End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Oh we should applaud them. They aren’t asking for Mythic raid gear. So what then heroic ilvl? Just as ridiculous. Normal raid ilvl? Well they already get that.

That is the demand.

It’s really the only way I could think to have players to all have access to the same gear “stat” wise. While also allowing those that Participate in more challenging content to receive gear with set bonuses or cooler cosmetics.

What I don’t get about the Solo player mentality is, What do you do once you get that Max ilvl gear? Make an alt… do it again?

Raid are optional. And Gear is optional. No one is entitled to Raid quality gear… ESPECIALLY in Vanilla even Raider went the whole phase missing pieces. There is a World you can do solo… and portions that require groups you are free to opt out of the group content. The box saying SOLO is a poor argument… you couldn’t enter a Raid if you weren’t in a Raid group.

sorry i was being sarcastic

Please refer to this ENTIRELY separate thread about the same matter.

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Which of the letters, M, M, O, R, P or G stands for group?


“I’m not a mythic raider. I just identify with them. It triggers my Stockholm syndrome and I have to talk about denying content to casuals to get my bearings again.”

You wouldn’t be calling me “doofus” if you weren’t an antisocial troll who can’t stand being forced against your will to play a game that has other people who hold different opinions than you.

Don’t play the role of forum elitist and people won’t treat you like a forum elitist. It’s that simple.

Apparently not you. You’ve made your position clear.

"I want more top quality content, hard content just for me and designed to exclude the majority who I consider to be “doofuses”.

Yeah, whatever.

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I mean. The single player experience has been extremely dull. They’ve got you out in the world playing Candy Crush and Jenga in order to stay relevant with the rest of the crowd. There’s a reason why Mage Tower was celebrated and people still talk about it to this day. Because actual thought and effort was put behind it while essentially being single player.

Also, why not both?

WQs get you to normal raid ilevel, far beyond what you need to make the world trivial.

Plus you can have 2 291 legendaries and a 4 piece tier bonus, all without ever joining a group.

I quoted someone who considers casuals to be “doofuses” and does not think they deserve content, while wanting a lot more hard solo content added to the game.

Both what? You mean more hard solo content and more casual content, which is not what that poster is lobbying for?

There’s no new casual content of any sort in 9.2.5. “Casual content” in dragonflight has been described by Ion as “jumping puzzles and rock climbing”. Look at that. Does that sound like they’re going to be developing real casual content to you? Because it doesn’t sound like that to me.

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Kinda seems like that was directed at one person and not all “casuals”

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It’s an insult and a slur. He thinks casuals deserve neither content nor gear. You agree with him. You just told a poster that “casual content” is grinding up chores for gear and then having nothing to do. But they got their gear, right? And it’s “normal” ilvl from last tier, right? That’s all those doofuses care about, right?

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Do you understand what MMO means? Massive Multiplayer Online. If you want solo play, piss off to an RPG.

I’m missing the part about the forced group content at all times. Which letter in MMO makes forced group content mandatory?

And you say you have never ever done any solo content of any sort because forced group content at all times is mandatory?

I suggest you look up and see what the industry definition of “MMO” is. It is unrelated to your deliberate misrepresentation.

Remember when wow was originally started, marketed as the easy MMO you could play alone if your friends were not online? I guess they were wrong not to see the future and cater to you, right?


In your mind maybe, but asking for difficult solo content to enjoy doesn’t mean taking the existing stuff away and doesn’t keep anyone else from getting it. “Casual” doesn’t mean you can’t do hard stuff.

There you go again, lying about what other people say.

No, I replied to a comment saying that WQ gear isn’t strong enough due to scaling, which is blatantly false.

ZM gives current normal raid ilevel. You’re literally lying about stuff.

The only person calling casuals doofuses is you.

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Clearly, you don’t understand it either.

First up, WoW is an MMORPG, not an MMO, so when you tell people to “piss off to an RPG”, you’re in fact telling them to go play a game that they’re already playing.

Secondly, the word multiplayer doesn’t itself either mean exclusively grouped-play and indeed Blizzards own advertising for the game includes the ability to play, at least in part, the game solo.

Finally, don’t tell me you’re going to level in Dragonflight entirely in a group either, so you too indulge in solo play from time to time, so the argument then isn’t whether WoW should have solo content, but how much should it have.


I mean true casuals already get gear via the multiple avenues already in the game.

You keep referring to casuals when you actually mean solo players.


You are why I don’t invite people from Barthilas

You sound like you’ve had a bad day. Have you had a bad day?

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I did. A lot of people with friends do. Especially on launch.