End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

I figured you would reply that way.

Your opinion is noted.

Your opinion about your opinion is also noted.


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What’s also funny is time and time again we hear from mythic guilds how hard it is to recruit and keep a roster.

Yet if you don’t meet all their demands or class/spec/covenant/gear and mythic+ and such that you’re forced to do you are apparently swiftly kicked off the team.

Something doesn’t add up


5-mask Visions were quite a challenge before you had your cloak and research tree maxed out, because your insanity drained rapidly and you had to deal with mechanics and DPS/HPS checkpoints. And the Mad World feat of strength required you to queue solo.

And Visions did award great gear (although on a weekly basis and not for every slot).

Timewalking Mage Towers and Torghast (Layer 16 wings and Jailer’s Gauntlet) are current solo content.

If they are so easy, then go grab the 36/36 MT feat of strength and the Tower Ranger achievement solo.

You are the one who is clueless about content you didn’t do in BfA and content you don’t do in SL. Which is fine, but don’t act like you know everything about such content.

World quests, yes. But the latest Torghast content and MT challenges were specifically designed for the top 1% of players who were demanding bragging rights for their skills. You can’t claim that any content is easy if you haven’t even done it yourself.

Everything adds up.

Mythic raiding is very difficult and requires an unusual amount of both skill and dedication that most players simply don’t have.

So Mythic raiding groups have to be exclusive about who they let in, because the mechanics and tuning demand it.

And then Mythic raiding groups have trouble keeping a roster, given the lack of demand among the playerbase and given how exclusive these raiding groups have to be.

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It’s true. Solo players choose to limit their gameplay so their opinion means zilch.

Lucky for me I’m good at my job so I have a lot of free time.

Probably in the class forums. Most of the threads in here a crybaby threads.

Who are you again?

And why do your feelings overwrite the definition of words?

It’s true. My guild currently has 38 people fighting for raid spots because of a guild merger in November and people coming back.

Depends on the raid teams goals. Teams pushing CE will have stronger requirements than once’s that aren’t.

Different teams have different issues.

I hope someone gives you a big hug.

And I hope you’re just trolling.

At the end of the day, it’s a video game and it’s aight if ppl do raiding or play solo and there are damn gud players who do both.

It’s crazy, but a video game is supposed to be fun and what you enjoy.


Yet you didn’t actually have to que solo. You could get carried.


I don’t care to put the time into mage tower. I also extremely hate torghast and will never go back into that place.

Nah you’re the clueless one thinking content is hard when it isn’t.

You act like I haven’t done torgast before.

I have never stated otherwise. I don’t care if people chose to play the game solo. If they have fun doing that then good for them.

It’s crazy but maybe you should actually read what I say before going straight Karen.

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Truer words were never spoken.

For Mad World you had to queue solo. There was no carrying unless you let someone else use your account. And if people are willing to to do that, the content must not be “easy”.

That’s OK. But you can’t just claim that all solo content is easy when the devs have put effort into making solo challenges harder in 9.2 and you don’t even bother to do them.

I never said that any content was hard for me. But I disagree with you when you say “easy”, “easy”, “easy” again and again like a broken record without even having finished the challenges yourself.

From your armory page, you certainly haven’t done any Flawless 16s yet or Jailer’s Gauntlet Layer 8.

Devs intentionally overtuned the newer Torghast content because the elitists would never shut up about how easy Torghast was in 9.0.


But not above heroic, or maybe low-end mythic (I.E. first bosses) ilvl.

You act like everyone did mad world :man_facepalming:t3:

But it is. It’s not a claim it’s a fact.

I hate torghast and never go there unless I have too.

You’re saying easy content is hard means you’re struggling with it.

Again since reading is hard for you. I hate torghast and don’t do it.

Sure thing.

If you don’t do it, how can you say it being easy is a fact?

Like you said I was out of my league since I don’t do mythic raiding and as such don’t know how such players feel. Well, in this case, if you don’t do what could be considered challenging solo content, how do you know such is easy?

Yet you are saying it is easy without anything to back such a claim up, at worst if you made such a claim with evidence to back it up, like those achievements, people would say “it is easy for you, but not for me” only less polite.

Then don’t comment on how hard it is to do the things we are looking for, I mean Flawless 16s and Jailer’s gauntlet have achievements for doing such, but not for doing them solo (as far as I know) the visions at least had Mad World has proof of such a feat.


But I have done it.

See above.

Torghast has been nerfed multiple times since 9.0

I will comment if I want too. Just because I don’t like something doesn’t mean I haven’t done it.

You have done layer 12s, no layer 16s yet, which I do understand is because you don’t like it.

However, again,

In essence, you have done Torghast, and have evidence of such, but yo are acting like a layer 16 solo will be the same as a layer 12 solo. I actually did some layer 12 solo runs last patch, often got 4 “stars”, but seldom, if ever 5.

And you are being called to do it, to cash the check your comments are writing. However, not just do it, do it at the hardest difficulty, with the perfect (flawless) score. In otherwords, put up or shut up, if you don’t want to do it, fine, leave the discussion for those that are doing it for fun, for the challenge, that want to push into it and stay in your mythic raids and world content you have to do because it is expects. Which, by your comments, is where you belong.


Just because the game is an MMO does not mean that there should not be meaningful solo content and progression. There was so much that could have been done with things like Torghast. It ended up being a complete waste of developer resources because Blizzard was to stubborn to do anything meaningful with it outside of it being a weekly annoyance nobody wanted to do after the 1st time.

We all know why there is no method of meaningful gear / progression for people that just want to solo. Blizzard is afraid all the try hard players who raid/m+/pvp will have an even easier time gearing and thus not stay subscribed. The game is so devoid of meaningful or fun content for the premier price you pay so they need to dangle the carrot on a stick that is gear to keep people subscribed. Maybe patches should not take 8 months to come out and be complete trash if you want to keep people subscribed the entire time.


Ehh raiding is its own thing. I think its a group activity you should want to do.

Not necessarily the only decent way to get gear. Which why I was happy when they announced mythics as another source of gear.

In BFA visions did fill a solo gearing path I wish they would return to. I had done some mythics last patch and the world content gear didn’t ever suprass that. So basically did all the gear farming before the patch started for zereth mortis.

And pugging for the future patch. I would prefer a solo gearing path to get gear. Group content especially pugs can go from okay and smooth, to like ragequits and wipefests.


What war?? Solo players have always won.


You have 6085 achievement points, forgive me if I /doubt your claim as a ‘professional solo gamer’.

Majority of the playerbase actually advocated to having explicitly enjoyed the Mage Tower.

Most content creators, whom are still playing WoW now even promoted it too. I’d say you’d probably represent the slim yet loud percentage of WoW players that play the game. :man_shrugging:

— But all that being said - I don’t think it’s an all solution to solo-game play and will agree they could more.

Personally I’d like more solo questlines with big rewards, not ‘necessity’ ones - but one such as like the rogue questline for the legendary daggers in Cataclysm (minus the requirements you need from the raid) – The class fantasy felt great, and it felt awesome assassinating around Azeroth + have gear rewards given prior to it upgrading to legendary status.

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