End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

They definitely lost that war as you can get full epics and two legendary items from solo content.

In your opinion. Collections and reputations used to feel a lot more rewarding , even if it was a bit boring or grindy.

For example:

Player power items used to stop at revered reputation and the cosmetics, toys, tabards and mounts were locked behind exalted rep. That last level of reputation was rarely fun to get, you’re right it was grindy. The difference was that if you could get through it, you had access to items in the game that a lot of other players couldn’t be bothered with obtaining.

Also, video games are all grindy. High end content is no different. How is wiping to the same boss on the same mechanics for days or weeks at a time less boring or grindy? It took Complexity Limit 300 attempts to defeat the Stone Legion Generals. 139 Attempts for Sire. How is that not tedious and repetitive?

The reputation items were decent at the very beginning, but none of that stuff was really worth grinding out. The game in general is tedious and repetitive…that’s the business model for an MMO. They want you to pay every month.

It wasn’t worth it to YOU. You asked what I enjoyed and what kept me engaged as a solo player. To ME, those types of things WERE worth it.

Exactly, some players like their tediousness with friends and some of us prefer to endure it alone. There’s no reason for either group to attack the other and say “what you want is not interesting to me therefore it’s a waste of time to implement it”.

…and they don’t care if it’s group player’s or solo’s that pay them.

What I am expressing in this thread is that if they want to keep ME subbed, they need to create content that makes ME feel like the grind is worth it. I know they are capable because they’ve been doing just that for years. Recently though, their non-raid content is crap. I’m bored, I feel weak and none of the rewards make up for any of boring, pointless content tossed my way to shut me up.

My $20 a month is exactly the same shade of green as yours to Blizzard. What’s gonna keep me paying SHOULD be just as important as what’s gonna keep group players paying. In the past I’ve been satisfied and happy to pay. Now I’m not. That doesn’t make me lazy, whiny or a bad player as many in this thread have tried to suggest.

was basically explaining me none of my friends play much anymore so i dont do any group content i dont like doing stuff in instances with people i dont know ill go in if i have no choice for story reasons but other than that. i hate lfr i perfer playing with people i know. wow has not been fun for me i play because i have to much money and time invested in the game.

Well…I’m not saying that you’re bad or lazy. Play the game however you like. I think you’re going to be surprised with how good that second legendary will be.

one thing that needs to happen is the games story to be in game not books irl, why not just put them in ingame books which you did for older lore. also we need a solo dungeon mode but has npc’s like exiles reach this would help newer players and would be an alternitive for quests that require dungeons. also we need mini stories all over the game nothing major dont need quest markers just mini events you trigger by talking to some npc’s also A TON of hidden events that send you all over the world or class mini quests like the green fire questline quests that take awhile to do . extra quests in zones that are low level. a setting that lets you do all the old quests at what evers max level if you so want to. adding flying to exodar and silvermoon. there is so much that can be done. we should have mini stories that keep bringing us to older zones example we can talk to one npc in the shadowlands could be given the opertunity to visit where they lived while they were alive and we can get more insight on said character this would bring more immersion. constant CONSTANT content doesnt have to be big either can be small one here and there like small changes to the way older zones look. another thing be nice is solving a story example how torghast came into existance what happened there what was it so on, and this is just a tiny amount of things you can add for solo players. goodness solo players wouldnt be the only ones who would be intot his stuff people who finished their raiding or bgs for the night and want to fool off.

Thank you for acknowledging that I can have a DIFFERENT perspective than you and still be a decent person. It’s getting to be rare trait, in games and everywhere else.

ff14 is planning to do solo dungeon optional modes O.o 1-4 players. Sigh wish we could play wow classes in 14 lol.

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That actually sounds kind of neat. A friend who plays Guild Wars said they have something similar to this.

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They already have something where you can play with npc’s, but I haven’t tried it yet.

I think it generates npcs to play with you. Which is a whole lot better then waiting for a group to start. My main complaint with group content. All the queues.

Apparently it takes longer to do the actual dungeon though as you can’t do the wall to wall pulls with npc’s. I’m not sure how the time tradeoff works in the end. The dps ques are only like 10-15 minutes. It’s not so bad.

I meant in wow. It takes way longer to get a group going on non meta dps specs then others. It’s nice to skip queues and get straight into the action.

Yeah, there’s some truth to that, but I’m not sure how an npc group is going to work in something like m+.

It wouldn’t. But that’s why I advocate for solo progession paths. Partly because I don’t enjoy waiting for other people and it’s more flexible on hours. No queues= good.

Part of the reason I am not a fan of korthia. = waiting for rares to spawn. At least in Legion they had fast respawned and alternated spawns with 6-8 hour periods.

I’m not against the idea, I just don’t think people are going to go for a solo progression system. That would mean that things would need to start scaling in difficulty and I’m trying to imagine what the forums would look like if you tied gear to difficult solo content.

Torgast already does that to a degree. Just add more levels just like mythic +. And its content for everyone. Its content for raiders that want to play alts on there own time. Or try out a new spec bythemselves. Maybe to level an alt to bring to a raid and when they have time. Or you just always wanted to try that one spec that isn’t considered optimal by group standards.

That’s why I return to wow at the end of the expansion

Prove it, fact is it is even by just raiding parse numbers.

Yes, which back when Blizzard last reported accounts made it was something like 77 million around Cataclysm, MoP?

Blizzard didn’t really have much in the way of ‘free trial’ then except for free trial codes, which only gave you very little game time.

Which had faulty data, especially since if you tried to look at my data there it wouldn’t even show. :3