End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Never said it was.

Achievements disagree with you.

You should probably read what you post to save yourself the embarrassment.

That means it changed.

Yet I have linked evidence.

That only documents that they got the achievements.

Not that they’re active and I wager grossly misrepresents their personal preference when it comes to content since raiding is the only fast means of acquiring gear.

In the end they still did it.

I mean I dont care what your opinion is because its not backed by anything.

I mean yours is just backed by conjecture so are you ready to fling some mud?

Just because you dont understand them doesnt mean they arent real.

I dont need too.

We eagerly await any scrap of evidence you can provide.

Scroll up.

All I see is hogwash.

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It’s been said like thousands of times but there is no way to make solo content as hard as group content. ANYTHING you can design for a solo encounter you can also require 20 people to do at the same time in a group encounter.

I would love to get my 278 gear from solo content. Sadly its just solo pugging and the experience is very variable, and the wait times to get into groups especially on alternate characters is very unappealing.

For some classes I resorted to tanking/healing again. Which was sort of annoying because I had to craft 291 legendary for a decent boost in ilvl to get invited.

Got my 4 piece on many dps specs I dont ever see in dungeons because its faster to pug as tank/heals.

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No. The main complaint raiders had about conduits was the fact that raiders had to grind Stygia in 9.0 to upgrade conduits to 226, then Cataloged Research in 9.1 to upgrade to 252.

So Ion agreed to “divorce” player power from the open world in 9.2. Now all you can get from Zereth Mortis is DOWNGRADES to 239 for grinding all the way to Revered.

You are either trolling or paying no attention to dev interviews.

Everything about that statement is false. 9.1 was widely seen as the best patch in Shadowlands for casual progression, even though the gear was far from BiS and far from free. If 9.2 were a bumped up version of Korthia (259 in all slots), then I wouldn’t even have created this thread!

All MMO players need progression. And being more powerful helps you do more things, and do things more efficiently and safely (with the exception of pet battles or vehicle-controlled content).

If Normal rewards are an acceptable compromise, then Devs need to give outdoor players a way of earning Normal 278/285 gear in Season 4, instead of hard-capping us at 252.

I would argue that devs have been thinking about Torghast wrong.

Torghast should have been an optional expansion feature for all players. But instead, Torghast was mandatory side content for competitive players in 9.0 and 9.1, then it became optional bonus content for competitive players in 9.2.

You shouldn’t have to be a Mythic Raider to reasonably earn all the cosmetic rewards from an expansion feature. Torghast could even have offered Torghast-exclusive gear or further research bonuses in 9.2, but devs intentionally left the highest rewards of the feature as an exclusive bonus for the hardcores.

Raid rewards and tuning don’t matter to outdoor players, who are always 26+ item levels behind hardcores and have their own cycle. Your “catch up” is a starting point for your season, but the endpoint of our seasonal progression, with the effect that we can “catch up” on what you already could do last season.

So being able to earn 278/285 Normal gear in S4 would allow outdoor players to “catch up” to the hardcores and be able to finish 9.2 content that may have been too frustrating until now.

But if outdoor players are still capped at 252, Season 4 has no incentive for them and they are going to be a full 2 patches behind in power levels. With this huge gap, any DF pre-patch content risks being too easy for some but too hard for others.

News flash: World quests and daily quests ARE endgame content, and are the main means of gear progression for more than a “very few” people.

Blizzard and content creators like to promote the image that KSM, AoTC, and Glad achievements are baseline goal points or “trivial”, but all third party sources (with the exception of site that ONLY track guilds or players with boss kills, etc.) confirm that hardcore players are a numerical minority. There is too much evidence to even begin to list it here.

If you have any numerical evidence to suggest that only a very few players stop at world content, please do share. (I doubt that Blizzard is going to publish metrics, though, because that would likely be embarrassing and raise too many red flags about the game’s current design philosophy.)

A lot of players who didn’t know anybody already playing started off as Hunters or Warlocks because they were said to be more the more solo-friendly classes with their pets.

If your meat shield drops down, run!

I posted an update in bold at the top of the thread to hopefully help newcomers.

Yes, Dragonflight is supposed to address the issue with open world gearing.

