End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Difficulty is subjective to the player, time is not. 60 minutes is 60 minutes regardless of your skill or item level.

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I mean I know you’re struggling to find a win and will nitpick the word work because you don’t have any actual argument.

However while this is a game to be a mythic raider actually takes a lot of effort as well as coordination.

Solo content in this game doesn’t take either of that.

I know you’re trying to look smart but you’re actually failing really badly.

You’re the one demanding/claiming/stating you have a right to mythic level gear.

I’m saying if you want it then do the content that rewards it.

Should honestly stop embarrassing yourself.

Actually it’s not. Just because Chris in accounting finds 15s difficult doesn’t actually make them difficult.

And Snozh finds 15s easy, which does not actually make them easy. It is subjective to the person doing them.


Similar to how a writer might find physics hard, while writing a fictional book is easy but a physicist finds physics easy but could not write anything not fact or research based to save his life.

The difference is that there’s a median. If you’re finding solo content hard then it’s a learn to play issue not because it’s actually hard.

Never said the difficulty was hard.
The obnoxiously long time sink to “unlock” rewards that you then have to spend just as long acquiring components and then you are looking at items that are comically weaker is the problem.

The elitist raiders will never acknowledge what it acutally takes to unlock and then get those items, as if you just walk right in there and immediately have the highest item level loot tossed at you from anything and everything. It takes TIME.

You take the best geared open world player, the player that unlocks everything and gets all the best items, and compare them to a fully mythic raider and see how drastic the power difference is, it is quite amazing, and you should know that.

The power difference is too great for characters at max level. I know, you would like to see it even more of a gap.


I’d disagree with that.


Exactly. Not everyone can be Snozh. Thankfully.


Not true. Its takes gold or RL cash to buy tokens to be a mythic raider and get carried.

You keep lying and saying that yet you have provided 0 evidence where I said that. Again. link it or stop saying it.

You are embarrassing yourself. You sound like Amber Heard


Time is the trade off for doing it solo. Otherwise you wouldn’t have to do group content.

What you fail to realize is that mythic raiders do the same grind. While they may not need it for the gear they are still doing the grind for the other rewards. Unity for example

That’s how it’s supposed to be. They aren’t supposed to be equally powered. The hardest content awards the best gear.

So now you’re a mind reader?

Yet whenever someone puts for the idea of keeping the gear from solo content still under mythic but higher then what is the current cap for solo but earned over time, it gets shot down.

He said nothing about equally powered, just the gap was too large. to put it one way, mythic gear would be like a laser to a gun fight, what solo content provides would be akin to a single shot pistol, if not a knife, in that same fight, what some would be asking for is at least a semi-automatic. Better then what they have, worse then top, but not at an as extreme disadvantage.

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Not everyone is carried.

You should work on your reading comprehension.

Please feel free to stop posting Amber.

Yes it does because it’s already the same as normal level raid gear. It should never be better than that.

And I already pointed out that currently solo players can get 252 item level gear equal to normal raid bosses. That’s a 26 ilvl difference not 35 like he claimed. And no it’s not too big of a gap considering the ease of solo content.

Your arguments make no sense considering the essence of the MMORPG is group play.

39 ilvls might be a bit much but looking back at Classic a Naxx geared player vs a 60 who only did dungeons had an even larger difference even though the ilvl difference was a little less.

It’s not a phobia about playing with other people.

From Vanilla through to Cata I led guilds, main tanked (on my main account) and dedicated a huge amount of weekly time to WoW - I just can’t do that anymore. (Moreover, I don’t want to do that anymore either).

This means I returned to WoW, on this newish account, as a super casual, mostly solo player.

To be sure, some people likely don’t group up, at least in part, due to a social aversion (and given the toxicity of the WoW playerbase, I can understand their attitude), but there are other soloists like me, who simply no longer have the time or desire or both to do a full-time raider/mythic playstyle any longer.

If WoW wants to maintain the highest number of subscribers possible, then it will cater to this playstyle, with decent content and decent gear (not BiS by any means, but decent enough to permit the player to beat the solo content and to have a sense of progression).

It’s Blizzards game, so if they don’t want to do this, they don’t have to, but if they were to adopt an EQ1 like attitude to solo players then I suspect they’d up with EQ1 like subscriber numbers to.

In short, all players benefit from WoW having more and more subscribers, so I hope there’s content for everyone even for styles of content (PVP for example) which I myself personally don’t care for.


As outdoor gear gets better so to does the outdoor content get tougher. It becomes a wash where you progress but content is harder so it is still effectively the same. 9.2.5 does not add any new outdoor content, thus there is no increase in toughness so no gear increase to offset it. You will feel just as strong then as you do now doing the exact same content you have been doing.

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Even if it takes all patch to get it that high? This is what I don’t get about mythic raiders coming down on systems they would be well beyond when it really matters. I can understand not wanting to be forced to do the content early on, but if you are fully decked out in 278 gear before the x.x.5 patch, what does it matter if some one is getting 272 gear just in time for the next x.x.0 patch?

Also, keep in mind ilvl will be increasing for raids, and M+, next season. LFR will drop 265/272 gear for the fated raid, while mythic will drop 304/311. Currently no world content, outside of world bosses when their corresponding raid is fated, will drop higher then 252.

The gap is not that big now, but solo players might feel like they are fighting with rocks and sticks once season for really gets going unless world content also gets an ilvl increase.


Yes. That’s the trade off for playing solo.

Because solo content is too easy therefore it can’t be easier to get gear higher than heroic from solo content or else it invalidates normal and heroic raiding.

Look. Raiding is the primary endgame. If people want to play solo the. That’s fine. However you should never get better gear from solo play than group play.

Ok? I don’t have any sympathy for solo players. If you choose to not play group content that’s on you.

Solo players feelings are not on my priority list at all.

So the trade off for playing solo is poor gear for a lot of time put in?

Heroic raider, I don’t feel my work would be invalidated by someone getting my level of gear by patch end when I have heroic or better weeks to months earlier

If solo play dropped higher then mythic raid, I’d agree, but mythic raid has always been, and will always be, the top gear. It is content and rewards below that which is lacking.

At least until then, LFR gear is weaker then solo gear, if any raid difficulty shold be invalidated, it is thet.

Let me ask this, is normal or heroic raiding really invalidated by solo content, when grop content still lands you decent tier or other bonuses from the raid? or do people just feel like their work is invaldated because someone get similar ilvl gear from lesser content. The former is an issue that need looked at, the latter can be answered by “why should we care about your feelings if you don’t care about ours”?

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