End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

torghast could of been a fun thing to have a gear set for, just like pvp does where its item lvl in pve is lower but the moment you zone into torghast it ups it to a certain amount depending on ?/? upgrades it has or something.

WQs don’t think would work with that system since its in open world.


This is an extremely annoying response.

“I don’t do raids or M+, so screw the people who do.”

Find another game. WoW isn’t for you.

Ion pretty much admitted on Asmongolds stream that it was a HUGE mistake to ignore the casual content. So there is at least that.


You’re 100% wrong on that one considering I have been lost to you.

You keep believing that.

I will because it’s facts. That’s why you keep following me and trying to troll me.

It’s why I think you’re a young kid and honestly don’t know any better.

I mean so are your methods but I shouldn’t need to remind everyone what those are again.

What I’m trying to say at the end of the day is that you can’t be selective about those “facts” any more than I can.

If there is one thing that we have in common is that our reputations will stick on these forums.

There’s nothing wrong with my methods. I don’t sugarcoat things because of your fragile feelings.

I’m not selective on anything. You flat out don’t understand anything.

The difference is if I had your reputation I would stop posting.

Debatable considering your post history, how many other players have you had to strip down now when they argue against you?

I know a troll when I see one.

I can live with one troll being mad at me.

Doesn’t stop me from posting my opinion.

Fated Raids LFR gives 265/272 gear.

also even though its not fast, i think sandworn relic vendor gear can be upgraded into tier (but umm, there isn’t a forever farm for them i think, just stuff you can only do once a day or week type things.)

My post history? ROFL what a weak argument as usual.

Which is ironic because you’re the troll.

Trust me I’m not mad at you.

Sure, your opinion just doesn’t have any merit on anything because you don’t actually have a clue about the content you post your opinion on.

These efforts do not matter. The moment a new patch comes out, gear becomes obsolete and only the vanity items have a staying power.

Are the reasons known for?
I tend to believe it’s because the world scaling is too bad and some classes suffer from it.

The world scaling isn’t an issue. Some people just aren’t good at the game.

And the reasons?

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The reasons that world scaling not an issue?

Because if you’re struggling in world content is a player issue not a scaling issue.

Just like if you are struggling in a raid, gear is not the issue?

No, I would like to know more about this:

Solo players have asked for mythic level raid gear from solo content.

I would like to know if you could bring up some examples (topics, websites, etc) because I haven’t ever paid attention to this topic and would like to read more about it.

Ordos used to reward an entire set of heroic level gear as well.

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These threads always eventually become the same thing. There will be raiders/m+ players claiming every solo player wants max ilvl gear for doing 30 second WQs. There will be solo players claiming every raider/m+ player just wants to deny solo players any gear. The truth is those people are a minority.

I think the problem that needs to be solved for a true increasingly difficult solo progression path (which is IMO what most solo players want) is 1. Solo content by nature can’t be as hard as grouped content because anything you can design for solo challenge you can simply copy and make 20 people do at the same time which is just automatically harder because you have no control of 19 other people. 2. The mage tower is a good example of high end difficult solo progression. The type of difficulty that could award high end gear. It’s probably still not difficult enough to award mythic raid ilvl but heroic or maybe in between? But if this is the bar would enough of the solo players (the intended audience) actually engage in it or would it really just become another gear progression path for raiders/m+ players?


Most of the time it’s people messing up or learning mechanics.

Gear is generally only a factor early in a tier when meeting specific dps checks.