But SL Season 4 looks to leave out open world progression entirely, as if that sort of content doesn’t even need to exist.

The issue leading to my original post will actually get WORSE over the coming year, so the original thread is more pertinent than ever.

In the early expansions, countless players leveled up solo and then queued for unrated BGs, or random Heroics once Dungeon Finder was introduced. WoW can never have 12 million subs again if it keeps clinging to its Shadowlands three pillars model for endgame.

Thank you, this explanation is perfect, but somehow the hardcore players who are most obsessed with power progression ironically have a hard time understanding why anyone else would want progression in an RPG or MMO.


Agreed, making it mandatory forced them to kill the difficulty and make it a free win shortly after launch.

Ok, but do you for current torghast? Are there actually any pieces that only drop on layer 16? If it’s only cosmetics you want, is there any reason at all to go above layer 9 (where the vaults open)?

Then why do you care so much about S4 at all? S4 is not coming with a new zone, or even any “new” content. It’s an experiment to see if they can pull off making old content relevant again, and that includes world bosses btw.

What 9.2 content “isn’t possible” at 252, with 4set and double legendary?

If you are this adamant about being a solo player, why do you care how powerful other players are?

When has pre-patch and leveling content not been free? Icecrown in SL pre-patch was giving ilvl 110 gear from rares, (current 259, S4 285) that you could just tag once and AFK. World gear at that time was old 415, new 78.

You can do SL leveling content from level 50 with an ilvl of 55, and the game will throw ilvl 90+ gear at you to make it free.

I am not understanding this.

If you want gear to “hold your own against highlevel dingbats” there is Conquest gear for pvp that is 249(in pve) and 264(in pvp) that can be obtain in random BGs (though it will take some time, you can get it with solo queue and you can get Honor gear that caps at 242(pve) and 259 (pvp).

How high of Ilvl are you expecting Solo world quest content to drop? it already drops higher than Looking for Raid which is the solo queue raid content
 Should it be dropping Mythic Raid Ilvl gear? so you can what? beat world mobs faster to farm gold? What would be the point of Mythic/Heroic Raiding if everyone could get the gear for dailies?

Solo players are already able to get:
246 pve gear from world questing
242 pvp honor gear that is 259 in pvp
249 pvp conquest gear that is 262 in pvp
291 Legendaries that are obtainable solo
262 crafting gear

There might be more but that’s all I can think of. But all of that Puts you right around Normal Raid tier ilvl. Heroic and Mythic and Rank pvp are for those that Make the group and clear the content.

I guess it’s the mentality that you should be able to stand toe to toe with a person that could be Rank 1 in pvp, when you never stepped foot in the arena because you should be able to get the same gear via solo play. Or that you should be able to match dps with a Mythic raider because you don’t want to raid but think you deserve the gear.

If it’s solo about cosmetics then sure allow players to buy transmogs with “farmed” world currency from the area the raid is in.

The OP who is a troll has already posted in numerous threads demanding mythic ilvl gear at the rate of several pieces per week via matchmaking content, Torghast, and world quests.

whats there do to without m+/raid/pvp?

252 sounds already overkill for those tasks :wink:

should ask for more solo content instead of better ilvl at that point.

They did. They raised a big stink over mage tower. It’s back. No one does it.

Mythic ilvl for trivial content is what’s being demanded, don’t think for a moment it’s anything else.

That wasn’t just raiders complaining about that.

You clearly weren’t paying attention in 9.0.

Korthia gear ilvl was way too high for what it was. And ye sit proved most want free bis gear based on all the complaints about it not being high enough.

You created the thread because you are entitled.

While I wouldn’t be opposed to offering max ilvl gear for solo content, and just having Cosmetics coming from Mythic/Ranked. They “could” have solo content able to get max ilvl gear either via world quest reward currency, so supply is limited per week and prevents Farming to gear. Like Sandston Relics but more straight forward. Make a quest chain to unlock the next tier of gear or something. Also I think Crafted Gear should be upgradable when each new tier is released to make craft relevant (but not require Raid Mats to upgrade). There would be no Set gear it would be just stat gear, and Mythic/Rank offer Set gear and more gear that synergizes.

I’d be ok with it, but I’m also ok with out it.

It’s an MMORPG bro, game isn’t meant to be played solo.