End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Please link me one quote where I have EVER said people aren’t playing correctly. I’ll give you a hint. I have never said that.

Again wrong. If people want to play solo and do pet battles I don’t care. You also don’t see me demanding free level 25 pets.

Again because you’re wrong and now that I called you out on your lies you’re trying to save face.

The flol?

I spend more time in something I get more outcome. it’s how things work ANYWHERE.
Blizzorts even went further and give people like you FREE stuff for literally moving from point A to point B and clicking a THINGY.

Yes I want you to stare at my gear when I save you from a thousand of angry mobs with my shiny legendries and fully upgraded M+ gear. The same way I glare with stars in my eyes on anyone who has a mount from Mythic raid which I will never have, cause I am too undergear and not very good with Mythic game design power spikes of the encounters. This is how things works in ANY game. You overcome hard stuff to gain something only you and several people will have from MILLIONS of players.

I LAUGH at your arrogance and unwill to understand this.

Solo content gear is equivalent to Looking for Raid. To ask for better gear than that would mean LFR is not good enough for group reward.

Asking for PVE equivalent gear to be viable in PVP isn’t going to happen. It’s why honor/Conquest gear changes Ilvl for pvp. If you want better gear for pvp - get pvp gear. Unranked Conquest gear is 262 in PVP and 249 for PVE. That should be enough.

ROFL Its true, I will never understand this.

Expecting respect in a video game from other players? OMG

Not to be offensive, but I use to laugh at the no lifes who stood around in org or ironforge wanting people to be “awed” by their gear.

Still better than no M0 achivement and challenger.

The gatekeeping around rewards for players is befuddling. The idea that you need to create faux security through scarcity of rewards is exactly what fosters elitist gameplay. It’s toxic and not healthy. WoW, should make rewards accessible because not everyone is interested in forced mechanics to get gear or loot period. Not everyone likes grinding Mythic+ it’s boring. Not everyone completes every world quest either. Why there is a belief that if you give players rewards for micro tasks is sin is beyond me. I do not consider CURRENCY a reward. We pay for this game and the ratio to feeling a sense of achievement and accomplishment is void of substance because the WoW system and community are at this point so numb by Currency grinds for borrowed power philosophies.


Imagine if Blizzard actually changed the way they designed the game so that it didnt pit players against each other (like your call out does). Same with the extreme hatred of the other faction in PvP.

They wouldnt have to do things like a social contract, cover up characters or add fruit paintings.

They simply have no clue what is causing the bad actors - its basically the devs themselves and what they want

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Yeah I don’t enjoy villainizing an opposing faction.

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There isn’t any gatekeeping. Everyone literally has the exact same opportunity to get the same rewards.

If people choose to not do the content that’s their decision.

I don’t understand those either. I’m talking about what you said. When you in need and BIG BULKY characters rams in and help you overcome overpulled pack you SHOULD feel in at least thankfulness to them for they “saved” you from a run from a cemetery. Not glare at them and mutter something like: “pff it’s only easy for you cause you have no life…”.

Yes. It works this way in any aspects of our lives.

People who I envy with perfect bodies outside of this game, which I can’t achieve have “no life” outside of the gym. But this is what makes them perfect in this sense. They dedicate their time in their life to get RIPPED and I’m at awe of them when they show me those sweet muscles I will never have, cause I’m lazy fudge.
But it seems that you would look at them and say “haha you succ cause you spend whole life in a gym pulling weights, instead having REAL LIFE™ (whatever real life for you personally means)”. Which I think is garbage behavior.

I always tanking people who help me in game and never think “woah dude you helped me and we managed only cause you spend more time in this game when I don’t have this time myself and could totally handle this myself without you otherwise”.

I dont think I SHOULD feel anything, but I sometimes do. As a Blood DK there is not much I cant solo and if I cant 1 person isnt gonna change that. Edit - I DO thank people that help but their shinies have

This might be where we disagree. I dont envy anyone. I know if I want something, I will make it happen. I have my entire life. When I wanted money, I skilled up and made it. When I wanted to be fit, I made a choice to make it happen. When I wanted to be able to fight, I spent years training. When I wanted to be a good dad, most of my personal stuff went away.

