End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Why I have been playing MMROGPs mostly solo since EQ in 1999.

Being in a persistent world is great - I love watching people run around.

In EQ I used to just stand there and buff passers by.

Lot of fun things to do that doesnt require instanced content because you want the gear

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I had seen this before but he did bring up a good point without XP there is nothing to do.

So I agree lets bring back XP and corpse runs!!!

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because the world does not scale up with your ilvl. It scales down if you are below a minimum ilvl (I think 200 for later zones)


The mage tower would like a word with you.

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That’s the exception, not the rule.

It also does not give gear, and never has.

False. Mythic is still challenging because mechanics can’t be ignored.

You are rewarded gear for the difficulty of the content you’re doing. Even over gearing mythic raiding is still harder than any content solo gameplay has.

Wow you’re really reaching. The point of an mmo is to feel your player gain power. The more harder content you do increases your performance.

That doesn’t mean that the raid is easy. It’s still harder than any solo content.

Since you don’t mythic raid you’re commenting on things you don’t understand.

The mage tower isn’t half as challenging as mythic raiding.

Again so you admit you dont need the gear. You just want to feel special over a number

Never aid it wasnt but you still havent addressed how it gets easier the more you run it. SO per your world view, it should drop lower ilevel gear every time your group beats a boss because its not as difficult as the first time because you now know the mechanics.

You are correct I no longer do (though I did when heroic when it was introduced). I just dont like dealing with people like you in game


Nope. I enjoy progressing my character. I raid mythic because I enjoy a challenge and playing with friends. I like progressing on bosses as a group.

Nope I never said that. You’re really reaching to make your weak point.

Heroic isn’t as hard as mythic and fights back then we’re also a lot easier.

People like me? I am a very nice person. Out of the two us you’re the one throwing insults :+1:

How is this thread still alive?

Just, 400 people complaining about nothing.

Mythic raid offers higher gear so the next phase of content those players aren’t starting off in LFR/ Normal they worked for gear to set themselves up to face harder content earlier in the next phase. That is how it has always been. Otherwise gear after phase 1 wouldn’t increase.

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Just like a solo player? Glad we can agree we both need something from this game. THere is only one of us to both progress our characters and its not you.

Never said you were not nice, try again. You are so inflexible in your perspective, you cant agree to disagree. It appears as though you think you are correct and anyone who disagrees with you is wrong. GO through this thread and see all the people you have argued with telling them they are all wrong.


Solo players have gear progression. It just doesn’t go as high as group play does. If you choose to limit your options that is 100% on you.

Correct. I’m not going to change my opinion that solo content should not reward mythic level gear because of the lack of difficulty in solo content.

I’m not going to sugar coat pointing out your entitlement.

Yet others are the ones throwing out insults?

I can be like the guy yesterday and go back and forth with you for a few hours where you go no and I go yes but you know what?

Ill bow out. Consider a win if it makes you feel better.

But you are still wrong.

Telling someone they are entitled because they want mythic level bis gear from solo content isn’t throwing out an insult.

If I were to say you’re bad/trash/brain dead/ect those are insults.

I’m not wrong. Which is why the devs have the same stance I do. It’s why catch up gear in ZM was nerfed ilvl wise form Korthia.

You’re the one wanting the game to cater to you because of your decisions which makes you very entitled.

Per the new rules, that is an insult.

Can you again show me where I have demanded anything? Copy and paste, Ill wait.

I just said you were wrong because you demand better gear and I got you to admit you dont need it - you just want to feel better than others.

Apparently you need validation from others because if it was internal validation you were seeking you would know you would be fine with just knowing you beat the mythic raid.

I think that makes you the entitled one

It’s not an insult. It’s a description.

Where have I demanded better gear? I earn the better gear through to higher difficulty content I choose to play.

Lol my ego isn’t that fragile I need validation from randoms in the game.

Keep thinking your entitled to bis gear for the easiest content in the game.

Not sure where you got that idea from. I actually think everyone deservers content and gear, but they have to be willing to do a bit of work for it. I say things like “realize the content is not for you, be happy with what you have” because what is poison for you might be the sweetest cake for someone else yet some of these requests come across as some wanting to turn their poison into the cake for them yet, at best, reduce the sweetness of the cake and at worst turn it to poison for others. If anything, if one finds their cake, they should ask for more of that.

Just as a personal example I might dabble in PvP but I know, in general, such is not for me. I don’t ask for PvP buffs or nerfs for others, I don’t ask they add less PvP content or take any of that away, I just accept that it is not for me and focus on the content I can do and enjoy.

I never asked for anything to be taken away, just that content I enjoy not be taken away, I.E. if I enjoy the harder solo content, let me enjoy it, don’t ask for it to be nerfed.

Yes and no, my understanding is that the fated raids will be on a 3 week rotation, world bosses dropping fated loot when their corresponding raid is up for fated. A simple addition would be to extend that to world content for the same time, like if Castle Nath is the fated raid, boost WQ for Bastion, Maldraxxus, Ardenwield, and Revendreth to fated LFR level and calling gear to fated normal
 Maybe with a slight increase in difficulty just to warrant the increase in ilvl. Repeat for Korthia/assaults when SoD is the fated raid and ZM when SotFO is up.

WoW is an MMO, this might mean group content for some, but for ones like me it just means many players, many styles of play, the game should have content for all, and rewards for said content. The one area lacking is difficult solo play, instanced or not.

oh but you do! look at you throwing out mythic raider like its actually something that matters. Its a fracking difficulty in a video game aimed at teens. Seriously. You are demnding to have exclusive access to gear because you have done some thing “special”

You keep throwing that line out. I am still waiting for you to quote me on any of that.

BTW - to me, the best part of SL was the gear system in the covenants. They had unique appearances and were fun to collect from all of the different covenants. I even started 3 new alts just to put one in each (and I deleted probably 20 alts I had before)

Same, I have a toon for each armor time in each covenant, or am working on such (missing cloth for Night Fae and Mail for Venthyr). That is not to say some of the things could not have been adjusted, like instead of our soulbinds for the Kyrian deal, let us take the trials or at least serve as our soulbind’s second. Not make it easier per se, just give us a bit more control on if we can do it.