End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Figures, even at work they’re grey parsing and not actually doing work. :3

They can never do that, because they know the stats are against them in the first place. Which is why they spend so much time here arguing about how they’re deserving of the best gear just for getting a guild to run them through raids without putting in all the work themselves.

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Only solo players buy carries.

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False, if you ask boosters who most of their carries are - they’re people that ‘raid’ or actively do M+ and supposedly ‘can’t be bothered pugging’ etc for chars and such when in reality they probably got benched.

Either way, you’ve only done LFR no? By Snozs’ defintion, you’re a ‘solo player’ because queued content doesn’t count. :3

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Only solo players buy carries. Why would solo players need a progression system when you can just buy it from us?

See? There you go. You now have a path to progression deserving of your mentality.

Who’s “us” in this circumstance? Your achievements don’t even indicate that you’ve cleared Castle Nathria or SoD.

It doesn’t look like you raid at all.

What’s with the objective statements in this thread? Nobody has evidence to back up these claims.

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Looks like an alt account just to troll on the forums. And not get the main account banned.

Especially after she basically said to go boost if you are a solo player. You can tell where her bias is.

Ah, gotcha.

So you don’t actually raid and are just hiding behind an alt account so you can propagate the illusion that you do.

Do you think I care?

Says the Classic Alt? Sure, whatever you say.

I’m not trying to act like someone I’m not. The burden of proof is on you to show that you actually raid since you talk like you do.

Since you’re not posting on your main account, I’ll safely assume you don’t.

Figures you want to make money/gold off of players who dont want to pug or do group content. You would them to have a reason to buy a carry service.

I’ve nothing to prove to you? We’ve already been over this, so I’m not repeating myself for a third time.

If you’re even on your main and need to buy a run through Sepulcher because, well, you’re a solo player, send me a message. I’ll discount you.

Hey, if players want to be lazy, who am I to tell them what to do with their gold?

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That’s fine. I’ll just continue assuming that you don’t actually raid.

Or maybe you are. Wouldn’t be surprised if you’re actually Snozh’s second account since he got chased off.

I mean you are paying for 2 subs or more. Probably a posting account?

No, I’m only playing for one sub. You two just assumed I had a main account.

That low of an achievement count? Highly doubt. And only 17 mounts?

Yeah, wonder where we could have possibly gotten that idea…

Because you both are incredibly shallow?

Or crazy idea here, Blizz could add a meaningful gear progression systems for all players, not just the top players. If it takes me twice or three times as long to reach a reasonable item level that allows me to feel like I’m making constant meaningful progression on my characters, I will be happy. If it cuts me off very quickly, such that I need to play an alt to get that feeling again for a brief time, only for it to fall flat again, I am eventually going to feel demotivated and reconsider my subscription.

Also, what would you consider a player who plays with one or two friends but only does open world and legacy content. On the note of legacy content, if Blizz hadn’t screwed up their scaling when they did the squishes, and I could still go solo Legion raids like I could pre-squish I would be fine with the gear I’m getting now.


You have been constantly insulting players who play solo. You dare call us shallow? The nerve.

And that’s fine, as long as it’s lower than group content.

You play solo in an MMO RPG and expect rewards from playing solo. Yea, that’s pretty shallow.