End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

He ignores me because he can’t refute my very valid points and got tired of being embarrassed :joy:

The issue from a designer standpoint is this.

Say you give sockets to only be purchased from raids? Then pvpers and solo and mplus players complain.

Then you just repeat the cycle for each mode.

Putting it in the new zone as a way to be a part of the new rep makes the most sense. That way it’s optional for everyone.

Who said only? I said multiple like Raid could have its own, M+ could use valor, PvP conquest, Korthia the research. But all are in at the same time, so people can chose what they WANT to do any. New zone is indeed the best if it has to be only one, but better still would be multiple ways.

Optional for everyone except those that do higher and content and are likely to use the “forced” argument


Anyone playing at high end is going to be forced to do it or risk getting sat.

And what I am suggesting would keep it in Korthia, but also let such be earned in raid so raiders are not forced to do Korthia and ones who do Korthia are not forced to raid, and I’d also be extending this to M+ and PvP.

Snozh, you are quite the smart individual, but the issue I have with you is you only look at things has they have been and as they are now, I look at things on a “what can they be” style,

Do you like high and players being forced to do thigns like Korthia or would you rather have ways for their high end content to provide rewards that make it so they can do what they want to do and leave other content alone, thus avoiding the cries of being forced?


I mean if it’s still in Korthia then you would still need the rep or something to unlock it. I don’t think the currency really changes it that much.

I word things that way because yes that’s how they have been. The game is designed that way for a specific reason. I also word it that way because people seem to be forgetful on how this game has always been

What I like or don’t like isn’t relevant. Blizzard has to justify the cost of designing a new zone like ZM or Korthia. If people chose to ignore it or the time spend is shortened then that design time is wasted money.

I do wish they would incorporate older zones more.

If people choose to ignore it, they likely would not have done it without rewards anyway. The issue here is Blizzard has to justify the cost, but in order to do so they feel like they have to force or coerce people to play content they would not otherwise do. If high content doers are indeed among the minority, and even you said they were the second or 3rd smallest one. Then they can still justify it by the majority, be it those that do multiple forms of content or those mixed with solo players, doing it.

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The thing is that places like ZM are tied into the story. It’s there so people have something to do instead of just sitting in oribos.

I’m not opposed to going into the new zone. I’m more opposed to having to do it daily so I can keep up with the rep. However that’s on me as it’s expected for the content I want to do.

Your “very valid” points are all opinion. Your opinion to be exact. Nothing more.

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Opinions based on facts.

Either way you still can’t refute the points EVEN if they were just opinion.

Titanforging was mainly hated by hardcore players that felt they had to do every possible world quest for the tiny chance at a minor power gain, or by elitists who didn’t like seeing World Quest Billy’s wrists Titanforge into Mythic iLvl.

The average player ignored the system or enjoyed the occasional bonus upgrade, rather than expect it.

In one particular type of content, of course the higher layers in difficulty should reward higher iLvl gear.

Solo content can be hard or easy depending on the content and the toon doing it, but you can’t stop rewarding world content and solo-able instances just because elitists say it is too easy to deserve appropriate gear rewards.

Different types of players with different skills levels do entirely different types of content with different motivations. Yet players like you, and developers like Ion Hazzikostas, want to create a gear hierarchy with raiding at the top. This is ruining the profitability of the game, because the typical player does not enjoy raiding and would sooner leave the game than be spit upon by the game systems for not raiding.

Competitive players struggle with having to do accessible external systems for tiny power gains.

But non-competitive players struggle with having to do inaccessible content for even a modicum of basic power levels.

You sound like the typical WoW player. Up until Wrath, almost everyone raided. But something bad happened with Cata, WoD, and SL, and guilds fell apart. Raiding participation has been dropping, and people are leaving the game in droves because WoW devs refuse to offer content and appropriate rewards for non-raiding content in attempt to funnel everyone into raiding.

Elitist players are either in denial about how good solo gearing was in Wrath, MoP, Legion, or BfA, or they honestly might have no idea because they never had to gear up on their own back then.

Torghast blows this argument out of the water. Give me competitive gear from doing Torghast, even if that gear has a high iLvl only in Torghast, and the issue about a lack of solo rewards would be mostly alleviated.

Those systems are horrible for gearing and killed SL sub numbers, not just because they are horribly designed but because they require premade groups when most guilds have died out. So SL gearing systems basically alienated most types of players.

World content, perhaps. But how many players have soloed layer 8 of the Jailer’s Gauntlet, other than a few hunters in Mythic SoD gear?


If you’re doing world content and nothing else I don’t know why you need anything higher than 250.

Or even 220 for that matter.

There is NOTHING hard about any solo content in this game. If you’re struggling with solo content you’re the issue.

Yes, I meant world content.

I’m on the fence about Torghast because, as we’ve both pointed out, it offers no actual progression within itself other than Tower Knowledge. I’m not a big fan of the random anima powers, and ost of the Torghast wings just feel like half an hour of killing dungeon trash.

I’m kind of scared to climb the JG layers, because it’s pretty much the last thing I’ll enjoy in this expansion. So what I’m saying is, why can’t they spend just some of the obviously enormous amounts of resources that they already spend on world content and make a portion of it challenging and fun like Jailer’s Gauntlet (or even some like Mage Tower) but where you actually do progress to the next harder challenge?


Get gud, use chat and find a guild… do some raids… get some real gear. It’s an MMO not a solo adventure game.

If I could raid again, I would. Even then, I’d still be asking for a better solo experience.


That’s fair… solo questing is kinda garbage now with the zones leveling with you.


Jailer’s Gauntlet is really fun. I wish it dropped weekly loot.

I will be pugging mythics on all my characters for loot : / and the new affix is worse then tormentors imo.


keep the war in warcraft

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If so many players are only interested in world content, then WoW is not the most worthwhile game for that, which explains the drop in subs in SL.

There are a wide variety of solo players, and they may also want better gear to solo old raids, do Torghast, perform well in queued content such as dungeon finder or unrated PvP, or even qualify for premade groups.

If you are stuck at 220 iLvl, almost all content in 9.2 is going to be rough, because the devs tuned content with 252 Normal as the starting point.

I want to see you solo Layer 16 Flawless of each Torghast wing, as well as Layer 8 of the Jailer’s Gauntlet, wearing only 233 iLvl gear with any class other than Hunter and with no anima power fishing.

If it’s not hard, go do it and post a video. Then you can talk about skill.

Definitely. Ideally, the open world would have more challenging options and greater rewards, and there would be more content for solo players in general, but I feel that given WoW’s current development crisis, most of the problems with gearing in SL should be solved simply by adjusting the systems and rewards of the content we already have.

That is why Wrath and MoP were so successful, because they used systems to reward more accessible content.

By the way, there is the sandworm relic farm for 246 iLvl gear in Zereth Mortis, which the devs may have intended as challenging world content for better rewards, but the grind is too intense outside of a raid group and the rewards are pitiful.

And about the Jailer’s Gauntlet, it’s actually pretty reasonable to solo up to Layer 4 just for the tangible rewards, but if you are sure you won’t enjoy it then no need to try.

Vanilla WoW at launch was a solo adventure game, with optional dungeons and group quests. And look at how it exploded in popularity.

SL endgame requires premade groups, and look at how it has killed the game.

An MMO needs to consist of a massive amount of adventurers, whether they choose to group up or not.