End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

You seem to miss the one key thing:

  • Are solo rewards good enough to make solo content “beatable”

If so, there is literally no problem.

If you want solo content to provide gear useful to do group content, then I think you are just missing the point.

Even in prior xpacs, if you went into group content, you quickly replaced all solo gear… so there is just not an issue when you do that.

The problem in SL has zip to do with solo gear. The great vault and M+ gearing is just horrible. And THAT gear matters… it matters a LOT.

There’s a difference between a player playing casually and a casual player.

Casual is a metric of time and doesn’t change so this is 100% false.

Someone playing 40 hours a week doing LFR and BGs isn’t a casual player.

If solo just means world content, it is, if you add things like Torghast, which can be done solo, that gets a bit more iffy, especially the higher layers if going for perfection. The current system makes it so solo players are feeling forced to do group content for things they can do solo. This is where one of the disconnects comes in.


The problem for me is that, since I’m precluded from raiding, I’d like challenging solo content that provides some type of progression. Yes, solo content now is brain-dead easy. Given that they’re spending enormous sums making it, anyway, it would be nice if it at least had some teeth again.

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You do realize everyone is forced to do content they don’t like for the content they do like right?

That’s not limited to just solo players.

I think the first definition makes a lot more sense. There are two major metrics relating to player behavior I think. The first is time available to play/spent playing the game. This would be how casual you are. The second is how skilled you are with the game, or in essence how good you are. In designing the game and its systems I think it is important to consider these two things separately. Making getting into raiding, M+, and PvP more accessible by removing some power gains you get exclusively in other parts of the game from the one you are wanting to do would theoretically be beneficial to all casual players who are not also solo/que only players. It would also probably be annoying to solo players regardless of how much they play because it would lower rewards, participation, or both in what they are doing.

Again with this argument, get this, no one is forced to do anything. Even with multiple paths of progression, people were using the “forced” argument because they felt, to maximize their output they had to do everything. The forced argument is better of becoming “I want x so I have to do y, if I don’t do y, I have to determine if I really want x or if I can settle for going without it”. All fine, but in the case of content that can be soloed, I.E. torghast, what are people supposed to do if it does not even provide specific gear for it to enable them to push?

Players are not forced, they make the choices and have to live with them, the issue is there is no real choice for some things.

Well, I look at the second as being more how you spend the time in game, random bgs, LFR, normal/heroic (maybe even M0) dungeons, and possibly normal/heroic raids can be considered laid back content, which is close to another meaning of casual.


You mean they are too easy and thus the gear you get isn’t needed?

/Confused a bit. I thought you felt the ilevel was “too low” which would mean the content was “too hard.”…

More teeth means “more challenging” to me… I recently started to push a level 50 into SL and found it -much- harder than I thought. Then I realized all my heirloom gear was not upgraded so I was ilevel at least -25 on every piece from what the zone was expecting. That had some teeth!

My enh sham was taking serious damage and I had to scramble to heal fast enough… Once i upgraded my heirlooms it was easy again… and I DID feel like… was it more fun when it was hard?

I think he means at a point, where it is possible to do it in the provided gear, but it is a challenge to do so, think tackling quest elites solo when the elite is high level (I.E. the 62 elites in ZM).

Yes, I want hard solo content. I don’t particularly care about gear rewards, as long as it feels like progression.

Yes, the rewards you currently get are more than adequate for the solo content that exists (most of it can be done in last xpac’s drops.) But I don’t think most of the people who are arguing the solo side of things in this thread are saying they want higher level welfare gear from world quests.

If I had something like Mage Tower available regularly on an expanded basis, I’d be happy. The Jailer’s Gauntlet is cool, maybe a step in the right direction.


Either it works both ways or it doesn’t work for either side.

Solo players aren’t forced to do torghast layer 12 flawless then.


and guess, what, they are not, the do such because they WANT to. Hell, a Torghast layer 12 flawless might have been seen as the pinnacle of content for solo players, and some wold have been more then happy to push such.

