End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Doing group content in the world is vastly inferior to doing mythic dungeons.

People are better off 5 manning mythics then doing ZM.

So far I almost have enough relics to buy a glove and im cypher lvl 3.

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No, I did the first layer, and I did enjoy it. Not as much as Mage Tower, but it was a good time. Iā€™m kind of saving the rest of it.

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Good to hear!

I found Layers 1 to 4 to be pretty similar in nature, just with the enemy health and damage going up with each Layer, so you will surely be able to clear up to Layer 4 later in the patch, with better gear.

In Layers 5 and up, however, I found that rather than enemy health and damage tuning being the issue, multiple bosses pop out at once that must be interrupted or CCed, and a single player will usually not be able to handle all of that at once.

I will need to test more, but it seems that Layers 5-8 were developed for groups (even if the enemy health and damage scale to solo players). If so, that would be the devs taking one more strike at solo players and forcing them to group up even for optional content.


Judging from the recommended ilvl. They are tuned for folks who do heroic/mythic raids and want to do some solo content. And I noticed stuff like mythics tuned with stuff like 2 legendaries and tier in mind.


Imagine being angry (is that really the right adjective to use?) at ppl wanting to play solo in WoW and having a path to progress in. Idk bc they like could be busy irl and canā€™t commit or have social issues but wanna be around real peeps. Itā€™s crazy.


Yeah, I was getting a hint of that on layer 1 with the boss overlap. Since I only have the one, long-CD interrupt in balance, I kept picking the anima powers that would stun. Not sure if it will be enough later on.

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The mage tower just calledā€¦ but Iā€™m sure you aced it first try on every spec.


Itā€™s obviously a fact, because titanforging was universally hated by self-declared forum mythic raiders who were fully equipped with perfectly itemized better-than-mythic ilvl gear they got from spamming high keys and then started threads whining that LFR needed to be removed because they couldnā€™t get ilvl upgrades in raids.

Thatā€™s obviously the overwhelming majority, according to Schnozā€™s arithmetic.


Yes, Jailerā€™s Gauntlet is more like a reward for raiders who have already geared up, rather than content to be enjoyed by all players.

And yes, it does seem that the Mythic+ dungeons in 9.2 are overtuned, possibly because the extra DPS/HPS we get from double legendaries and class set bonuses are seen as a baseline requirement rather than a bonus to help us clear content more easily. Which is silly because we donā€™t have double legendaries yet, and M+ fans shouldnā€™t need to grind raids for the set bonuses.

Another reason for the M+ overtuning could be that elitists players have been saying that KSM is a giveaway or a joke, which is like a dog whistle for Ionā€™s team to make the content harder. Itā€™s fine for +15s to not be exclusively difficult, because people who want more and more challenge can just do higher and higher keys.

As you get better gear, you may be able to focus your single-target damage on the pre-existing boss and kill it fast enough when new enemies spawn to keep the overlap to a minimum. At least, this worked for me up until Layer 4.

However, in Layers 5 and above, it seems that multiple strong bosses spawn simultaneously, and bursting down one of them will do little good since there are so many of them and they have so many abilities that canā€™t be ignored. Thatā€™s why you would typically want multiple players present, with multiple interrupts and a dedicated healer and tank, seeing as the bosses will stay up a long time and inflict more and more damage as their buff stacks higher.

On that point, I agree. Each end game system should give rewards towards progression in that system. Remember when PvP gear was for PvP and it punished anyone trying to PvP in raid gear? That was awesome. MoP was genius.

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Dwnside was the lego cloak chain took PvP -.-. Such did not bother me, more so since it was the lowest difficulty needed, just 2 specific ones, but some sheesh.

Time to get some real solo content in this game.


They just added solo shuffle.

weā€™re the minority here, they cant make an E-Sport out of us, so they discourage soloist gameplay and encourage group play, even though the community practically does the opposite.


Iā€™d like more easy, current content, I donā€™t mind if itā€™s solo or grouped. I was a big fan of that Jailerā€™s gauntlet, as well as scenarios from a bit ago. I also love the pet battle idea and archaeology. Also the panda farm and garrisons, so cute!

Iā€™d like it to be somewhat rewarding, but if itā€™s grouped, Iā€™d prefer that it wasnā€™t critical for power progression like warfronts were. This way, itā€™s not full of people who donā€™t want to be there ruining it for everyone else.


we have plenty of easy content, we need more challenging, yet fair and rewarding content, easy content just produces more WQs and other mindless hogwash. sorry if that comes off as harsh, but i suck at sugarcoating my feelings, in fact all the easy content just causes a rift between us and the group players, as they feel weā€™re spoon-fed rewards and gear constantly.


Yes and itā€™s primarily solo content, or so easy that I might as well solo it. I should be more specific, I want more easy things with groups that are fun, with nobody having a way to optimize the fun out of it. I also want more additions to the easy solo stuff because I do like them, like Archaeology which was scrapped in SL.

This part is true and itā€™s funny. So what? We get rewards for doing content we love in a video game we pay for. They should mind their own business!


Yeah shuffle the solo players right out of the game.


well it didnt make sense for the realm of the dead to have archeological artifacts lying around, pretty sure that wouldā€™ve been just considered theft. lol

but i get what youā€™re saying, problem is thatā€™s a people issue and not something Blizzard can fix, they tried to by doing their own IO system, it didnt do any goodā€¦ puggers pug, boosters boost and everyone else is left to their own devices.


Yes. With the implementation of RIO, that has helped me when making groups. But itā€™s not very fun to play job application/hiring committee simulator. If itā€™s easy, the hope is that players would be willing to play with each other no matter what. My personal hope is stuff tuned for X amount of players, but you can bring more and it doesnā€™t scale. So bringing more is always a good choice!

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