End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

That’s being very casual about it in the third tier of the expansion. You’re not supposed to be equal power levels to your main.

So why don’t you do that?

I already have but if you insist that nothing is wrong with this expansions design then you’re crazier than I.

If you say so Ion we all know you tell the truth lmfao.

Yet you do point out that the solo players in general don’t want hard content. The thing is, I see both solo players (strictly solo that is) and mythic raiders both as minorites, the real majority are those that do solo content, raid up to at least heroic if not “farm” bosses on mythic (think up to Anduin max here). I want content for the majority, the real minorities can get bits and pieces here and there, but for the game to survive content has to be made for the bulk of players. If raids come each major patch, why can’t solo content come with minor ones?


Never once claimed that. I know you invent things that people say but I have never said that.

Well this is your chance to clarify and correct the record.

No need already done.

Because aside from a very small minority of actual solo players they don’t. That’s not a generalization that’s a fact backed by the qq threads anytime some solo content is hard.

You do realize that the raiding community is the biggest community in the game right?

While mythic raiding might be a small section the amount of people that raid normal and heroic at any type of level is higher. Most of those players are casual players as well.

It’s a common misconception that casual players play solo content and that’s false. Casual players play multiple faucets of the game at different levels which is why they are labeled as casual players. It’s also a big reason why solo players try to hide behind the casual banner.

The majority of the game raid at some level.
That’s why raiding has been the primary focus of the game since it’s release.

Because that requires dev time. So what you want is

A raid and solo content to come out on major patches and then more solo content to come out on a .5 patch?

So you see the issue?

So you don’t have an actual position other than snozh and I are wrong, got it.

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He never does which is why I don’t take him seriously.

But it’s understandable. At level 11 you can’t do much content anyways.

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Let me put it this way then: say Mechagon or Nazjatar, aside from the dungeon or raid, came out in 8.1.5 if such was ready for release at that time. that would meet what I was thinking.

I know it requires dev time, but I doubt that the ones that make dungeons/raids are also the same ones that make the content that solo players would do.

It would be an issue if all deves were working on the same content, but if it is different teams for different content, where is the issue again?

The majority also do solo content at some level.
See the issue, it is not that raiding should not be the focus, but to keep people interested, more content, maybe even solo content, needs to be added if a raid is not coming out. The group I am trying to hook are those that are either burned out on raiding due to lack of progression or the ones that beat the raid and quit till the next one is out yet might stay subbed if there was new content.

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Those are literally catch up mechanics. They are the same thing as Korthia/ZM.

It still costs money and time away from other projects that benefit more people.

People are always going to fluctuate. Early patch I was on every night I could doing the stuff I needed too. Now I use the downtime to play other games with friends.

I can’t help it you can’t read it. Yeah, you are both wrong.

Well you’re refusing to post a correction, and with a hidden profile I can’t easily see everything you’ve posted in this thread.

If you actually had a point, and were given an opportunity to clarify what it is, you should take it.

I don’t need to correct anything. What I already posted is accurate.

This as I have to disagree with, be cause it assumes that the largest majority only raids. Which group is larger:
those that raid, do solo content, and everything+thjose that only do solo content
Those that raid, do solo content and everything+those that only raid
those that only do solo content
those that only raid

Nazjetar, sure, Mechagon I would not be so sure about, as the biggest thing there was the trinket and then cosmetics from the rares. In esence, mechagon was the IoG to Nazjetars’ IoT.

Sounds like the focus of the game to me :thinking::

Long-time players already know of the auction house shenanigans that occurred with Baron Geddon’s Living Bomb, but it may be new information to discover that Molten Core nearly failed to make the final cut in World of Warcraft . According to the post, developers finished the dungeon in a single week, with Jeff Kaplan handling spawning and creature placement, Scott Mercer designing the bosses, Bob Fitch designing the loot, and Pat Nagle creating the Hydraxis questline. Molten Core was originally conceived as a single room where players would face Ragnaros. Everything else came much later.

A whole week despite the game having a 4-5 year development time.

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So your evidence of on raid that changed last minute means raiding isnt the focus. I wasnt aware MC was the only raid in vanilla.

Like it took a week at the end of development because they had the chance to expand on it. That doesnt mean they spent a week on it and then moved on.

No my evidence is not that it CHANGED, it was that it was CREATED.

I have more evidence than anything you have said in this entire thread. Unless you care to link your internal data that shows the statements you have made

Edit -you also said since RELEASE, not what was added after.

nope, anecdotal observation is not fact.

nope, only about 10% of active players raid.

nope, see above. unless you’re including players who solo old raids, in which case you’d be right. ironically.

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