End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

I never said I wanted to mythic raid. All I ever said was that they took away higher level rewards from solo activity.

Huh? I’m not sure what I’m at fault for. I said it was a shame they took away good rewards for solo stuff when in past x-packs they were there. So… yeah.


How do you get Normal raid gear for doing nothing?! Zereth Mortis is a huge, thankless grind and doesn’t even give you a weapon. And even if you can get to max Cypher level, you are going to have to earn the individual pieces again.

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Solo activity has never offered BiS or higher than heroic raiding gear.

They never existed in prior patches. In fact Wrath durring ICC you would be getting the equivalent of 207 ilvl from ZM not 233/246.

When fully upgraded, Korthia 233 gear was still upper Normal, and even at 226 the raid gear was better due to Domination Shards.

The god of purity of design.

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5-mask Horrific Visions offered 470 when Heroic was 460.

Throughout BfA, Conquest gear could be earned from solo activities at Heroic iLvl, and could actually be better than Heroic raiding gear depending on Azerite traits and secondary stats.


Normal in SoD was 226. 233 was Normal END boss loot.

You’re right actually, but it did offer some pretty nice titanforges and heroic raid gear was really nice when you weren’t heroic raiding. Casuals generally didn’t do heroic raids so it was usually a very nice bonus when you got it.

They sure did. The gear from the chests in the vale and uldum had nice stuff in them, Nazjatar gear could be upgraded. The items from the group scenarios were nice, heroic were even better… Remember, this is for people who don’t group aside LFR and LFD.

Wrath raids had a much lower entrance barrier, gearing was very easy. I was younger and had more time, but I don’t remember having any issues getting my 8 or so alts in acceptable raid worthy gear. It was a fairly simple grind that didn’t require half the time getting into M+ does.


you remember correctly… but those days are gone and now to be raid-worthy you have to have gear and spec Meta to parse just right to satisfy the guild you’re running with or you will be blamed for every death or accused of leeching for gear (because guilds don’t help guild members get gear anymore). The thing with Shadowlands is that it has created a single-path to get good gear and if a player doesn’t get on that path they are stuck at sub-par levels and will never get anything better because there are no alternate paths.


I dont need solo content but the only option for highest tier content being 20man is whack. That’s why so many guilds have no community nowadays. The players dont mean anything to anyone, you are only on the guild so that they make the 20man requirement to raid.

Titanforging was universally hated by the majority of players.

This is 100% false. Casual players do heroic and normal raids as well as mythic plus and arena/rbg. I think you mean solo players.

I don’t recall those chests ever getting better loot than normal raid gear. Even visions required 5 masking for a heroic piece and even then that was because of how rng corruptions were.

Remember that those players should never earn higher gear than group content because solo content isn’t hard at all.

The issue for raid entry isn’t gear. It’s the external systems like conduits/soulbinds/legendaries. Essences were a major issue in BFA for Alts.

Who’s the second biggest minority?


High end arena players then Mythic raiders

This cannot possibly be proven, this is pure opinion.

Solo and casuals come from the same player pool. Neither of which are pushing keys or arena ratings.

Then you are remembering wrong. But once again… for the people who didn’t raid, they were very nice drops. If you do normal/heroic… you more than likely aren’t casual or solo oriented.

But yet they did with titanforged items, and the weekly chests… Now you can’t.

The entry barrier for raiding will always be gear. Always has been, always will be. I could have the best conduit/soulbind/legendary but I’m not going to get into any raids if my GS is at 210.

I can tell you flat out that I’ve turned from a semi-hardcore raider into a casual. There used to be ways for me to improve my gearscore solo or easily within group-finders. Now there isn’t. If don’t agree with that, you’re remembering wrong or never played the game like a casual / solo player.


It’s not an opinion. The only people who seemed to like titanforging are solo players.

That’s absolutely false. Up until this expansion I was a casual player and I still pushed keys and arena rating.

There is a difference between a solo player playing the game casually and a casual player playing the game.

Casual players still raid heroic and even mythic, still push keys, and still arena.

Again false. People raid casually all the time. Especially normal and heroic.

And they should never have been able too. Titanforging was terrible and like it or not was hated.

If you’re ilvl is 210’wheb you have easily accessibly 233/246 gear you aren’t even trying to raid. You’re looking for a free carry.

Put some effort into your toon. It’s not hard.

The difference is I can play casually and still be successful. You just have to put some basic effort into it. Infact shadowlands is the most solo/casual friendly expansion to date.

Casual doesn’t mean bad at the game. You’re confusing solo players for casual players.

This is how I play. I am usually out playing solo. With my playstyle, I am not able to dedicate myself to joining a progression raiding guild to get the bleeding edge gear. I used to be in a fairly large guild that was progressing through Wrath raids, but I wasn’t part of the main raid teams. I still join groups to run some 5 mans, but that isn’t very common anymore. I couldn’t tell you the last time I was in an acutal raid. Yeah I would like to have some of the more peowerful items that drop in those places, but since I don’t have the time I know I won’t be getting them. There’s so much you can still do as a solo player. I feel like I am a glutton for punishment at times since I like to farm rep & mounts. With that being said I am perfectly fine with what I get/ have.


No, no, he is actually right here, the issue here is more was it hated because it was “required” or because it went too far.

The first form of it (thunder/warforging) worked well because it was just like 5-10 ilvls above what the instance dropped. In addition, they also had the valor upgrades which more or less made the RNG aspect of the forge null and void.

I did not hate TF, but I thought it was going too far, an LFR level piece should not forge to mythic level, PERIOD. At most a forge should be the base level of the next difficulty up, so upgrades would still be possible with tertiary (avoidance, leech, speed) stats or gem sockets already included. In the case of Mythic, 5-10 levels higher, if it forges at all (personally I would lock mythic out of forging, just so thse players don’t feel like their gear is not the best if it does not forge)

I still don’t think you’re going to get people to believe that word means what you say it means.


I mean I don’t care if they believe it or not. Their belief doesn’t change the facts.

You can be casual and push high end content.

A lot of it comes down to what one thinks casual means, at least in terms of WoW.

  1. they play on a more casual basis due to lack of time, RL situation, etc. But they push whatever they can when they get on. One who logs on just for raid cold be considered casual time wise, but not so much content wise.
  2. they only do the easier content, solo, LFR, random bgs, etc. but they might play for hours on end. so they are not casual timewise, but are content wise.