End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Torghast had to be nerfed because so many people couldn’t do it. That’s where a solo progression system will fail. The MT complaints were made within a matter of minutes and that didn’t even award any gear. I just don’t think that kind of system is compatible with the playerbase.


I hope they add a solo mode that is something like visions in 9.2.5. Also was wondering if we will ever get an endless mode. Something like zombies in CoD.

Yeah…visions were a decent compromise. People that couldn’t do it could be carried.

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Couldn’t or didn’t want to put in the work to overcome the challenge?

It might be more compatible then most think, as long as the ones that are complaining about difficulty get asked things like “did you even try? or did you hit 1 block and come crying to the forums?”

Over tuned and/or bugged is one thing, but we do need to stop nerfing fun out of content just because some can’t down it first try.

It’s not a suggested thing. It was proven via logs.

You aren’t the first or the last (I’m sure) person to tell me that. It’s your opinion. Again with your stupid logs…ugh.

I’m not “bad”. I take longer to overcome barriers and challenges than a portion of the player base and I am much quicker than a portion of the player base. That’s average, middle of the pack, not bad.

I am not a mythic player, and NOT ONCE did I state or even suggest I was.

I have Heroic AotC’s, that I earned.
A couple seasons of maxed out Brawler’s Guild
Challenge Conquerer: Gold, that I earned.
Proving Grounds: Gold
Fighting with Style: Challenging
Layer 12 in Torghast WITHOUT the suggested 252 ilvl.

So once again, I’m not Mythic and have never pretended to be, but I’m not “bad”.

From my perspective you are the “bad” player for the following reasons:

If you don’t want it in the game, you feel like it shouldn’t be implemented for anyone else because YOU will FEEL obligated to do it. Not because you will be forced to do it.

You antagonize players constantly on these forums by suggesting their opinions and thoughts don’t matter, are unintelligent or have no game skill. NONE OF WHICH AFFECT YOU.

Your mind is closed to any idea that is not yours or that you don’t agree with and so you have no purpose to be here EXCEPT to harass other players.

You insist that group play is the back bone of WoW and yet you’re extremely difficult to even talk to so I can’t imagine how difficult it would be to play with you.

You say people should want to join group content since this is an MMO, but your crappy attitude, underhanded AND direct insults and refusal to give anyone you deem below you any respect is SUPER contrary to encouraging them to join a group if you represent the avg group’s mentality.

Who the heck wants to come join you guys and endure belittling, degrading, elitist commentary and bullying for hours on end? The number of players who are tired of that is increasing rapidly. If you want your game to keep winning as it is, then stop behaving like EXACTLY who people don’t want to group with anymore.

I mean, you even mentioned how terrible I am in a different thread. What purpose did that serve except to antagonize me? YOU ARE THE BAD PLAYER. YOU and people like you, are why I burned out on raiding and now prefer to hang out by myself. I come to WoW to chill, not to allow people to try and make me feel small.


It’s not an opinion. If you parse a 16.1 overall for normal then you aren’t a good player.

Grey parsing in normal content is without a doubt bad. Average is high greens low blue parses.

Aotc doesn’t mean anything. Anyone can get carried.

Nothing that you have listed is really going to show you that you aren’t bad.

You don’t mythic raid so you don’t understand that anything that increases performance is a requirement.

I have literally said multiple times that solo content will be required. If it gives mythic or heroic raid level gear.

It does affect me. I also look at the game from an overall perspective. You’re making comments on things that you don’t understand because you don’t actually partake in the content.

False. I have had multiple discussions with Antimon and listened to their ideas. The difference is I don’t listen to bad ideas presented by bad players wanting gear handed to them.

Because anyone with any basic understanding understand show this game is designed and what the three main pillars of end game are.

I’m actually very easy to play with.

Actually have never said that. If people want to only play solo then that’s what they should play. I am just a firm believer of gear rewards be based on the difficulty the content has and nothing in solo content is close to being difficult.

I also respect people at all levels that show me respect. End of the day you claimed to be a good player and when I showed proof that you’re not you got mad.

Considering you have never ever played with me you have no idea how I am to play with. Instead of making assumptions you have zero evidence in I suggest you stop looking like a fool and only present facts.

You made a claim that you’re a good player and I disproved it. Don’t make claims you can’t back up.

To correct you.

My logs disagree with you.

Did you quit because people got tired of carrying you? I wouldn’t have even said anything to you if you hadn’t made the laughable claim of you being a good player.

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What’s the difference? When people complain and are willing to unsub due to the difficulty, you’re never getting difficult solo content.

Your transmog parses at a vomit.

Yes, the only purpose was to antagonize you for being a bad person (not player).

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Yeah I need to work on my mog. Unfortunately the vision I have is limited due to how awful hunter mogs are.

It’s ok. My feelings of self worth aren’t based around strangers acceptance of me on a forum.

Hunter transmogs are particularly terrible. I think it was Nighthold that finally gave the first good one ever? The green version is the only hunter outfit available.

You’d think, but then MT happened. Within 5 minutes, people claimed that it was impossible and that they’d unsub due to the difficulty. Lots of people pointed out there were YouTube videos that could be followed. That just wasn’t good enough.

Designing solo content around each class/spec/role is going to be impossible. Equally impossible is convincing people to take their licks and learn the content. Blizzard loses either way.

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You probably don’t even exist, so that’s fair.

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Winners never quit and quitters never win, whiners are quitters that get things changed so they can be winners and selfishly ruing things for others.

The mythic purple and green one oooks really good but it’s also super popular

That’s a little weird considering we’re having a conversation :man_shrugging:t3:

In BfA, we could get Heroic iLvl gear from unrated PvP and open world PvP. But in SL, the Honor gear you can get from unrated PvP is below Normal in PvE content.

In BfA 8.3, we could get gear 5 iLvls below Mythic raiding gear from Horrific Visions. But in SL, Torghast does not offer gear at all.

In BfA, we could get Normal iLvl gear from emissaries. But in SL 9.1, callings do not offer gear at all.

In SL 9.1, we could get a full upper Normal set of gear from world content and Mythic max iLvl conduits. But in 9.2, weapon rewards have been intentionally excluded from the upgrade system, all other gear has been nerfed to lower Normal, and conduit upgrades are dropped back down to LFR item levels.

Solo players themselves are not being obliterated, but their power rewards are.

So can you objectively explain why you think 9.2 is so much better for solo and/or casual players? And pet battles, collectible cosmetics, and zone bodyguards don’t count—we need actual power rewards, most of all weapons!

9.2 is a clear downgrade for solo and casual players, and the exclusion from weapon upgrades and class set bonuses just serves to kick us while we are down.


It’s only a downgrade for solo players. The more and more you pretend casual players are affected hurts what little validity you

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And that’s true, but I’m not sure that attitude really lends itself to video games.

Nuf Said chewbs~