End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

My question to all the people wanting higher iLVL items from solo play.

“For What?”

Like I do quite a bit of solo play, and I wouldn’t mind higher gear… but what do you need higher iLVL items for? 246 is plenty high enough for solo play, unless you want it to be competitive in BGs/RBGs/Raids/Mythics which makes no sense. Again I’m not against the idea, but I’m curious why you need it.

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I want to do random bgs and be somewhat viable. Random bgs is casual content.

It’s not fun to blast ppl in a global or two and it’s not fun on the receiving end.

I do not want welfare gear. I’d like to do something worthwhile that’s not a world quest to earn it.

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So you want to gear up via solo content… to be viable in group content?

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You get the same Access to the gear that is relevant to the content. Honor gear @ 242 or Slow grind to Unranked Conquest gear @ 249. If you are in a casual bg with other casual players you will all have the same gear. But when other people put time into Mythics or Ranked… They are obviously going to have an advantage.

While I would be ALL for allowing Honor or Conquest gear to be ranked up without requiring a rating just a crap load more points, I don’t see that happening.

Yes, this is exactly what I am saying. :melting_face:

No it’s more than that.

They want to gear up via PVE solo content… to be viable in PVP group content!

Which to me makes no sense.

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Well I appreciate the honesty.

I’m sure many people would like an All-Star Jersey for shooting epic free-throws and three-pointers in the gym by themselves…but it shouldn’t happen.

If you want to earn group level rewards, it does, and should require group level content. (Especially in PvP)

You grind honor and level up honor gear.

Pve gear is weaker in pvp because of less stam and vers.

I “geared” my alts by LITERALLY flying around Zereth mortis and looting boxes plus doing some timewalking dungeons on timewalking week with a box of “free” mythic level gear from a box as a reward. And this loot was better than a gear of my main pre Zereth Mortis which I got from M+ in first season (I completely missed second season).
And I had no problem killing stuff with my alts in solo content except group rares with this free loot from Zereth. I don’t know what more do you want.
It seems like you saying that you don’t but actually you want yourself a sweet gear mailed to you just for login in.

Oh, your mains gear isnt free, huh? You are really important and you really work hard for your gear, sorry i enjoy advancing my character too, and i would bet i have played longer than you, but you win!

I never said I wanted anything for free but okay. Good chat.

tldr: I want to do casual bgs in casual gear. Not get ROFLSTOMPED by ppl with 40+ higher il.

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I can’t speak for everyone, but it has little to do with arbitrary ilvl and more to do with feeling like there’s something worthwhile to do outside of group content.

Camping rares for that once-a-day RNG mount drop, or doing anything that’s entirely RNG for a drop, isn’t compelling to me. It doesn’t feel like there’s any progress toward anything. It’s either you get the thing or you wasted your time.

I like feeling like I’m getting somewhere, even if it’s on a path toward something that’s off in the distance. I don’t like feeling like I wasted my time in anything.

That protoform synthesis system is a slight improvement on this, but at the end of the day it’s still camping rares for RNG drops. Now it just has more to do.

The Cypher system was good once I learned what it did (because there’s no in-game direction for it) but I’m done with it. What’s next that I can do that feels like I’m actually working on something?

This is why I liked the older professions, the older rep grinds with rewards I wanted to go after. I had that super early on with the avowed for my cauldron and the one for my feast recipe (I forget the rep) but nothing since.

I just want to log in and feel like I’m making progress toward something meaningful, and I don’t want it to require being in an instance. That’s all. I guess we’ll have a grateful offering buff, but it might take an hour every 3 days tops to cap that.


What part of what I said was “Free” ?

Do you consider shooting free throws and three pointers by yourself in the gym to be “free?” (I mean, that’s your implication, not mine.)

Look, I hate to say it this way, but you have to come to terms with the fact that WoW is a Massively Multiplayer Online game. Multiplayer gameplay is at the core of WoW. I understand your point of view, I’m not a huge fan of raids and such contents, but having played since vanilla, I can assure you the game has never been this friendly to solo players.

I don’t mean that there couldn’t be improvements, but never expect WoW to be a solo experience.


My main is a character that have 2600 rating on M+ ofc I expect him to be more geared and much much stronger than my alts which I have almost zero time investment in. I’m not talking about you or your character. If you spend MORE time in harder content than me I expect you to be more geared and better as well.

That’s unfortunate, because who earn better gear through more challenging/group content are not going to be suddenly cut off from the casual content.

They’re going to be better equipped for it than the people who only do solo/casual content.

(A dude who earned an All-Stars Jersey is certainly going to 1v1 smite the dude who just threw free-throws and 3 pointers by himself in the gym.)

Thank you. No on one on the solo camp seems to realize this. It’s almost like they have never played in previous expansions where raiding was the only way to get tier.

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I like to be around real ppl in the world, do group once in awhile but I prefer to be on my own most of the time.

Hopefully there is more added that is meaningful for solo players to work towards gear/character progression one day and not be handed gear.

This is all I got. :v:t2:


Multiplayer doesn’t mean groups, it means you share an online world. That’s it. That’s all it means. The box art literally talks about playing alone. Stop with this nonsense.


Yes!!! The original box talked about playing on your own in WORLD of Warcraft. Someone that remembers :slight_smile: