End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

I linked a thread earlier showing someone asking for that.

The issue is that if it awards too high of an item level then raiders will be forced to do it. That’s the main issue and why it shouldn’t be a thing.

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Thank you for agreeing that raiders, whether LFR or Mythic, dont need better gear than WQ or solo players.

Just have Blizz never have a DPS check again ot make it passable with WQ gear.

That change makes this entire discussion go away. No gear progression for anyone instead of just a small minority

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There’s a thread in this thread that I linked showing people asking for it.

Gear is a reward. You get rewarded more for performing harder content.

Or people who want solo content can go play a solo focused game.

And it kills the game.

so you want to take the challenging part of the game and make t easier so you can get rewarded for doing the easier “hard” content?

Or should rewards go down as your ilevel goes up?

LIke WoW has always been. Maybe the group only folks can go play EQ, 1999 wants its playstyle back

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Mythic raiding is the challenging part of the game. There is nothing challenging about solo content.

WoW has never been a solo player focused game. Stop living in denial.

Neither is mythic when you outgear it.

Like you said the challenge is the coordination except for gear checks, yet claim you should get rewarded gear to make it easier.

So despite the riad being easier as you gear up, you dont want hard content to reward less as it gets easier?

I though reward was lied to challenge?

Wait - it really only is about getting gear to sooth your ego and imagine people are looking up at you in Org.


Well, your hopes might be filled with whatever they are doing to the crafting systems in dragonflight since they want to make those useful again (but probably will still fall short).

Torghast was a missed opportunity to have a gear set that was ment for it.

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It’s an MMORPG featuring vertical progression. Raiders will always have better gear than people playing flappy birds in bastion and they should.

You you dont deny they dont NEED it, its just that you feel they should have it?


What point do you think you are making? In a game that gear is reward for doing things, the best gear will always come from the hardest content.

No, the hardest content would be doing the hard content with the lowest ilevel gear. Gear ilevel doesnt drop as raiders gear up and the raids get easier…

You get that this is a Massively-Multiplayer-Online-Role-Playing-Game, not Skyrim on Playstation, right?

Solo play is tolerated and moderately rewarded, but the game is designed for and intended for group play.

Deal with it.

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Actually its not. The original devs came from a game like that and specifically decided to make their game not like that and made sure it was marketed as not being like that


I don’t know what you’re basing “not marketed like that” on given that the initial press release for World of Warcraft used the term MMORPG in it.

I suppose in the post-truth reality that exists now you can say anything and if you mean it then, why, it must be true.

There was a ton of content in the original game that was flat inaccessible unless you were grouped and there was no LFG/LFD/LFR tool (other than an addon that someone made) to help with that.

Try again.

You aren’t making an actual argument at this point.

Only for leveling really.

In EQ you quickly hit a point where you couldn’t progress at all solo. Vanilla Warcraft changed all that but end game was meant to be played in a group with progressively larger ones giving the most power gains.

Here’s Kaplan talking about Raids in Vanilla at Blizzcon in 2005…


Yep and MMORPG just means persistent world with a bunch of players all online ta the same time.

I played the same game as the original devs but I was about 10 years older than they were.

  • There was a reason in WOW you can solo to cap.
  • There is a reason you have instances in WoW.
  • There is a reason group size went from 6 to 5.
  • There is a reason the roles dropped to the holy trininty from tank -healer-cc-puller-slower-debuffer
  • There is a reason raiding dropped from 72 people to 40

You can easily kill anything in the outdoor world at a lower ilvl than that. You don’t need better gear. I will never understand this phobia people have of any group content. Go play a single player game then if you don’t wanna play with other people. It makes no sense.

I do kinda miss the 40-player raids, but I doubt you could get 40 post-millennials to agree that it’s Thursday, much less show up on time, prepared, and fully stocked for a 40-player raid team.

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