I dont ENVY anyone because they are just different. I know I could be there if I valued what they do but I dont. I understand why they are there and I might even be able to understand their motivations but it doesnt mean I agree with it, for me

Well I envy. Envy with an awe. I compare them to myself and see myself lacking what they have and trying to bring myself to point where I have similar thing/s or better. And I don’t brag about it when I achieve it (it’s cringe).
I know people think envy is some kind of sin, but I think that envy have a two sides, destructive envy and active envy, first one is envy which pushes you into gloating at peoples’ disadvantages in other stuff that they lack to make sure that you will make up for lacking something you actually want that they have.
And active envy pushing you to do stuff as you say: to bring yourself to the point where you stop and agree to yourself that you did good and can stop doing it or at least pull back a little.

I don’t destructively envy people. Cause it has no point and leads nowhere. I envy only what will push me to do something.

Sadly in my older years I am more nihilistic because in the end it never matters what you have done. You get old, you get sick life happens. Like I said I have accomplished many things, but if you saw me today you would never know it.

Kind of like when someone raided in early WoW and did a lot of things. Unless you look at their achieves (from Wrath on), you would never know. Its always what have you done today. Since the achieves always go away just like the gear, its all temprary

Some liked them, some didn’t. Heck there are some BFA warfront communities listed in the guild communties tab in game. Probably mog communities for the most part, but willing to bet some of them legitimately like warfronts. The one person you were responding to constantly hated on them back during bfa lol.

Two things first: “badly itemized gear” for raiding could be perfectly itemized for solo play, like solo and smaller group content might focus more on survivability at the cost of doing top damage where as raiding might be more focused on doing top damage.

Second: I also put forth the idea of bonuses only active in the content it is earned from.

One thing some fail to think about is we may not “need” it now, outside of being able to hold our own against the high level dingbats/carries that come in to the casual content and proceed to wreck us, and others due to their higher ilvl. But some of what has been put forth has been more of a path like we go as far as we can in world content (catch up) but then hit a wall, it would be nice to have something that rewarded even cosmetics that we could work on solo, be it we are solo out of choice or doing it between the dungeons and raids we do.

Unless someone is 100% a solo player, they do the following “group content”:
Random BGs
Any other queued content

Is it so much to ask that we have a way to gear up for any queued content, especially queued PvP, that keeps us viable against the ones that do rated or the higher level group content so we can have fun doing the actual content that rewards the gear we need for said content?

Mainly people just want content to use the gear they got from WQs in and eitehr get better gear or cosmetics, and some would like the ability to do so in content that, even if you can get a group fo, can be done solo.

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Already did but people like to put words in my mouth!

Solo players are not LFR Raiders, also LFR is hell incarnate, to do LFR anything you gotta be a masochist to some degree, after all a Raid is supposed to be about teamwork and pairing random schmucks together is more often than not going to result in pain.

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oof, you “why do you need higher ilvl” people are insufferable. getting progressively more powerful and killing enemies easier is a key element of all RPGs, REGARDLESS OF WHAT TYPE OF CONTENT YOU DO. like it or not, this game has tons of content for solo players, and we have just as much right to power progression as anyone else playing.


Can you stop with the crappy generalisations please?

I’m a solo player, and I’m not expecting to have BiS gear anywhere - so long as my gear is good enough to solo prior expansions and get around reasonably ok in the current expansion I neither care what colour it is, nor how many iLvl’s below raider/mythic runners it is.

Right now I’m running around with green weapons and shields bought from the AH, and I couldn’t be bothered going to SL to try and get better because they’re happily doing what they need to do for the content my main is currently doing.


Crappy generalizations are all his kind have, makes it so they don’t have to engage de brain when dealing with individuals of the groups they speak out against.

It might be one thing if ZM gear was the top gear everyone could get, but there was an area of ZM that you had to unlock via ilvl or a quest that had super mobs one could gather a group for or tackle solo that dropped higher gear/cosmetics.

Content some soloists are after would be akin to Isle of giants which came with isle of Thunder in MoP, Isle of Thunder was the gearing spot, Isle of Giants, aside from world boss, was the cosmetic spot filled with elites.