End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

You, and your kind, incapable of discussing an argument without being deliberately rude, are at least part of the reason why on my return to WoW I chose to play predominantly solo.


All you got is incorrect statements on this thread.

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I mean you said something that was very wrong, backed up a stereotype, and then got mad when you were called out on it.

The irony is that you got mad over insults and then through insults back lol. What a hypocrite.

Usually it’s lack of ability but whatever makes you feel better.

Yet none of them are incorrect. If you leveled past level 11 you could see that. Either way you can’t do anything but say “nah you’re wrong” and won’t ever put any evidence.

It’s why no one takes you seriously.

You can’t understand when you have posted incorrect statements and that is cool.

Weird you are no one.

Just like you can’t understand that just because you say they are incorrect doesn’t make them so.

Never claimed to be. Atleast I made it to level 12.

When do you think you will be able to read what you type?

I can’t help it you are jealous of one of my multiboxing account characters.

hey, I tend to usually (definitely not always) disagree with you (probably the same for you) anyway hit the like because I wasn’t going to let one sentence matter that much. The thing is with that logic the majority of Threads are moot. /laugh (not at you) :butterfly:

Depends on the person, and opinions vary. Anyhow my last post in this thread, since it has become nothing more, than the same 4, or 5 people saying the same things over, and over anyways. One last time, imo they had, and still have a chance to make open world content relevant, and a way for folks to progress outside of being funneled into instanced content constantly. Building on things like invasions, assaults, wq’s etc. Some of those were too easy sure, and some required a few people to help until you (over geared them), and that’s what makes group finder helpful, if there wasn’t another person, or two around to help on the single boss/elite ones. Next patch just buff the reward item levels up, or scale them as you get better stuff to suit the newer content. Just cap it at a certain level. Maybe between LFR, and normal mode levels. And with titan, war forge extinct progression raiders don’t feel forced to do stuff they don’t like, and pve open world players don’t feel like the only way they can get decent stuff is only through instanced content. Long story short, just go back to a Legion, bfa model for open world content, and it’s on the devs to figure out how to do it without stuff forging to highest raid tiers. Although there will always be some that are going to not be happy on both sides of the arguement, and continue to complain lol.

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As soon as I type it and the vision in my left eye improves because my two year old accidentally poked me in the eye.

Not jealous at all. I’m not the one that’s ashamed to post my main.

This explains the errors then.

I have always used my multiboxing account for posting on the forums to avoid extra contact in the game so it isn’t anything new.

Also, what would my main prove to you? Do you really want to compare pixels? :rofl:

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Getting Mythic item level gear from Torghast is appropriate considering that Layer 16 is tuned for it. Otherwise, you just have a broken expansion feature, considering how few players actually do Mythic raiding.

But what I really think you are referring to is my suggestion that some sort of casual, solo, outdoor, or queued content reward 278/285 iLvl in Season 4, when that would be just Normal not Mythic.

The title of that post clearly says “Season 4”.

Normal in Season 4 will be 278/285.

The power cap for outdoor, solo, and casual players has kept going down and down ever since Shadowlands began. We won’t even get Normal in Season 4, unless the devs add a system or scale up pre-existing content.


That would require there to be an error.

Nope. Just the fact that you’re embarrassed enough to hide it says enough.

Don’t have to share my point of view, you’ll be okay goodbye.

There have been many.

Wrong again. Even if I posted on my main you wouldn’t believe it was me.

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No there hasn’t been a single one.

Sure. Just keep adding excuses :joy:

Of course, there were many. You called for achievements for Vanilla statistics.

I can’t help it you can’t handle the truth.

No I didn’t. I haven’t mentioned vanilla at all.

The truth in your own little world isn’t the actual truth.

This whole response is based off of that comment. :rofl:

Sorry, you don’t understand what truth means.

Then you should work on reading comprehension. I never called for vanilla achievements because the system didn’t even exist back then.

Sorry you can’t make logical arguments or find success in the game.