End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Perfect example of “if you give a mouse a cookie, they want a glass of milk”

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Yes the box does say that.

However the box does not say anywhere that you would be equal as a solo player to group players.

It literally only says you can play solo which is true. It says nothing about how far your progression is.

This is an old and frankly terrible argument that’s rebuked every time it’s brought up.

The argument and tone from people that either raid, m+,or pvp at the high end is that we who play daily and enjoy all the other things available are dweebs and second class players. Why? I pay and the game is advance, have a carrot to try to get and give you a goal.

Why shoulnt i have decent gear to quest in and do my other things i enjoy. Or am i supposed to be in aw when you come through and save me fron that pack of mobs?

Get a freaking clue, this game is for everyone that wants to pay to play it. You have the best gear, i dont want scraps.

Im fine with the gear i have, its the best i can get for the level i play, but dont act like im inferior to you because i dont like the drama of raiding or doing pvp.


Snozh, nobody cares what you think about solo play, because you’re not a solo player.



You’re insufferable.

Act like a God but your highest key is a 19 and you’re Rival. Got it.

Accuse me of buying a boost that I never did. Just wow. Back on ignore you go. Be well and learn to talk to ppl better.


You already have decent gear in the form of ZM which awards Normal level raid gear for very easy content.

No one says this game isn’t for everyone.

If you don’t want scraps then do the content that awards the gear you want. You don’t get to skip the work for gear because you feel entitled to it.

Yet I do solo content. I don’t care if you care what I say or not. It’s a cop out because you can’t refute the facts I pointed out.

But even from the very beginning… all the best gear was found or derived from group content.

( For those jumping in around the 3000 post mark, please remember that this thread originated before 9.2 and ZM went live … quite a bit has changed about the solo experience because of it )


They need to feel better at the expense of others. It’s the only way their game time is valuable to these people, people like that Snozh fellow, is when their way of playing is seen as the only correct way to play.

The moment solo players no longer exist in this game, the moment WoW successfully drives away the people that don’t play the way these people play, is a victory to them. Then they’d move on and find another game once they no longer had people to raise their nose at.

Luckily, they literally are addressing their neglect of solo play. Ion did so in their expac announcement and following interviews. So here’s hoping it improves for us.

This thread is outdated, because it was created before such an announcement.


Yes but the game has changed a lot.

It needs to keep evolving.

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Why do you think you share that online world, pray tell?

I don’t act like a god.

I don’t push keys because I just pug for my vault.

Rival in 56 games compared to your lifetime highest 1550.

Ahh ignoring people because you can’t refute facts. Nothing I said to you was even rude.

LMAO! you never played vanilla and it shows. this is an MMORPG not an RPG. as the DEVS stated from the beginning. the gearing as it is is one of the reasons many left wow. the changes towards an ORPG instead of an MMORPG

So I can /wave at people while I quest by myself. Same way I’ve been doing since 2005. :slight_smile:

You ever play a MUD? There’s no grouping in MUDs, yet they’re categorized as multiplayer.


You know you keep repeating this lie over and over again and it’s really kind of sad.

I don’t care if you play the way I play. You are free to play how ever you want too.

I have stated this to you multiple times so why do you keep lying?

If you are raiding why do YOU need better gear? I thought you wanted the harder content? Why cheese it by getting gear? I thought raiding was a way to show your skill and elitism?

The hardest part most solo players complain about is the social boss. Either they dont want to be social or they struggle in that area. I have done it but realize I dont like most people in this game and its just not worth hanging out with them just for better gear.

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Obvious by the fact you have to hop into every thread like this and tell people they’re playing incorrectly and exactly how much you disagree with their requests to improve the way they play.

You’re so invested in how other people play the game, ESPECIALLY if they’re not playing a way you agree with.

This is my last response to you in this thread. Keep on your crusade. Cheers.


Yeah, no. You share that world because it was designed to be a multiplayer experience. Not every game is for everyone. If you are looking for a solo experience and WoW doesn’t fit the bill, it’s not WoW which needs to change, you need to play different games.

Girl, I’ve been playing WoW primarily solo since 2005. If you’re looking for a lobby game, go play a lobby game.

This is and always will be a solo game, and I will campaign for it to grow in the way I enjoy it. :slight_smile: