End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

And yet,we group to take a rare down ,isn’t that group content .so by that logic it is group content.

At the time they did but not now thanks to mythic+ and carries they could just skip the content. Then whoes doing content.

Btw, soloers do more time getting gear their gear then raider or mythic + players.

I’m going to be President in 2024; please refer to me as such.


Millennials are aging and so does the decline of subscribers, focusing on top tier group content could be the long term death of wow. Either you focus on wow, or your family. Pick either one… That is what it feels like to tryin to keep up… the game should reward player skill rather than teamwork communication and retention, the MMO in wow is so not so about raiding and mythic group running, but having the online community with people you can acknowledge, and socialize with… Horrific Visions masks, was a great way for casual skilled people to show elitists and other casuals alike you got some game, plus it was fun…


As I said before, If something like Mage Tower was offered on a regular basis, it would help keep me subbed. Torghast was a sort-of attempt at that, I think, but didn’t quite cut it.

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To be honest,that is good for some but not all players because it requires fast hand and eye coordination ,the older you get that isn’t the case for every person especially the disable. At times I just wish to do puzzles so the joints don’t suffer.

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Yes, I am. I’ve sold carries before. Course it was a long time ago, but thanks to WoW Tokens, selling hasn’t been looking easier.

Then stop trying to make a point out of it.

Or maybe you could learn that it has nothing to do with vocabulary and instead with your own biases?

It’s a new account. You were the ones who assumed it was an alt account. Maybe it’s you that needs the vocabulary lesson.

And that’s fine, as long as they receive rewards equal to the content, which will always be lower than group content.

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Let’s take this a different way, If there is a world boss that drops lets say,245 loot would a raider or mythic person do that boss?

If it gives rewards that benefit them, yes.


Never said they could. They can progress all they want. Still shouldn’t get gear that group content provides.

Then take your participation trophy and go?

It’s amazing that someone screeches that ilvls aren’t important yet insist they should get the same ilvl for doing a 1/5 of the content.

Then is that the same as a soloer that enters to do it should be the same since ,those raiders and mythic players are in fact soloers. But they also do mythic + which means they don’t need that gear. You see it’s the same as will if soloer can’t have the gear then it is the same raiders and mythic+ don’t need it regardless of doing the content ,yet they do.

See, those are actual trophies for doing the content. Participation Trophies are the little trinkets that drop from rare mobs or the single piece of gear from the week reset quest.

Well, no. Solo play will always be easier than group play. The reason why ‘solo play’ is so popular is because it is by default the easiest to achieve. So any loot that comes from solo progression would have to be lower than group content, maybe LFR level.

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Let me ask you are you comfortable in the level gear your in now?

Still easier than if it was designed for group content in mind. Solo Content < Group Content. RPG design 101.

You can sell carries. I know it might sound outlandish to think that the people selling the carries are more skilled. And yea, you can also buy a carry for solo content. See Horrific Visions pre-nerf and all the solo players that couldn’t even manage that.

You should receive rewards equal to the difficulty. Since solo play is inferior to group content, solo players would progress with inferior gear.

Simple as that.

Please do not insinuate that solo players are more skilled than Heroic/Mythic, M+15-20 players. :joy:

I wouldn’t be laughing I seen a 246 myhtic player soloing a rare only to die to simple mechanics .Like don’t stand in the bad stuff.


Babe Ruth struck out sometimes.

It could’ve been avoided ,I guess he don’t have enough coffee that morning.

Sorry you can’t get your way. Try Final Fantasy, its more your speed.

Yeah lol but I guess the point is that even the very best players make mistakes. They just make them less often.