End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Even with the tools making it easier people still threw massive massive fits about them. Also with making it easier that means that the reward can’t be the same as mythic level bis.

I didn’t buy a damn boost.


I chillax.

Not this expansion maybe. You definitely bought your 2200 boost though.


WoW bro. I missed this thread.

I never bought 2.2k boost. hilarious.

Not at all :slight_smile: I am calling you out on your BS that you think you are something because of how you play this game. If you read the wrong things into that- its on you.

I dont like snobby entitled whiney little kids. Mythic raiders who do their thing I have no problem with. Just the ones screaming about what others should or shouldnt have get the responces.

  • the belief that one is inherently deserving of privileges or special treatment.
    Getting gear others have no access to is the literal definition of entitlement.

I can tell you this, if you feel getting attention in a video game is as important you do, its a fair guess to say you have not had any actual RL challenges.

Hate it if you want Gw2 has great solo content/

Because they want the rewards without working for them or don’t want to be patient and get them when they can (only really accpetable attitude if something is being removed).

True, but say the gear from them only made that section easier, or the only rewards were cosmetics.

Like I was likely in ANT normal gear before I got the original MT down, which might have been high heroic to low mythic tomb gear, so why couldn’t gear from Torghast or other solo content be between normal and heroic current raidonly while in torghast, and normal or lower outside?

The major problem is the player power disparity between the high end raiders and those that are not. 35+ item level difference and enhanced borrowed power on top of it are unrealistic to have in an open world.

When I was item level 230 I was light years ahead in terms of power than one of my 205 item level alts. I just can’t imagine what it is like to be at 275+

And on a final note, those high end raiders deserve the best gear, my complaint is the huge gap between that gear and players that are forced to slog through open world content to get hilariously reduced item level gear and borrowed power rewards.


Check pvp doesn’t lie. You clearly do :joy:

I have never once stated that I was something special. I only state that if you want the same gear that I have then do the same content. It’s not a hard concept.

LOL you’re the one being snobby and entitled. I’m not saying you can’t have the gear. I’m saying if you want mythic raid level gear then do the content that awards that gear.

You’re the one literally asking the game to cater and give you special treatment for gear ilvl from content you don’t do.

You’re clearly the entitled one.

Considering I don’t care about attention in a video game. You’re the one that keeps repeating that weak argument.

The outcry about torghast being too time consuming in difficult along with the mage tower plagued this forum for months.

It’s why I repeatedly state that the majority of game players don’t want hard solo content.

Because that won’t be good enough for most people.

Look at the complaints about covenant gear being a few ilvls under LFR in CN. So Blizz compromised and gave them normal end boss raid loot lvl gear from Korthia. The complaints then stated that wasn’t high enough and that it took too long.

Dude reality check. Me saying we can both have the same gear makes me entitled, while you saying You cant have my gear unless you do what I did isnt?

I dont care what you have. You see to care a tremendous amount about what I have and how I got it.


ZM awards full 252 gear which is normal SoTFO

It’s a 25 ilvl difference.

The borrowed power is covenants renown level and legendaries which anyone can have.

So I don’t agree with you on that.

So current normal raid level loot for doing overly simple world content isn’t enough?

Correct. You being entitled to having the same gear I do without doing the same work is the definition of entitlement.

I don’t care what you have either. I’m saying if you want the best gear in the game you can’t play the easiest content in the game.

It’s a basic mmo philosophy.

Tell me the name. It’s not me. But continue on.

That over simplified world content you are talking about is a far greater time sync than you want to admit.

WAit, this is work? I thought this was as game. Something we do for fun. its not “work” and thats why you cant see clear.

Here yet another definition:


[ en-tahy-tl-muhnt ]

See synonyms for entitlement on Thesaurus.com

:orange_book: Middle School Level


the act of giving, or the state of having, a title, right, or claim to something:

You seem to want to have a claim to gear because of the activity you choose to do.

That my friend, it pure entitlement

It definitely is. Just search yourself on check pvp.

Let me put how I see arguments like this:
too long=I can’t get through it in 10 minutes or less
too difficult=I can’t zerg through it.

I know it is a game and everything, but some of my best memories of games from the past were those I had to work on to get by certain parts.

I’d say it is more like they don’t want content they can’t zerg down in less then a day. The thing is, content is meant to last at least as long as the patch, if not the rest of the expansion, do it too fast and you run out of things to do, but if the pacing is too slow, people will quit.

Time sync doesn’t mean difficult. PS I already did it because it’s needed to be done as a mythic raider.