End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Yeah but thing is.

Nobody cares.

Blizzard catered to the hardcore crowd like yourself and look where it landed Shadowlands, right in the dumps.

I keep hearing this claim repeated, that people are asking for the easiest content to be made even easier and give bis gear. I’m not seeing this in the forums. Like ever. I guess it’s just an illustration of how you feel about other people in your game.

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None of that is a generalization. Did you even read what you quoted?

You may not be but plenty of players are asking for that. I even linked a thread.

You are a rare breed as all the solo advocates on this forum think normal raid gear isn’t high enough.

The irony is that shadowlands has catered to solo players and casuals more than raiders than any other expansions

I literally linked a thread requesting it. You clearly aren’t looking hard enough.

I haven’t even made a crappy generalization. I see personal insults because you can’t refute facts are all you are capable of.

ZM is way too easy for the level gear that’s rewarded. Catch up hubs should never give bis gear. Also super mobs would be complained about even more than the current mobs are.

Said soloists are a minority and would be a waste of resources.

Total crap.

All those systems only suited the maddening time that raiders sink into this game.


Okay, so you are making up and repeating lies because the people who were duped into subscribing to do the mage tower didn’t like the fact that it was made harder at the last minute with no warning to “teach them a lesson”. Yeah, a lot of people learned the hard way what you and the devs think about casuals and pulled the plug on the game.

Casuals and solo players: “I pay for this game, I should have content”.

You: “You should be grateful we even let you log in. If you aren’t dedicating your lives to doing the hardest content in the game, haven’t dedicated thousands of hours to mastering elite content, you don’t even deserve that.”

“Casual content” is the chores that raiders abandon the moment they are no longer required to do it now.

Blizzard will win the war on casuals and solo players. They’ll show microsoft that wow will be most successful if it is too small to be called an MMO anymore.


And you think that’s catering to raiders? I know you’re out of touch and ignore facts but that’s delusional even for you.

Raid bosses dropping less loot is definitely catering to raiders.

For every slither of power that it gives you over someone else, you’d snort it up without second thought.

Correction. For every bit of power to kill the bosses.

Actually I flat out ignored the maw in 9.0 because I refused to do it. Even then,

That’s still not catering to raiders. I suggest googling the definition of catering.

Of course it is.

If you don’t do it then you’ll be picked over someone who does.

Hey doofus, I am no mythic raider, I don’t push keys higher then 15s, I do a gamut of content from solo to group.

Just like ones like Snozh lump me in wiht ones like you, you are lumping me in with ones like him.

Does no one ever think there is a middle ground anymore? I want more solo content as it is what I do between raiding and dungeons, I want hard solo content so I can test myself and improve, maybe so I can perform better in groups. The ones that I am getting on the case of for the solo side are the ones that the anti-solo content players find and use to deny ones like me content we want, content that both your kind and my kind WOULD DO.

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Yeah you clearly don’t understand what catering means.

Honest question, are you like 12?

Still haven’t lumped anyone with anything.

Still resorting to insults I see.

It certainly keeps casuals out of raiding by having so many ridiculously high barriers of entry just to raid at low levels.

One of the primary reasons why I refuse to touch my alts.

They’ve thrown up too many walls.

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You treat me as if I am one of the pones that asks for mythic gear from world quests, , he is treating me as if I am a mythic raider.

If I am resprting to insults, it is because you, and him, insult me by treating me as a member of the prot/anti side when I am neither, or both, depending on the issue.

Plenty of casuals raid.

You don’t even touch your main lol.

No they haven’t. It’s very easy to get raiders ready. It shouldn’t take more than a week or two if you’re actually putting effort into it.

That’s too long.

You can pick up a game for 5$ and have more fun.

No I don’t. I treat you as one of the very few people that actually want hard solo content.
I have never once stated you have asked for mythic gear from world quests.

Again read above. Maybe you should read what I say multiple times if you think I do that.