End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Except it’s not. The rewards on layer 16 are only slightly better than 15.

Also, you can do it later 16 well below the gear level recommended.

Your entire argument is completely flawed, however. If, according to you; you need mythic raid gear to do layer 16-then it stands to reason that it wouldn’t matter if it dropped mythic raid gear or not since you wouldn’t be clearing it anyway without the ilvl recommended.

As per usual, you have long and wordy responses that aren’t well thought out or based in reality.

You want what you want and you want to obtain what you want how you want. This is bad for the game. How many levels of raid/M+ need to be trivialized before you’re satisfied?

Except you did maybe learn to read what you type.

I am already very successful in game. Thanks though…

No I didn’t. Work on that comprehension there chief.

Sure thing :joy:

I agree work on your reading comprehension.

Sorry, you’re a sad person. I can get you some children’s books and that would help cheer you up and help with your reading comprehension.

I mean like Caps already stated. You can’t make any actual arguments and just repeat the same nonsense because you can’t refute anything.

I’m not sad at all my guy. Keep hiding that “success”

We are trying to focus on your lack of reading comprehension right now and not theirs.

Of course, you are sad you only think negative things of others.

No matter how many times you say it it won’t magically make it true.

Nope just stating the obvious.

This is now a hunters only thread :rofl:

Same applies for you. Neat huh?

Correct, you need cheering up.

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Real Void Elf BM Hunter here

Notice I am not the one that keeps needing to state I am correct.

Nah, actually in a good mood.

I endorse this message.

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Yet, you keep on doing it.

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The true result of everything you say so far, it will be seen if you were right or not, when it is further, or because of the 10.0

Unfortunately the destination is uncertain since we do not know between the community and the company what is really what is wanted.

But the bad thing is that the essence of a War theme as its name indicates Warcraft among what was the success of factions is already being lost as it is in the case that no more pvp is being done, and about the failure of the Warfronts in BfA that without a doubt more pvp was needed than a sologame.

But really in MMO’s it is an obsolete formula seen in other old games like Ragnarok, Runescape and Lineage 2 where the fact of pvp in sense of new BG’s in the game does not have more decent consistency, something that wants to imitate a small part of what is a non pvp in Final Fantasy XIV thing that his Square Enix pvp is unfortunate.

I’m just saying, I agree with what you say but really the conclusion is not correct because in the end, the last word will have the community as it likes or not the new experience of the next expansion in WoW.

Which I do not accept and I will stay in WotLK classic unless there is something positive during 10.1

I’d be surprised if anyone on this forum stated that you’re correct.


Multiple have.

But you like to ignore facts so it’s no surprise you missed it.

Ahh. Then you can quote them.

Yes, but there are achievements, titles, and other rewards locked specifically to Layer 16.

It’s not just about completion, but achieving a Flawless score for Layer 16 of all six wings. Gear is immensely helpful in avoiding deaths (each death is a 20 point reduction) as well as in killing things quickly (faster completion results in a higher score, and you can get bonuses for killing elites within 10 seconds of each other or before any elite’s buff stacks too high).

And someone somewhere being able to do something at a low item level doesn’t mean that the content is adequately tuned the way it is. The WoW community needs to stop looking at the top few percent of players as a guideline for even something as basic as expansion features. Mythic raiding, high-rating PvP, and infinitely scaling M+ are there for the star players.

The game itself recommends a Mythic item level for regular wing Layer 16 and Gauntlet Layer 8. Naturally, you can get by with a lower item level through skill, luck with anima powers, or the Box of Many Things.

Do Heroic raids drop Mythic gear so that you have enough power to beat Mythic bosses? No, you get Heroic gear from Heroic bosses and Mythic gear from Mythic bosses, and push your way up over time as you get more powerful.

Does Mythic Jailer (or any raid’s final boss) not drop gear because you were strong enough to defeat them and theoretically don’t need the gear? No, the final boss drops good loot, because it feels good to be rewarded, and you deserve to be stronger to defeat them more easily next week.

Torghast could have worked the same way.

Why is progression such a hard concept when applied to content other than raids?

You are describing raidloggers here. The expansion becomes “unplayable” if they feel forced to do content other than raids for even a minuscule increase in power.

When devs listen to raidloggers, we end up with expansions like WoD and SL—and oops, the game hemorrhages a few million players. Then we gotta stop publishing figures. Gotta start listening to players. Gotta have content other than raids.

Casual and solo players are generally willing to spam Heroic or timewalking dungeons, do world or daily quests, do Visions, farm chests, farm rares, or do whatever is available to them for better gear. The problem is when none of these systems exist.

No raids or M+ are going to be trivialized by my gear if I don’t even step into them.

The whole point of gearing up through outdoor content or queued content is to avoid premade raids and M+!


Just go look at your favorite masterloot thread.

Your opinions doesn’t matter enough for me to spend any time looking for them.

Pretty sure you lost that one.