End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Maybe because most of them are wanting something for themselves, a lot even say they don’t care about what mythic raiders or group content runners get. In fact a common thing I have seen is “let the mythic/group content runners keep theirs, just give us something to improve ours”.

Yet what do ones like you do? come in, trying to use arguments like “it would insult us to see people with the same ilvl gear that did not do the same work as us”. You would rather force people to do group content then give them a way up solo, if this is your style, then if you complain about being forced/required to do solo content, don’t expect much sympathy.

Who said they wanted such, who said they would not take similar ilvl gear but itemized more for solo play? There are ways to give solo progression without affecting M+ runner and raiders.

What solo players want is either fun content or content that allows them to progress farther in their way. Blizzard is failing hard on the fun front, and ones like you make the progression front near impossible to get. If you don’t want people to complain about gear suggest content that might be fun for them, not the stuff you listed before, but say a special vault in Korthia that pits you against old expansion bosses scaled to current max level at least and maybe even scaling up in difficulty, rewards can be just cosmetics and achievements.


But effort can work both ways, no?

If I’m playing this game a lot and am grinding a ton, should I not be appropriately rewarded for that?

Skill is not the only effort that can be put into something.



Solo content will never be as difficult as group content. Period. You’re taking a legitimate complaint as ‘feelings’ while endorsing solo players because of their ‘feelings’.

I don’t expect sympathy from players who don’t know any better to begin with.

I wouldn’t say doing something that doesn’t actually require paying any attention to the game is a ton of effort but still, if you have 0 skill whatsoever and put some time in you eventually get normal raid gear. I think being able to grind normal raid gear is about right for how easy the grind itself is to do from a mechanical standpoint. The hardest bit about unlocking max upgrade world gear is dealing with the boredom.

You are rewarded for the difficulty of content you do.

If you grind rep, you get the rep rewards

If you grind mythic raid, you get the mythic raid rewards

if you do nothing but jerk off on the forums and sit in Oribos, Well you get the rewards for that too.

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Apparently that requires higher ilvl gear because of my feelings.

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Maybe this should change, then. It’s a pretty archaic concept in today’s age of game design.

I disagree. I think if I’m taking time out of my day to do something in this game, then I would argue that I’m putting forth effort.

Am I putting forth as much effort as a raider? No, which is why I offered the solution of being able to net better gear, but at a much slower pace than that of a raid in another thread.

A raider should be appropriately rewarded, but I think they should be appropriately rewarded in that they get the gear sooner rather than later. This seems like a fair trade, and is often how most games work now.

For someone who points out that people are complaining, you sure do spend a lot of time in these threads complaining about them.

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DANG. GET OVER IT! MMO does not equal group content. It simply means playing with others in a game. duh


Congrats. You made a forum post. Your iLvl 278 chest piece will be in your mail later this evening.

Keep making the false assumption that I asked for my gear to be handed to me. It will further drive home the point of you being at a complete disconnect with the discussion at hand.


No, I am endorsing the solo players, because anyone with a working brain would realize what solo players get has no affect on group players. It might be another story if solo players were like “give us mythic lvl gear so we can mock the elitists for theirs”.

Oh, and just to drive the point home:

In other words instead of complaining about solo players wanting gear, maybe see if they would take more interesting world mechanics or solo style instances that they can use the gear they get in.

Even Snozh gets that the content might not be fun or enjoyable for solo players, The gear argument can be sidelined for a bit, but maybe it is time to shift gears to arguing for content that is fun/enjoyable.


Maybe, I think it would have to be time gated kind of like how the raid quality badge gear in lich king was gated for nonraiders. There was a hard cap on how much valor you could get to buy the raid level gear if you weren’t getting it out of raids. It was never possible to fully catch raid gear with badge gear because of this, but it did let nonraiders get their hands on a couple pieces of really good gear each tier. The badge gear did act as a sort of bad luck protection for raiders too because it was good gear and you got badges from the raid so you could get a good piece for the slot, maybe not the literal best so long as you were raiding.


This would work for quite a few people, and could easily be what quite a few complainers would settle for, provided some did not raise a stink over how the “badges” were gained.


I would have been happy with torgast having a mode like visions that had a weekly drop chance at loot at competitive levels. Instead I feel forced to pug group content if I want to have any fun playing the classes at this game at a powerful level. And deal with group drama. That is stuff that makes me not want to keep playing.

Being forced to do group content feels bad to enjoy the game and feel powerful tbh.
I have seen many people rage quit or leave groups out of embarrasment, or get mistreated by other players. Those players probably don’t want to keep doing group content either. Everyone always tells you to avoid pugs and join guild groups or play with friends, when really I just want to enjoy the game by myself.

Group content can be fun but it shouldn’t be the only way in this game imo.

Like I wish I had reasons to do twisting corridors on alts. No real reason to do that after you did all 8 floors. No decent gold, more of a repair bill. No cosmetics. A weekly chance at loot would have been nice so I wouldn’t have to pug a mythic and deal with potential group drama.

I think alot of the classes are fun to play and specs are fun to try out. Just interacting with people sucks alot of the fun of playing those specs.


If they separated gear to be even further, like a Solo world content gear set, and a Raiding gearset and such. Raid gear would be trash in Solo world, and Solo gear would be trash in raid world, same thing with PvP, each one could have its own progression system not tied to the other systems.

Everyone can do what they like to do, everyone can progress, everyone wins.


Either of the above suggestions of Torghast having a gearing path or badge gear returning would have been great. Could even combine the two, have a badge gear system, and allow those badges or whatever currency they decide to come from multiple sources including group and solo content like Torghast, amount of currency you get depends on what layer you complete and over time players, regardless of play style could earn and upgrade their gear.


I would not really make such trash in other content, due to those that do multiple things, but I’d definitely make it so a full set of one might be needed for the hardest difficulty along that path.

Using Benthic gear as the example: I would have made it so the bonus from such was not active in the EP raid, thus it could still be used to meet ilvl or stat reqs to down the first few bosses, maybe even clear normal, but the raid gear would still be better due to itemization, higher ilvl , etc.

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If they wanted to completely shake up the solo experience, which I don’t think they should by the way because they would basically be building a new game that isn’t an mmo and then having them play it in an mmo for some reason, they could have some sort of mechanically rather challenging content on par with mage tower plus or minus that drops high ilvl gear and then rework how tiersets work to make the gear never BIS in other content. Each type of content would have a tier bonus and the bonus would extend to having full gear from that type of content. The bonuses would turn off in other content. The gear wouldn’t be useless because of the actual stats on it so it would be more than fine starter gear to get into a new type of content but pretty bad relative to max lvl full tier set for the other type of content.

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So like in a group - got it.


Nice twisting of words, maybe this would be more accurate:

It simply means playing in a world where you can see others, possibly to interact with in some fashion, Is one way of interaction grouping? yes, but there is also trade, aiding others in world content, but none of that is required.