End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Gear helps you get past mechanics though. Higher DPS/Healing will shrink mechanics windows because you get past them faster.

Higher DPS will, but aside from things like the healing absorb bubble on Anduin, higher healing will just make it so you can survive those mechanics longer or be able to cut down on healers in group in exchange for more DPS, which might mean higher DPS in a round about way.

However, this reasoning can be likened to the same reasoning that some use when saying solo/world players don’t need better gear. As it is not the fact they need the gear to get by, but the gear will make it easier to move on, issue is for one that wants a solo path to move along , there is nothing for them to move to outside the group content.

That’s the point.

Gear isn’t about e-peen which is a meme from players who don’t do harder content. Of course it feels great to have the best gear but if you want to show off anything it’s your in game achievements like AOTC, CE, KSM etc. and gear helps you get there.

It is a meme, but it became one because of the meme from mythic raiders that only group content can be difficult.

I have the achievement for doing 5 mask vision runs solo, those were hard but, like with the raiders, gear and the upgrade system for visions helped me get through it. At times it felt like it was as hard as a mythic made for 1 would be. Others it felt quite easy

Same with the original mage tower, I was not able to complete that till late tomb or ANT gear at the earliest, but I still got it done.

Point is, solo content can be hard, but only because you have yourself to worry about, if you mess up you can’t pin it on anyone else…

One word: Ion
He is an elitist and always has been once since his days as a raid designer. Can’t expect someone that has a “raid or die” mentality to offer meaningful rewards to non-raiders.

Ever since he took the lead, every expansion has exponentially declined in rewards for non-raiders.

I know he is everyone’s hero around here, but he is the wrong man for the job.


I haven’t thrown mythic raiding out at anyone.

I’m not asking for exclusive access at all. If you want that high of ilvl gear you have the same opportunity to earn it that I did.

You’re the one wanting special treatment because entitlement.

You didn’t say it indirectly but your entire attitude and statements show that’s what you want.

This isn’t relevant at all but I agree the cov sets were good for the over all game even though some solo players complained about them.

Which is ironic because under Zion this game has been the most solo friendly it’s ever been.

That’s absolutely false as shadowlands is the best it’s ever been for non raiders.

You can’t even realize the gifts he’s giving non raiders lol.

Still blatantly lying. I asked you to link proof and you have not because you are lying about what I have said.

Try again. All I have ever said is entitled raiders like you claim you "deserve’ (and I am entitled) better gear than solo player and I even got you to admit you dont. You just need to know mechanics which gear has nothing to do with.

Again, I just find it rediculuos adults find some kind of prestige in a video game. If you are 12 sure. Over that? Go outside and get a real life and over come actual RL challenges - you know the kind with no reward or trophy

Lets send him over to Candy Crush. He can make that an elite game for all the “Hardcore gamers” and WoW can get back to the Hello Kitty game it was designed to be

You are stone cold nuts if you think Shadowlands is better than BFA or even Legion for non-raiders. I know, I am a non raider and BFA rewards totally blow SL out of the water.


Of course.

The problem is when Blizz makes hard solo content the forums erupt in anger. See the Mage Tower, Visions and Torghast.

He is perfect for a raid dev, but not for an overall game director.


They over-tune the content because raiders go in and blow those zones up if they were tuned for non-raiders.

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It’s not a lie when I said it’s implied. You’re getting bent out of shape because mythic raiders get better gear. If you didn’t want mythic raid level gear why are you even mentioning mythic raiders?

It’s not entitlement to be rewarded gear for doing harder content. You want the same gear for doing the easiest content in the game. I also never said it was just mechanics. I said that over gearing the content doesn’t mean you can ignore mechanics.

I can’t believe you’re so entitled you’re throwing a tantrum over a game.

You have no idea what I have overcome in my life and really you’re just proving my points.

With the exception of the mage tower redux, all of those became easier with gear or, in the case of visions/torghast, progress along the system for it (Box of Many things in Torghast).

This is one point I have been trying to make, if you don’t succeed at first, get better gear, work on skill, and try again is perfectly viable. The complaints come across as if people are expecting to dominate the content when it is first released, maybe the top players can do such but most of us will need better gear. Part of the issue is solo players want better gear to do these things, yet are being denied it due to lack of content between solo WQs and group content levels.

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Agreed 200% said this a few times on here.

Different roles require different skillsets. Seen many an amazing employee fail at being a manager and seen a manager who could do the actual job be a great manager

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I hear boost prices are going down this week.

Is the complaint that solo content is lacking, solo rewards are lacking, or both?

Is the complain that current retail (9.2) is lacking one or both, or that next patch (season 4) will not include more of one or both?

Historically, what has wow “solo” content included, and what do solo players expect it to include or want it to include that it already doesn’t?