When Korthia came out, unless they needed soul ash for their lego, they cold skip Torghast altogether as cinders were provided by almost everything put in along with Kortha. Yet I would not have been surprised at complaints about being “forced” to do Torghast because it was the fastest way to get cinders.

I do M+ because I want to supplement my raid drops with similar level gear from a different source. My GM/RL? he does not set foot in M+. Other members of my guild? PvPers. We all do what we want but come together for content we are doing.

No, correct for the most part, but I am willing to concede that if you want to do high M+ you are “forced” to build up your io/rating, if you want to do Arena or rated BGs, you are better off doing randoms and such first.

I never feel forced to do things, because I either enjoy the content OR I have a goal in mind and am willing to do what it takes to get it. If one is feeling forced, maybe they need to ask for content they would not feel forced to do.

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No offense but you raid heroic. While nothing is wrong with that you don’t play at a level where those things matter and could be a reason why you lose your raid spot.

Incorrect. Like I already stated. You aren’t fighting against 9 people for 5 raid slots. I’m not trying to be a jerk but you’re out of your depth on this one.

You may not feel forced to do it because you raid heroic and that’s it. Your feelings are not going to be the same for people who choose the higher difficulties.

Correct, but here is the thing, they make these choices then complain about being “forced”. Doing mythic raids, especially at HoF or CE level means:
Min/maxing your gear
working on your rotation, and finding out when it is ok to break the standard to get that extra DPS
being fully flasked, fed, runed, etc. each raid night
and whatever else your guild/raid group require of you.

If one is unwilling to do all of this, maybe they should not chose to do the higher content. For me the forced argument is invalid because choosing to do something should also mean choosing to do whatever it takes to do that thing. In essence, anyone that uses the forced argument, to me, is more or less saying “I want to do this content, but I don’t want to work to get what I need to do it”.

Bottom line: if you can chose, you are not forced, if you are forced, you did not choose.


The same can be said for solo players then. No one is forcing them to only do solo content.

What you’re not understanding is that if most mythic raiders were to only raid heroic then after getting geared I would just cancel my subscription. Heroic isn’t challenging enough.

In order for me to do the content I want to do I am forced to do it. I don’t “have to do it” but if I want to raid mythic then I have too.

Same thing applies to solo players. If they aren’t willing to do group content to do the layers they want that’s their choice. You can’t have it both ways.

Bottom line. If you chose to play solo you aren’t forced any more or less than other players.

I think a few solo players would be fine with letting raids provide currency for things like sockets or whatever else is only available from things like Korthia. In exchange for being able to progress, even if it is Torghast specific gear that only has the high ilvl in torghast, being provided for them from the content they do.

A lot really don’t want it both ways, but instead of suggesting things that could be added in exchange (sockets or currency for sockets coming from raid in exchange for gear from instanced solo content) these kind of arguments get dragged down.

But still, a common thing I see is letting each path of progression be self contained, you CAN do the other paths if you want, but you can get everything you need for yours in yours alone.


I honestly don’t care what solo players think. Anyone that chooses to limit their gameplay has zero right to complain about anything.

Actually the majority of solo players just want high level gear for bo effort. The ones that want challenging content are the minority.

It’s to reward people who play more of the game. Blizz has done this since atleast wrath.

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Just throw him on ignore like the rest of us. I found 3 elitist players from this thread including Snozh. So I just ignore them don’t see their worthless posts, and move on.

He can join the ranks of the white knight brigade.


Which means ones who do multiple paths/content, get more rewards. That makes sense, but if one is complaining about doing something like Korthia for sockets, maybe that reward should be in both Korthia and from other content, be it raids, M+ or PvP (likely a currency for the latter 2).

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They are two different groups. Solo players like to pretend they aren’t so they can pretend to be casuals so it gives their weak arguments more credibility based on being the “biggest” part of the player base.

The fact is casuals do all sorts of content and don’t stick to only solo content like solo players do. There is a very distinct difference.

Anyone can have an opinion. Theirs is just wrong.

I accept that people have wrong opinions all the time.