End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Listen, sweetheart, it’s not my fault your vocabulary is so limited that you can’t derive a coherent response from it. You said account, I assumed account.

Ngl, this post is why I went to FF. I’m only doing WoW for PvP until 10.0 releases. Raiding is ajoke, guilds are just raid logs/boot ifnot parsing absolutely amazing(I have multiple orange/purple parses without DoM sockets this tier), it’s ridiculous. I wish we could just do the content we want to do, without any “community” council bs, strings attached, just let us grind our gear and currencies like we want. MoP will forever remain my favorite expansion for this reason. It was PURE BLISS. Timeless is still my favorite zone in the game.
And to Erythrae, Give solo content LFR ilvl rewards. LFR gear is fine for 90% of “Casual” content.


BFA did have decent solo rewards. I only hope this last patch will too.

Why must it always be lower than group content, just to protect the egos of those people who think they are better. Or is it to ensure players who have no self control don’t burn themselves out.

If I’m investing time into my character(s) should I not be able to make constant meaningful progress.


So you’re posting on an alt character, then?

You can’t display individual character achievements on the forum. The achievements displayed on your toon here are your achievements across all characters.

So if you don’t have a second account, then you’re actually not a raider. Nice job outing yourself.

It’s not fault you make boiler-plate assumptions that are wrong.

Group content will always be harder than solo content. Period. I know most of these players will try to swear up and down that doing something solo is super hard, but no, it’s not.

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So you want people to be set at 187-194 in a world that the calculations would kill the player,nice going.

No…? I didn’t say that…

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No. I am a raider, I just joined WoW at the end of a patch. No one in my guild is running raids atm until 9.2.

Again, you people keep making these dumb assumptions.

Unlike the lot of you, I am getting AotC in 9.2.

What is this then?

LFR drops 213 atm. Will be 239 in 9.2. That’s not even close to 194. If I misread something somewhere, or don’t understand, please let me know. Not being an idiot, just thought that was a genuine fix…
This is why I never speak up. Because what I think is good, I obviously do not understand so I just keep my mouth shut.

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It’s not you, it’s them. Trust me. Been losing IQ points between the three of them.

No you’re not. You’re in a raiding guild. You’re not doing the carries or selling them. You’re just associated with a guild that does.

Until you’ve actually cleared raiding content, you’re not a raider, but you can keep coaxing your ego if it helps you cope with it.

I don’t care lol

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Like, if you do 0 content that involves groups, you deserve 0 loot that comes from it. That’s what being a casual is. Blizz SHOULD make it where if you are in full 230 or w/e it is crafted gear in 9.2, you can survive. Its a game issue, not a gear issue. FF you can do literally anything except high end endgame in crafted gear. Blizz should do the same.


Stay mad, and maybe read a dictionary to help with your vocabulary issues.

I’d say their vocab is pretty good considering I don’t even know how to spell some of the simplest words.

You did say which lfr so i took the lowest since must of the argument would refer to entery .

As for you keep you’re insults to yourself would be a good suggestion of behavior.

Well, considering she specifically said “new account” and then backpedaled by insulting us for assuming she was on an alt account, I would say there’s work to be done.

If not vocabulary, then at least her diction.

Nobody does nathria LFR. Use some common sense…

Everyone in this game has work to be done. Its why we play.