End the war on solo gameplay in WoW

Maybe they just want an MMO TO BE AN MMO.

There are single player rpg games. There’s no need to cater to a market for which this game genre is not.

Cater to, perhaps not. Giving solo players some reasonable and fun content, yes, and if they continue not to do so, WoW will have significantly fewer long term players. Again.


But the world difficulty is static, why do you need to keep increasing the ilvl you get for world content to that of which is raid or M+ ilvl?

It’s no fun to play the game with no chance of ilvl increase,

You DID the ilvl increase. Congrats! You won the solo content!

Saying that there should be more to do COULD be an argument, if this was a solo game. Except its not, its a multiplayer one. So you have hit the wall.

Go play skyrim or something if you’re that against multiplayer

Because everyone, including solo players, want to gain power and feel more powerful.

How long would raiders or M+ players play if they never got more powerful?


Sure. But there’s no solo content that requires tier sets. Even content like the mage tower would have the bonuses removed.

I’m 1000% for content. But access to x ilvl gear or x system of gear just doesn’t matter when it comes to the difficulty that blizzard makes solo content.

If they make more solo content that’s difficult and REQUIRES power from ilvl or systems (like tier set bonuses), then I think you’d have a great argument. But as WoW stands now, it seems like asking for access to a race car engine when you’re traversing in a bike path.

The game needs better content (bike paths) for solo players, not access to big engines

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Hitting the wall is always the expectation of a solo player, but hitting the wall a few weeks into an expansion is the real issue here.

Remind me of Legion (I think it was legion) where the SECOND Alchemy quest was to go get corks from group content. That shut down the entire Alchemy profession for solo players, right out of the starting blocks.


You want equality? Take a Civics class.

Why insult people that actually play the content by giving out the same gear to those that don’t?

Thats why they do harder content?

If you only do +4s you get +4 equipment. Once your capped on that yeah, they stop doing 4s. Either by moving up in difficulty or they stop running dungeons. Thats up to the player. That doesnt make it a fault in the system.

Remind me of Legion (I think it was legion) where the SECOND Alchemy quest was to go get corks from group content. That shut down the entire Alchemy profession for solo players, right out of the starting blocks.

Imagine being asked to do multiplayer content in a multiplayer game.

All multiplayer content can be completed in Normal dungeon modes, or LFR raid modes. You do not need to increase the difficulty past the item level you get from standard solo equipment, and LFR/Normal dungeons is the bare minimum you are asked to do.

Why not? Seems to me, we would all want the game to be the best it can be, and although other types of players might not have much use for other players, they do add revenue to the game, and revenue funds new expansions.

If you want meaningful expansions, you would want to support every kind of player who plays this game.


I mean, looking over the patch overview/notes, it sounds like the gearing system for the outdoor world sounds pretty good. Unique effects on zone dropped gear, it upgrades all the way up to normal raid tier gear by levelling your cypher of the first ones, lots of outdoor content to interact with, new mode for torghast, the whole pet/mount crafting system…as a solo player this is just as exciting for me as 8.2


Because the only ones that would be insulted by such are those that look at what others have and judge them based on what they do instead of being happy they got the gear from the content they did…

A lot of the ones asking for gear paths/upgrades are asking for themselves.

For all the talk I have seen others about facts and the like, the insult argument sure seems more based on feelings, if you feel insulted just because someone was able to get gear almost equal to yours from lesser content, that is on you, more so if they just have the ilvl while you have the ilvl, tier bonuses, powerful trinkets, etc.


Raiders and M+ get capped out, so the cap for world content is that of 246 - 252, again why do you need to go higher for a much less reward vs gear for more difficult content?

Why wouldn’t someone, who spent the time to organize twenty people, learn boss mechanics, and get lucky enough to receive gear, be insulted by someone picking up the same peace of gear from a random chest in the middle of a zone?

They can’t handle the current gear progression.

Really, that’s a weird take, because all the solo player’s feel they need better gear for worse content. They feel that getting gear equal to their difficulty is inadequate… for some reason beyond science.

Just like I can feel insulted that they feel that they should get the same gear as me with 1/5 or 1/20 the effort.

Put it into words perfectly.

Because if the gear awarded from world content is heroic level or better I am required to do it.

I already have enough to do and being forced to boring world content isn’t enjoyable for me.

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Because there are those that realize different strokes for different folks. I mean I raid heroic, if I see someone with the same piece of gear from Mythic I don’t feel insulted, I know they did the work for it. If I see someone with a piece of Korthia gear of a higher level then I have in that slot, I figure they either got lucky or earned it another way (grind). Does it affect me? NO, does anyone getting gear from lesser content that is almost the same as yours affect you? If it does, you are a blind idiot. I mean don’t M+ and Raid gear still have bonuses? don’t they still have better itemization? don’t they still have text that states where it came from? That last one can still be a factor in determining goods from bads, Only like you could just as easily argue that unless you have “mythic” on your gear, you are a filthy solo player

Those that worry more about what others have/can get will never be happy, play to your own style and let others play to theirs. As long as you don’t group with them, which is very likely, what they have does not affect you.

This is one reason why so many are putting it behind a grind, by the time the max is available (due to time gating or something else) ones like you should be near, if not fully, heroic geared or better. If you are heroi geared or better, why would you be required to do it outside of things like gem slots and conduits?


If this is true, then why complain in the first place? Why are solo players exempt from this idiom, exactly?

If they can get 213 gear and farm Korthia for their kicks, why do they worry about M+ and Raid gear?

That’s why this argument makes no sense. You tell us that we shouldn’t be worried about solo players because we still get gear, but on the flipside, you tell us that solo players feel they need better gear to feel better, despite the 213 being good enough to farm Korthia?

Ugh. No wonder everyone likes FF14 and ESO if you can fail upwards.

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213 is good enough.

226 is better.


The world and gaming both work on the principle that a combination of skill and effort determines how good of a reward you get. I don’t quite get why some people think it is a good idea to ignore this principle other than because it benefits them. Things work better when there is a reason to put a lot of effort in.