End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

I think OP is actually just terrible at the game, and thinks that better gear is required for them to complete trivial content.

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So you are more in favor of a less steep vertical progression, but still a game revolving around vertical progression.

I don’t think I’ve seen a better compromise. I’m not exactly in favor of it, but I don’t hate it either.

The OP being good or bad at WoW is irrelevant. Invalidating various tiers of raid/M+ difficulty just because they refuse to engage in that content is what I’m concerned with.

Wrong dude, its why many of us left EQ to come to WoW.


  1. an online role-playing video game in which a very large number of people participate simultaneously.

No forced grouping definition.

See original box - play solo or enlist fellow heroes

You can post box art all you want. You’re conveniently leaving out the part where it doesn’t say “you can and should get the best gear playing by yourself.”

Also the manual that came with that box mentioned druids using spears as weapons, and Tauren using plainsrunning instead of mounting.

So whatever.

Well, I think the people who suck at the game need gear more than the Godlike among us.

If they really are God’s their skill would allow them to carry raids in Blues (like the greats back in Wrath did).

Hey lets do that! Instead of trying to make the fights harder, just make the higher tiers be done in lower ilevel. You get a the best title if you can do it naked :smiley:


You mean the most undertuned raid in the game’s history that was also a re-hash, Naxx 25?

I was responding to a person who said this is an MMO and that means you HAVE TO play as a group.

Did you ever play an MMORPG that required grouping for most of it? I have and occasionally still do.

There is a reason so many of us (including the original devs) came here - the devs took the best part of those other games and make a Hello Kitty Version.

Now kids who have never played the original hardcore versions want WoW to be the game it tried to be the opposite of

I’m not ok with it at the slightest.

You mean all of Wrath, not just Naxx?

Well clearly it’s a stupid thing to suggest that the entirety of WoW be played grouped. The game isn’t designed that way, most especially the leveling and catching up process.


The best gear should require group content. Not matchmaking content. Actual instanced, group content.

Yeah, cause you could totally do 25 yogg-0 or 25 heroic Lich King in blues.

I’m pretty happy with where solo play is at. Compared to early expansions loot and ability to gear solo is practically a daily pinata.

Been considering getting into more group stuff just for kicks rather than gear which is nice.

Then again I’m also a filthy casual LFR warrior now so I guess ego takes a hit :laughing:

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The problem is many on here are making a strawman saying WQ players want the equivalent to Mythic raid gear which isn’t true.

What people miss is with the world scaling that makes the world less than trivial for all raiders, makes the world less than trivial for people who only do WQ. WQ people see their character progression go down or even stop.

I handle it fine, I just go to older content when I want to play a Diablo style game where I can smash things with little risk. I LOVE that in Classic, I can go to older content and just smash things.

I would prefer to be abe to gear up so I can play in current zones without having to treat it like a dungeon or raid

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I have to admit, the transmogs from the covenants were one of the best thing Blizz has ever done

Edit - even the ilevel gear and upgrades. Just a lil slow for me

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So the MMO genre cant adapt or evolve to include solo gameplay?

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Yes it is. The OP has directly called for it in multiple threads. The answer is that it shouldn’t be the way the OP wants it.

Everyone has an end point in their progression. Silly argument.

You can’t be serious. With the gear you get in ZM and the high amount of people out there mob and quest sharing. Idk my warrior is full 226 and has absolutely no problems anywhere openworld.

It’s not a straw man. There are players that are asking for bis gear. No one is saying all of them are.

I coipied the whole thing but I will re-copy the one part in case you missed it

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Check the post history there’s another thread In currently responding in by the OP that wants mythic ilvl gear for torghast and matchmaking content.

It’s bad for the game. No.