has no trouble one-shotting everything in Vanilla (and I suspect will keep me going probably until Dragonflight comes out actually).

I find that LFR and solo/world gear should be equal, as with things like determination making LFR easier, it can be just as hard, or easier, then solo. But at the same time I might want mythic level gear for LFR just because of all the AFKers, the ones that do the bare minimum, etc. that LFR has just to make it worthwhile to do for more then the story/

I would prefer solo gear to be better then LFR just so I don’t have to deal with it for more then quests, the odd drop (recipe for vantus runes) or story.

if anyone forces you to farm solo content, at all, it is on you or them, as I doubt Blizzard is forcing you to do anything.

More or less the “force” argument comes across like “I want x gear, and for the best chance at x gear I need to do Y content but I am unwilling to do y content”. Hmm, sounds like the same argument you and others use against solo players asking for better gear from their content. If you hate the idea of being “forced” to do solo content for your gear, why do you think it is alright to “force” solo players into group content for the gear they want, when you both hate the content the other does?

This is another reason why I never understood the “even if you put in a lot of time, you can’t be allowed to get gear above x lvl” stance. Were you forced to grind Korthia rep to max just so you could get that gear, or were you so far beyond it by the time most would have it, it did not matter?

Sandworn relic gear is the only thing from ZM that can be changed to tier, and that is frozen at like 246. Can’t upgrade it to a higher lvl, not even 252 to make it even with the rest of ZM. Some BoEs might drop from raid and be sold on AH, but not enough for a full set for all armor classes, and the world boss drops 2 tier slots for plate, 1 each for leather and cloth and none for mail.

And that progression should take at least a small amount of work or a lot of time

Reasonable and should be allowed. Few think that the absolute best should not come from the highest tiers of content, But if one is doing those higest tiers, at what point do they feel like their work is invalidated because someone got a similar ilvl doing different content?

Also, I find the “invalidating” argument to only apply to gear, AotC, CE, KSM, etc are all things that won’t be invalidated by gear alone, all that the higher gear will do is make it so more can get them over time. Normal raiding has no higher line achievements, just the same ones as LFR and the glory ones but the glory achievements can also be done after the expansion is over and people massively outgear them anyway.


Its already better than LFR. You have to make up your mind.

Currently I am already forced to do rep grinds and adding even more to be forced to do is an issue.

Its more like, I want to retain my raid spot so I must do any content that will give me more damage/survivability ect.

Because this game is and has always been focused on group content for end game. The best gear is from group content. The difference is that one is how the games designed while the other is asking the game to change to suit their personal style of play. Also raiders already do solo content like farming rep to revered to unlock unity while solo players arent forced to do anything.

End of the day solo content is too easy to award anything higher than it already does.

Because even forcing lots of time for mythic gear from trivial content is too high. Yes, I was forced to grind Korthia for conduit upgrades.

246 tier is still tier. Previously you could ONLY get tier from raiding. No matter what solo players are never happy because they have to be the most entitled vocal group on this forum (I am not saying all solo players are this way, just the ones on this forum)

It is now, it won’t be in season 4 as things are set to be.

Is Blizzard forcing you to, or is it your guild/raid team doing it or are you forcing yourself to do it?

If the first, it is an issue for sure, if it is the second, maybe you need to find a less stringent guild/raid team, if it is the last: get over yourself.

Anyone reasonable does not want to change that.

No, the difference is one is playing the game how they feel it should be played, and are fine with it as that is the way they would play anyway. The other wants to play their way yet is being blocked or told to quit because their way is not the “right way”.

End of the day, some want progression, but on one side we have those who feel they deserve none and on the other side, anythign that could be a progression path (torghast/visions) gets put in, gets complined about and nerfed so it is not a progression path anymore.

As far as this goes, I would have made it so all conduits, or the currency for the upgrades, dropped in raid as well as from Korthia, you could do both for the fast track yet if you cut out one, you could still progress. I would have even made the raid drop more of the currency.

Solo players are not forced to do that because they do it anyway, also you can get rep in the raid to work towards unity, so if you really wanted to, you cold skip the world content.

The thing is, one can ask for things to be able to be earned in multiple paths, like the rep from ZM and in the raid. But the issue there is, with multiple paths, people will feel forced to to these things to get what they want faster.

You keep using the word forced, the thing is you are “forced” to do it because it is not something you would willingly do if you did not have to for the rewards you want. Why not ask for raiding to be the express lane for things like conduits or rep while the world content is the normal or slow lane?

