End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

If you honestly think there is a major difference between 12 and 16s lol

Ok and?

Nah I think I’ll continue to comment like I have been because by that logic anyone that doesn’t raid can’t comment on raiding :man_facepalming:t3:

You realize this isn’t my main right? who posts on their main

Anyone who wants to be taken seriously?


LOL ok so 98% of people don’t want to be taken seriously …congrats by the way…you have diverted the point of my original comments which I bet you didn’t read and instead decided you wanted to sound important

That moment when achievement points are account wide :man_shrugging:t3:


gawd you guys are dense …more than one account

does the cypher buffs help trying to solo or duo last expansion raids? no? that is content that a lot of elite players don’t care about but a lot of casuals do. if the legacy buff existed as soon as the next expansion came out there would only be one other problem.

random bgs. you can get mythic geared people or fully upgraded ratings required conquest geared people just wrecking people who want to have a good time there. templates were good. gotten rid of due to crying. could make the queues be separated by ilevel and that would be fine too but you know who would be crying then? people with giggachad ilevels. in WoD you could afk asharan and get fully geared for pvp. then people suggested skipping pve progression and afking ashran to get raid ready. so they nuked that from orbit.

other than those two things i don’t give a single crap about your gear vs mine. you know this. but to pretend like that buff at all helps with issues that casuals have to deal with just to do stuff designed or us? no.


Sure thing. No one has ever lied about being a “professional” solo gamer and had all the proof on their “other” account.


Yeah sure, really ‘dense’ calling someone out who dare states “I’m a professional solo gamer” on the forums that just so happens to be proclaimed on their “other” account? :eyes:

Oh they’re a professional alright – a professional liar. :joy:


I am an elderly player, 64 yo female that likes playing the “outdoor” content. I have never improved enough to feel like I am able to enjoy myself in normal dungeons, let alone raids any longer. I used to do dungeons and raid in WotLK, but it was so stressful and I was so terrible that I stopped doing group content altogether when comparison parsing became a huge thing and I was constantly being told how much I suck. No one died, you got your stuff, go away. It’s a NORMAL for CS.

I don’t need extra special gear. I know that ANYONE with three fingers can do what I doin the game. I still enjoy myself. If my ilevel doesn’t need to be raid level. It shouldn’t be raid level.

I had always wanted to see the raids from a first person perspective, but my guild carried me through SD normal and it still was not as enjoyable as watching a stream of the same content. So no more carry’s for me.

I don’t PvP, for the same reasons noted above. I don’t WANT carried. It’s obvious for the most part who the carries are.

I have had friends that have pushed me, get better gear, get your Leggos, grind Torghast.
Content like Torghast where you are TRAPPED until the seemingly never ending end to get the Ashes. JEEEEEEEEZZZZ. Torghast was entertaining about three times. Then it was cleaning the toilet fun after that.

I am not proud of being Cannon Fodder. But some one has to pick the Herbs, mine the ore, and skin the Roadkill.

I would have liked a better continuity of story. Because it could have been pretty good. I remember back in Wrath when the Bran Archeology storyline took off. So much could have been done with the backstory there. But it the Jailer is all retcon, then NVM.

The biggest problem I see in WoW is the same problem the is endemic to Human Culture.



Had a guy whisper me and say that I wouldn’t know his raider io because she goes to a different school so I took him purely for the banter. It was a low key so it didn’t matter anyway :rofl:

Rofl I’m weak

I don’t feel that I need the special gear either, such as Domination shards or tier set bonuses. However, in the long term, we should be able to earn upper Normal iLvl in all slots by doing world or queued content.

Either that, or devs need to stop putting quests in the game that require you to engage with multiple elites at once. The players that complained that world content is not threatening enough are not the ones doing quests, and the content is not threatening for them because they have high gear rewards from other content!

I would be ashamed to be carried, whether for free, for gold, or for real-life money. Blizzard is obviously creating a system where people feel that they need to be boosted, but we need to resist that sort of game design.

It can be very relaxing to just go off and gather mats. Especially with flying!


I have a very similar story. I have literally been kicked from a dungeon for not sprinting out of the starting room fast enough. So now, I am quite happy as a solo player enjoying the stories and casual playing.

I have also been hitting the old dungeons and raids as I can now solo them and enjoy them. I recently started a new character and leveled in Draenor. Despite the weird leveling bugs, I enjoyed the zones and story and when I hit 40 I just ignored the quest to head for BFA and stayed. At level 43 I was soloing the dungeons and at 45 I was soloing the raids. I had never been in them before, its amazing how intricate and carefully plotted the stories and bosses are and how enjoyable the raids are when you can go at your own pace and finish the storyline. Now I’ve started a new character in Pandaria to do the same.


And you already can.

You’re literally asking for stuff you already get.


No, we don’t already get that.

Cypher gear only scales to lower Normal 252, and doesn’t cover weapons or trinkets.

A small selection of upper LFR 246 weapons are available from rares. (These weapons are not “Cypher”.)

Trinkets from ZM world quests seem to scale to 236 at the max. (These trinkets are not “Cypher”.)

I am suggesting 259 Cypher gear for all slots, with the option of upgrading gear previously obtained. This is just to maintain what we had in Korthia. I am not even asking for an improvement!

Additionally, conduit upgrades to iLvl 252, 265, or 278 should be made available through Cyphers, Cosmic Flux, or the ZM weekly, or else the only conduit upgrades in ZM will be a downgrade from what we could get from Korthia in 9.1.


Just gonna say: I’m in full support of SoloQ rated pvp, and M+. To me it just makes sense. My sub ends in two days. This would entice me to actually stay subbed, like indefinitely.


If Torghast had gear, I’d be doing that every day, all day, on all 50 characters on the account.


i got a 246 (?) trinket from one of the rares. idk if they can go any higher than that, though.

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Thanks for the info! Some of the rares (in the northeast corner of the zone) can drop 246 weapons, I just didn’t realize there were any trinkets.

WoW news sites do a poor job of covering info like this, because the articles are typically written by hardcore players who see 246 as catch-up gear, when it might be BiS for some players until the next expansion launches.