End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Alliance win-rate on those 2 BGs at the time was like 10-15% because so many Allis who had no interest in PvP were chain-queueing for that until they got lucky and won.

No offense against Alli, but we all knew how bad it was. Luckily, Alli was better than Horde after that in WoD due to the racial reworkings.

Haven’t tried it yet to verify, but apparently each Solo Shuffle win only grants 15 Conquest (3 for subsequent wins on same day) despite being more time-intensive than a skirmish, does not increase 3v3 PvP rating, and does not count towards Great Vault Honor in the PvP row.

This is based on reports from people who did it during PTR and during off-season week.

If so, Solo Suffle does nothing for the fact that you need a premade group to begin to make progress in rated PvP gearing.

I honestly think that the majority of players play mainly solo or queued content. (You can find LFRs and unrated BGs going on at any time of the day.) But Blizzard would never directly admit that, because it contradicts their messaging and elitist design philosophy.

There is definitely an overlap between people who would be willing to do solo content and people who would be willing to do easier group content. The problem with SL is that the devs are trying to force everyone into doing the least popular kind of content: uncomfortably challenging content requiring premade groups.

Elitists have been complaining about “welfare epics” since Wrath. If the elitists are going to complain anyway about gearing systems that don’t affect them to begin with, the gear and rewards need to be better than what we are getting in 9.2.

More unique and challenging content outside the three endgame pillars can be a future project for the devs once the WoW population has recovered from Ion’s blunders.


honestly i think that WoW needs to adopt Lost Ark’s take on instanced content, where it’s not so much a requirement to bring a group, but an option. in other words solo players can do an instance that is challenging but can be completed alone if they want to, allowing people to play how they want. Phantasy Star Online also did that back in the day, there wasnt this hostile community you see on games like WoW.

hate to sound like a boomer here, but back in my day people just wanted to socialize and have fun, nowadays it’s a sausage measuring contest, which is fun if you got a big sausage, but it makes those who dont feel like crap…


Nah. You do it first :joy:

i’ll do it when i have my 252 solo gear, you two can stop bickering.

You kidding? He does not have the Mad World Achievment (solo Horriffic vision 5 mask runs). For all he talks about non-challenging solo content, the only excuse he might have for this is not playing during that time.

I admit, when I got it, it was after gearing up in lesser runs, raid and BFA M+ and I still did not quite make it (took all CDs I had and a few lucky Twilgiht Devistation procs). However when it forst came out, it was quite difficult, only the top players would have gotten it shortly after it was available (timegates and such).

People that claim there is no challenging solo content need to take a look at things like visions when they first came out, Torghast solo high layers, mage tower, etc.


You are the one always claiming that all solo content is easy and that I am a bad player. So you need to prove your claim or it is just a claim.

I never said anything about your skill level, or that the difficulty of content matters so much, so I have nothing to prove. (If the last 2 Torghast wings spawn on Layer 16 next week, though, I may be able to complete such a challenge.)


just ignore it Eleusia, group players have this thing about gauging someone’s skill by how many addons you use and how often you youtube boss fights, it isnt worth even getting riled up about.

Definitely. Only a very small percentage of players got Mad World the first week it was available because you had to successfully 5-mask two weeks in a row (because of the alternating cities) without top gear or a fully researched tree, and in the beginning of the patch the game was stingy with vessels and you risked missing out on cloak upgrades if you failed a run. And I don’t even think you could “buy” corruptions yet.

Some of the new Mage Tower challenges were on the easier side, but some were definitely not. People who claim that it is all easy need to back up that claim with the 36/36 feat of strength.


The theme of 9.1 and 9.2 open world content, between fighting waves of mawsworn, has basically all been “we need to collect ancient relics and figure out how to open ancient vaults”. Flavour-wise, half of what we do in Shadowlands is archeology.


one race of people that they dont want to reveal who the first ones even ARE mind you… isnt enough to warrant Archeology in SL, you forget that they created The First Ones as new lore to be carried on for years to come, wouldnt make sense to create such a race and then let the whole cat out of the bag for a secondary profession…

Ps. As a solo player, I’m happy with my new 262 chestplate.

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I came back at the end of BFA because my wife had a baby.

End of the day the few things that might’ve been a challenge are few and far in between and aren’t awarding gear to begin with.

Actually I say current solo content is easy. Which is true.

If only it were that easy :joy: if that were the case then anyone could mythic raid.

Imagine being this clueless about content you don’t do :joy:

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Your personal truth does not mean it’s a fact. You seem to have no idea what the word opinion mean. But… I’m sure you’ll disagree, because that seems to be all you do.


I know what opinions are. I just base my opinions on facts.

If you’re having a hard time with solo content then it’s a you issue. Solo content is specifically designed to be easy so everyone can do it.

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Yours is far from the only definition.


It’s the only definition that matters backed by facts.

Your feelings don’t change the factual definitions.

I’m not sure that word means what you think it means.


I know what it means. I am not sorry your feelings cant disprove them

Pretty much sums up everything you’ve said. I cannot win this argument, because you’ll just make up something and call it a fact, because you said it’s a fact, without verifiable evidence. You probably made up so many “facts” in this thread alone you don’t even know why you were arguing about in the first place.

I wish I had the tenacity to post in dozen of threads and tell people they’re wrong day in and day out here on the forums. I admire and pity that at the same time.

Last thing… Do you ever fully agree with anyone? And if so, can you point to that post?