Well, keep in mind the ones on the forum are likely a minority of a minority, that said however, which is better: solo players being happy, raiders being happy, or the ones in the middle being happy? I ask because while the solo players might be a minority, those that do solo content are not, so would it not be better to make sure both are happy, or at least satisfied, even if the loudest minority will never be? In short, you can please all of the people some of the time, some of the people all the time, but you can’t please all the people all the time.

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It will still be in S4.

Ok I dont know how to explain this to you. If I want to raid at a mythic level which is what I enjoy its not an option to not do it.

There are multiple people that want equal to mythic raid gear.

Wrong. Mythic BIS gear is not needed for any current solo content. Its a want not a need. No one is not able to do solo content because they dont have 278 gear.

Solo players do have progression, some just dont think its good enough. If thats the case I suggest finding a better solo based game.

They do drop from M plus and raid now, they didnt in 9.1.

The difference is time, no mythic raid guild is going wait for people to unlock unity by not doing world content.

Casuals and raiders. Solo players I dont care about.

Uh, did you not read when I said fated LFR will drop 265/272 gear? and that there are no current plans to raise world/solo content outside of world boss loot to higher then 252? and one raid will be fated each week in S4, so that higher gear will always be available.

Then you made the choice and have to do what that choice requires, it is not being forced, it is more part and parcel of doing what you enjoy, if you did not want to raid mythic, you would not have to do it.

So ask for an increase in rep from raid or that the rep scaled with difficulty (like say 50 per boss/named trash for LFR, 100 for normal, 250 for heroic, 500 for mythic)

Hence why I said reasonable, I did not say that there were those being unreasonable.

So they should find a game they might hate the story, setting, etc. of just to get their solo progression? Do you ever stop to think that maybe they ask for such in WoW because they like everything else about WoW? Maybe what Blizzard needs to do is make a solo edition of WoW for these people, same setting, same story, solo progression equal to current group progression.

Fair enought, just be aware that some can pull the “solo players are casual, but not all casuals are solo players” argument.

9.2.5 is a .5 patch which means that its still a 9.2 patch. The only difference is the addition of a rotating fated raid every week. It doesnt change that this is still 9.2 and ZM gear is the catch up gear.

Then the same applies to solo players. They can raid mythic to get their top gear.

I am not asking for the game to cater to me. The game has always rewarded people that play more of it.

There already is solo progression, if they dont like the solo progression they have three options.

  1. do group content
  2. find a nother game
  3. get over it

I personally dont care what they decide.

Absolutely not.

Also didnt you say reasonable people arent asking for BiS from solo content and then now you turn around and change that?

And they would lose. Solo players arent casual players because casual players dont limit themselves to solo content.

I also said:

If they made a solo edition, the solo players could play that, away from you, me, and others. They could even call it “World of Warcraft, off line edition” or something. If a solo edition would get these solo players out of the game and into one they like, would that not be better? As they get to play a game that is made for them, and we get to keep one that is made for us.

The only catch is, a real solo edition would mean the world consisted of them and only them, so if they like the idea of a full world, there could still be issues, but they still get what they are after.

Or they could find another game and not waste dev time trying to turn an mmorpg into an offline single player game.

That’s not a viable option and you know it.

Waisting your kindness and wisdom with that one.

So salty about ppl wanting to play solo and get decent gear for playing solo.

In a damn game that means nothing. đŸ« 


Or they could make a viable long-term progression path for solo players, instead of following your crazy philosophy of kicking them out the door.


They like WoW, they want to enjoy WoW, they could find another game, hate it and come back here.

Here is what “find another game” arguments sound like:
Them, I like 90+% of the game, but I have issues with the remaining 10% or less
You: find another game then
Them: I would, but none have the setting, story, etc. that I like

As such, my question to you is what does one do when they like parts of the game, hate parts, but like enough of it to stay even with the parts they hate?

I almost think at this point, they need to dump mythic raiding, and tell those that enjoy it to find another game.


Solo play does have a progression path every tier. Try again.

No it doesn’t.


Go buy some boosts.

Are you unable to read? Is don’t care if people play solo and casuals already have decent gear for solo play.

It’s literally already in the game.

Yet you keep trolling with posting videoed :joy:

Yes it does. The catch up hubs give normal raid level gear.

Korthia did it
ZM did it.

If you actually played the game you would know this.

Like mythic raiders do? They can deal with how the game is designed and deal with what they don’t like like everyone else or quit. I really don’t care what they decide.