End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Is that counting only active players?

Among characters scanned in the last 30 days.

Then the data is skewed to those days only.

Those are blizzard’s rules about how long 3rd party sites can hold on to data.

That doesn’t make any sense. If the data was skewed, it would only make their point even better lol. You can’t lose achievements.

It doesn’t represent an accurate demographic of playstyle.

You only have a strip of the page.

I mean if you have achievements for doing group content, you aren’t a solo player lol.

I’m not entirely sure how normal raid equivalent rewards from WQs counts as “historically low”, pretty sure it’s actually the highest ilvl repeatable content has ever been.

Are we completely forgetting the first ~15 years of WoW where all quest content rewards were lower than end game dungeon items and that was including long quest chains which required upto 5 players.

Non-competitive people, casuals and solo players would find this game boring when they consume most of the content. And these content they enjoy are so small
 missing the other massive half of the content which is the group content. Becoz the content they play is so small, they would be bored very fast. Unlike those who play the group content who also plays the solo content, they have massive content to roam around. Would take them longer to be bored on this game.

What I am saying is if you are paying the full subscription and you are only playing not all of its content, you are not getting the full value of what you pay. You could buy a cheaper “SOLO” content and you would get the full value
 by buying a Single-Player game. If you are happy to pay full subscription only to play half of its content, it’s on you. If you think Blizz would make your Solo content bigger, I dont think so. Blizz is already generous with Korthia and Zereth Mortis.

If you want better loots, kill bosses that cant be killed by solo
 thru dungeon. If you want better loots than this, kill bosses that cant be killed by 5 people, thru raid. This is how it has been since the beginning. It would be like this in Dragonflight. It wont change. If you are not happy with this kind of mechanics, there are tons of Solo games out there. WoW is very proud of their dungeons and raids. I dont think Solo would ever get Raid level gear. Keep dreaming.

Yeah, OP seems to think the game started with Legion. We’ve been over this, that the solo/queue only gear at this point in patch 3.3 would be around 235 ilvl, not 255.

I dont really care what you would like to see. You’d dispute it if Guinness said it were true.

Are we talking the original trilogy actor for Obi-wan Kenobi, or the beer brand?

Word of mouth/text just isn’t very strong for your weak position.

wrong 252 and if not raiding or pushing keys, why do you need to melt trash to the levels of 3 expansions ago? The gear drop rate in this expansion is pure crap but realized completely mastering your class, rotation, and cds during fights or m+ routes will pull way more dps than anything besides high ilvl weapon. 4pc and double leggo will push to max but seriously weapon is only important piece and hardest to get sadly. Lots of alts with 229 greens feels bad

You seriously believe yourself when you post things like this, as you do it frequently.

I’m not going to bother quoting anything else, because you are righteously indignant with all of this, and you just make stuff up and post it like you’re the authority on WoW’s demographics, sub count, and what players are doing in game.

You call people elitists etc while speaking in terms of absolutes, and it’s tiring.

You know where to find the gear rewards you seek. Go get them. If you’re one of the very few people who only engages in world quests without ever stepping foot into endgame content
well good news! The gear you are handed for doing nothing already far outpaces the content you’re doing.

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Because they’re dishonest about their wants.

They want high ilvl gear for random bgs and in the hopes that having a bloated ilvl will get them invited to keys.

This has nothing to do with having a hard time killing mobs in ZM that 71 people descend upon the moment they’re pinged in chat.

And I would feel like this is the true majority of players.

I’d think it might, but it would be gear made for solo content. Think of it like Solo content gear might look more like PvP gear (high versatility, low to mid on other secondaries) or it would be like Benthic gear that only works in the open world.

This is the one aspect most of the anti-solo gear group are missing: some might be asking for mythic raid level gear, but if the gear is itemized badly for raids it would be evident that such is not made for raiding. All gear should be suitable for world content, but if one wants to focus on things like Torghast, why can’t Torghast drop gear that makes Torghast easier for those pushing deep into it, ala a forever scaling difficulty akin to M+ (and like M+ it can have a cap that beyond which it is cosmetics that are earned via skill).

I still think Mythic gear should be the top gear, but how hard does something need to be to reward heroic gear.

Some might, but to lump every solo player asking for higher gear into such just shows an unwillingness to listen. Solo instanced content, like visions and torghast, which can be a rewarding set up for SOLO players have been put in.

If one questions if we need high gear, maybe you should ask if we would like to progress along a path that might take that high gear to do.

Random BGs and keys aer group ontent, content that “solo players” refuse to do, so if they refuse to do group content, why would they care about getting gear for random BGs or getting into keys?

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Different specs want different distributions of stats. Take Windwalker and moonkin, one wants vers/crit, the other wants mastery/haste. They both use the same armor types, so “badly itemized for raids” isn’t really a thing on generic gear.

Tbh I was talking about the world record trackers but I was half asleep :joy:

Good thing it’s backed by achievements.

Sorry but you are incorrect again.

Really should work on your trolling. It’s rather obvious.