End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Not true. When universal level scaling was first brought up in Legion by forum trolls, people were outraged. They did not want this at all. They said they’d quit over it.

So what happened? A lot of people who enjoyed leveling the way it used to be and leveled characters as their end game did quit. People who leveled through a plethora of means that were removed stopped playing.

We were told that leveling would be more meaningful and feel more rewarding if it took a lot longer. And so it went from ~30 hours to 120 hours, not-so-coincidentally with the introduction of allied races, that would need to have a throwaway character players never intended to play leveled up and grind out reps and quests before they could roll their new character. A lot of people couldn’t do it and quit the game.

Lots of options have been removed. Leveling has been turned into 2 days in order to rush new players into end game where they are so confused they quit. Big improvement, right?


252 is normal gear.

It drops trinkets too.


And as usual it’s a terrible suggestion.


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It makes zero sense actually.

Maybe as a weekly event or something, just to mix it up a little, but not as a consistent thing.

So you think Zereth Mortis should be a downgrade over Korthia (even though we moved one patch ahead and need 26 more iLvls in power), just because you hate casuals and just because you said so?

Well, great news: You are thinking like a Shadowlands dev now. Tell me in advance, how are you going to sabotage your own game and your own job in 10.0? No more gear from world quests, Normal and Heroic dungeons, and LFR because you can do them without a premade group? No more gear from questing, so casuals will have to boost Mythic SotFO just to level up in the next expac?

I would say that rated solo queue needs to be there as an option every week. If you don’t like the shuffle aspect, or don’t want to risk your rank queueing alone, then you can just do the pre-existing rated options.

If solo queue overtakes the other rated PvP options to the point where premade group queue starts to die out, then that will be WoW evolving to fit the needs of its audience.

WoW is currently dying because the devs are resisting the needs of the playerbase instead of adapting to them.


I dont hate casuals. I also think Korthia loot was too high. 252 is still higher than 233.

Cry harder

I ran the numbers and your maths doesn’t check out.
233 < 246 and 233 < 252.

I think they were trying for it is an upgrade, but Korthia at this similar point for it>ZM at the same respective point or that the difference between korthia->SoD was less then the gape between ZM-SotFO


In which case I would say that korthia was probably too high of an ilvl for solo gear so they adjusted it down.

I would put it on the weekly rotation at first, just to see how popular such is, if it is very popular then move it to up every week.

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Nice try, but everything has been bumped up 26 item levels in this patch.

246 < 259 (weapons and trinkets)
252 < 259 (all other armor slots)

If Normal raiding gear for example in 9.2 was 245 instead of the expected 252, that would be a downgrade relative to other gearing methods.

Or, raiding participation was still too low in 9.1, so they had to nerf the solo and casual players again.


What you’re not able to comprehend is normal raiding level in 9.1 was 226. End boss loot was 233.

Blizzard realized they made a mistake making Korthia give normal end boss loot and decided to give ZM normal loot. 252 is sotfo nornal loot.

Because raiding takes effort when Korthia didn’t and for it to give superior gear was an issue.

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Normal was 226/233.
Heroic was 239/246.

The game itself indicates as much. Just inspect the loot itself or journal description for the bosses.

Korthia max iLvl was originally 239 on the PTR, but got nerfed down to 233 before the system hit live due to raiders whining. The numbers seem to have been intentional.

252/259 is Normal SotFO.
265/272 is Heroic.
(Again, the game itself indicates as much.)

But whether Normal or not, Zereth Mortis gear needs to scale to 259 in all slots or it is a downgrade.


You just repeated what I already said.

233 was still too high. Blizzard didnt repeat the same mistake in ZM because of it.

Again normal raid loot is 252 as more bosses drop 252 than 259.

Its supposed to be a downgrade as Blizz nerfed the ilvl because Korthia was a failed experiment.


But I had just said that lower Normal in 9.1 was 226, and upper Normal in 9.2 was 233, and then you tried to correct me by saying that 233 was not Normal in 9.2.

If you agree with what I am saying now, then you are contradicting what you said when you tried to correct me.

You are either trolling, or so elitist that you have lost your mind in your desperation to prove that casual and solo players don’t deserve suitable rewards because they are wrong about everything.

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No. I corrected you because you tried to say 233 was normal. 233 is not normal loot. 233 was end boss normal loot.

I dont agree with what you are saying because its wrong.

Normal end boss loot isnt regular normal loot.

Neither, considering casual players dont need the gear because they already do content above normal raid loot. The only people complaining about item level for solo content is solo players and their opinion means nothing.

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I’ve been playing with some awesome players recently, I wish I could just copy and paste them into my groups LOL! I’m not as good so they want to play with people who are better. And I don’t have gold for carries so :kiss:

Sadly, Blizzard has an obsession with competitive play and esports. The two worlds clash and often make for a less fun game overall. Especially for an MMORPG, which has never been an esports genre.


I dont think downgrade means what you think it means…
Is zm gear worse than korthia gear by comparison to their respective raid levels? Yes.
Is this intentional from Blizzard?
Also yes.
Is this a problem?
Not according to blizzards internal metrics or they wouldn’t have done it.

Is this a “war on solo players”? No. The game has more for solo players to do and they gear higher than they have still with this (comparative to korthia ) lower ilvl than they have for the majority of the games history including the “golden age” of bc and wrath where if you didn’t raid you didn’t get upgrades

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Everything you say is true, but I think I can spot some of the issue due to disconnects:

Yes, but sonetimes “more to do” is meaningless if the quality of such would be just more and more chores (which it is).

Outside of patch dungeons (MGT, TotC, ICC 5-mans) but then there was still this idea of you needed the upgrades to push farther into the raid, now solo players may be getting showered with gear, but there is nothing to use that gear in really, no solo instances, no hard areas of world content, etc so the geat is more or less pointless if we don’t raid.

The “war” happened because Blizzard saw both the “give us more content” and the “whaaaa, it is too hard” players and tried to please both.